I know. I have experienced it. But thanks, I did not experience it again now. Over the past few years, I have experienced the fierce inner battle. And I found that all thebattles that could leave me in a state hurt bruised and beaten all-out in mind like afistfight that left me in a state of hurt and hit it outwardly. It also can happen to you, ormaybe happening to you at this time.
In the past, when I was still active in the night, how berantakannya result of a fightscene that, even if I have a basic martial arts are pretty good. But no matter how severethe pain I felt, rest a few days would restore my situation.
But spiritual healing is not recovered so easily beaten. In fact, the passage of time oftenmake things worse. The reason is this: we often think of failure until it becomes morereal to us. Plus the negative thoughts and "voices that undermine 'the more quickly we are to' collapse '. We are more often focused on the failure until we froze in our path,because of fear to keep going. That will make us fail, fail and fail again!
But there is a way out. If the failure has made you upside the inner, then you have to do to get out of it is to shift your gaze from the past into your future. With an optimisticoutlook, that is definitely better tomorrow than today. And certainly, do not live like thisforever ...
At first it did not come easily to you. Your mind may have been trained for yearsto focus on the past. Like an old horse that used to go to the barn, your mind may startracing towards it every time you give him leeway.
So do not give leniency. Change your mind the past with hope about the future.Remove the shackles of the past that black darkness, full of injuries and failures, and ranto catch up with you. Glorious future is awaiting you. You will be a warrior conqueror, nota soldier who was injured. You'll be a winner, not a loser.
For that, beginning today, saying: "Farewell the past ..." For the past glum if not we leaveimmediately, it will break cerianya future. Hail Success!
At first it did not come easily to you. Your mind may have been trained for yearsto focus on the past. Like an old horse that used to go to the barn, your mind may startracing towards it every time you give him leeway.
So do not give leniency. Change your mind the past with hope about the future.Remove the shackles of the past that black darkness, full of injuries and failures, and ranto catch up with you. Glorious future is awaiting you. You will be a warrior conqueror, nota soldier who was injured. You'll be a winner, not a loser.
For that, beginning today, saying: "Farewell the past ..." For the past glum if not we leaveimmediately, it will break cerianya future. Hail Success!
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