Oscar Wilde was an Irish playwright, poet, writer, and wit who was an integral part of the fin de siècle group of artists who made up the Aesthetic movement of the late nineteenth century. As a young man, he attended Trinity College in Dublin, and then applied for, and won, a demyship at Magdalen College at Oxford University. There, he became a freemason, even though he was fascinated with
Top 9 World Famous Pits and Sinkholes
Nature never stops to amaze us with its magnificent phenomenon just like these inexplicable holes in the ground. I bet that these holes make an excellent tourist attraction. Check out these unreal photographs and location descriptions of 9 of world’s most famous pits and sinkholes.
1. Lisbon, Portugal, Sinkhole
A parked bus was the unfortunate “meal” of a sinkhole that opened up in the
1. Lisbon, Portugal, Sinkhole
A parked bus was the unfortunate “meal” of a sinkhole that opened up in the
Top 5 Natural Wonders of the World Which Will Disappear
Dark estimates ! According to some estimates, if global warming continues, the Great Barrier Reef will disappear by 2030, glaciers in the Swiss Alps and Mount Kilimanjaro will suffer the same fate in less than 40 years, and ice in the Arctic will North Pole leave “empty” and polar bears are threatened by extinction. Here are five natural wonders of the world are under threat of extinction and
Top 10 Secretly Badass Animals
In both nature and fiction you can usually spot who the biggest badass is by how huge they are, how many scars adorn their battle-fatigued bodies or how many females line up to tell them that they don’t have any plans tonight and are up for like, whatever. But that is not always the case. Just as fiction has brought us inconspicuously badass characters like Mr. Miyagi or River Tam, so did nature
Top 10 Mammals You Never Knew Existed
If you are an avid follower of It’s Nature then you might recognize some of these elusive mammals, however to the everyday public these animals are relatively unknown and are some of the most unique mammals in the natural world. It’s not uncommon to find a new species or sub species of animal, but mammals are one type of animal that don’t crop up very often when it comes to new species. Check out
Top 10 Most Incredible Snapshots of Sonic Booms
The sound is deafening. It hits your ears like a thunderclap or a shot. The noise fades and then everything is still as you look around to find the source. Suddenly you see something that shouldn't be there: the sight of a sonic boom. Here are 10 pictures of this amazing phenomenon captured on film.
10. Sonic Boom Cloud
In this image it looks frighteningly as if there is an explosion at
10. Sonic Boom Cloud
In this image it looks frighteningly as if there is an explosion at
Mystery of Qin Shi Huangdi’s Mausoleum
The Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huangdi
The tomb of Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of China is loaded with historical significances. This mausoleum, which is seen as the epitome of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi’s boundless power and prestige is located 30 km to the outside of X’ian in the Shensi province of China. Qin Shi Huangdi was the only ruler who single-handedly unified the seven warring clans of
Batakhaus salah satu Rumah Adat Batak di kota Hamburg - jerman
Rumah adat masyarakat Batak yang dibangun atas inisiatif pastor Matthaus pada tahun 1978 menjadi daya tarik wisata kota Weperloh, negara bagian Niedersachsen, Jerman Utara. Konsul Jenderal RI Hamburg Teuku Darmawan didampingi Ketua Masyarakat Nauli Indonesia (MNI) Hamburg Paris Rumahorbo mengadakan kunjungan ke Weperloh di negara bagian Niedersachsen, kota yang terkenal dengan adanya rumah adat Batak.
KJRI Hamburg dalam keterangan persnya, Kamis, menyebutkan, rumah adat Batak tersebut yang kini dijadikan museum merupakan kebanggaan kota Weperloh dan juga sebagai obyek wisata bagi masyarakat sekitar.
Dalam kunjungannya, Teuku Darmawan bersama Paris Rumahorbo mengadakan pertemuan dengan Wali Kota Weperloh (Burgermeister) Hermann Grotjohann, Wakil Wali Kota Sogel, Hans Nowak, dan pengurus perhimpunan rumah adat Batak.
Dalam pertemuan itu disepakati menggelar Festival Budaya Indonesia, termasuk budaya Batak, Sulawesi, Ambon, dan Bali yang mengambil tempat di sekitar rumah adat Batak, Agustus mendatang. Kedua pihak juga berharap hubungan antara masyarakat Indonesia Batak pada khususnya, dapat dilakukan dengan mengadakan festival budaya dan pertemuan-pertemuan tahunan.
Wali Kota Weperloh juga menawarkan kerja sama di bidang pendidikan, khususnya sekolah dasar dan menengah Weperloh dan Sogel dengan sekolah di Tanah Batak. Konsul Jenderal menyambut baik usul ini dan berjanji untuk menyampaikannya pada instansi terkait.
Konsul Jenderal RI akan mengupayakan sumbangan ornamen-ornamen budaya untuk menambah koleksi rumah adat Batak tersebut. Dengan adanya rumah adat Batak dan kecintaan terhadap budaya Indonesia, diharapkan makin banyak masyarakat Jerman Utara berkunjung ke Indonesia untuk berwisata.
Pada pertemuan itu juga disepakati untuk mendeklarasikan persahabatan masyarakat kota Weperloh-Sogel dengan MNI Hamburg guna meningkatkan kerja sama berkesinambungan antara wakil-wakil masyarakat Weperloh dan Sogel dalam festival budaya tersebut.
Sumber : ronema
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visitor blog yng tadinya sepi bisa membludak karena efek backlink dari trik ini,..
lalu bagaimanakah triknya??
Triknya cukup simple lho teman-teman,,
teman-teman hanya tinggal copy paste link yang berada di bawah ini,,
dengan syarat teman-teman harus menghapus link pada peringkat 1 dari daftar,,
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2. Sandi Go Blog
3. ilmu-komputer
4. Cerita massa lalu
5. Trik-Gue
6. Pabrik Info
7. Hidup adalah Perjuangan
8. Sang Pengejar Angin
9. Belajar All
10.Kumpulan Trik dan Info Menarik
Jika teman-teman mampu mengajak lima orang saja untuk mengcopy artikel di posting blog teman-teman,, maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah sebagai berikut:
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Dan nama dari alamat blog dapat dimasukan kata kunci yang teman-teman inginkan,
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Dari sisi SEO teman-teman sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink gratis! dan efek sampingnya adalah meningkatnya Trafik blog kita serta Meningkatnya Pagerank Blog kita!
jika pengunjung downline mengklik link teman-teman maka teman-teman juga mendapat traffik tambahan..
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lalu tunggu apa lagi?? kita semua pasti menginginkan Pagerank Blog kita naik kan?
oleh karena itu,, jangan ragu-ragu,...!
ayo repost Trik ini dan dapatkan Ribuan backlink dan Meingkatnnya Ranking Pagerank,,. :)
Top 10 Most Beautiful Snakes in the World
Snakes. The word makes some shudder and others cringe while yet others think in wonder of the huge world of reptiles and their marvels. Whether you hate them or love them, one thing cannot be denied, which is their beauty.
Honduran Milk Snake
Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis, is found in Honduras and Nicaragua. While at first glance not one of the most beautiful snakes, take a look at
Honduran Milk Snake
Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis, is found in Honduras and Nicaragua. While at first glance not one of the most beautiful snakes, take a look at
Top 10 Places You Should Never Pee
"There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.”
(Will Rogers)
Peeing is a common physiological necessity. We tend to pee to relieve ourselves even in odd places when forced to. However, there are some places where you should never ever attempt to pee. In this article, check out
(Will Rogers)
Peeing is a common physiological necessity. We tend to pee to relieve ourselves even in odd places when forced to. However, there are some places where you should never ever attempt to pee. In this article, check out
Tsaparang & Lost Kingdom of Tibet
Tsaparang, the ancient capital of the Guge kingdom holds a special significance for the lovers of history. Situated in the Garuda Valley of Western Tibet’s Ngari Province, this lost kingdom extended between modern Ladakh border and the upper Sutlej River. It lies approximately 26 kilometers west of the Thöling monastery, 278 kilometers west of Ali and in close proximity of the sacred
Sacsayhuamán, Sacred Valley
Sacsayhuamán, alternatively called Saksaq Waman, is an ancient Inca ruin at an altitude of 3,701 meters. It is a walled complex laden with mystery near the old city of Cusco, Peru. The immense fortress was built by huge stone blocks weighing upto 300 tons, but nobody knows how these stones were cut, moved and put into place. The construction method of the builders
Top 15 Most Spectacular Rock Climbs
Rock climbing has its perils but it can be endlessly thrilling at the same time as it takes you to the most awesome natural spots of the world. However, you normally do not undertake this adventure activity without taking some self-protective measures. One such extraordinary person to brave the towering elevations world over without taking any safety measures was the legendary sports practitioner
Alien Mummy discovered in Peru?
Behold a giant-headed alien mummy that turned up in Peru. Stare into the all-knowing eye sockets of an alien that somehow wound up on Earth many years ago, and was mummified by the locals. But what was is it doing here? Website RPP is claiming that Renato Davila Riquelme, an anthropologist working at the Privado Ritos Andinos museum in Cusco, has discovered remains of something that isn't
Gateway To Hell – Námaskarð, Iceland
Iceland is filled with geographical wonders that are immensely. The wide, open horizons of this indigenous land draw its visitors with a sense of unspoiled freedom. You feel an undying quest to explore the topographical diversity of Iceland the moment you set foot on its soil. Námaskarð pass situated in the north of Lake Myvatn is one of the many such wonders you must visit.
Top 10 Amazing Mud Brick Buildings
Mud, considered a nuisance in many areas of the world, has been considered to be a chief building material in other areas of the globe. Clay soil is found in abundance on this planet, providing its inhabitants with sturdy homes. The remarkable thing about mud brick structures is their durability, with some mud buildings lasting for a thousand years.
10. Taos Pueblo
Taos Pueblo is an ancient
10. Taos Pueblo
Taos Pueblo is an ancient
Top 6 Ancient Things That Were Probably Built By Aliens
Okay, I'm going to straight up tell you I might be lying with the title of this daily list. Because these structures (all real) that I'm going to list may have been built by aliens but they may also have been built by ancient peoples with technologies that were influenced by aliens, mostly because we can't figure out how they did it. At all.
This is admittedly a subtle distinction, but either
This is admittedly a subtle distinction, but either
10 Deadliest Insects
Though not necessarily the most prolifically deadly animal on earth, insects certainly hold their fair share of the unfortunate demises. Throughout history, the insect has played a major roll in many different actions and reactions ranging from writings in the Bible to golden statues in Egyptian Tombs.
1. Anopheles Mosquito
Anopheles is a genus of mosquito. There are approximately 460
1. Anopheles Mosquito
Anopheles is a genus of mosquito. There are approximately 460
Top 25 Most Dangerous Animals In The World
Sometimes distinguishing between furry cuteness and pure destruction is not an easy task. In fact, many of the animals kingdom’s cutest critters also happen to be its most prolific killers. You think that cute little puffer fish is adorable? Will you hold your breath as you reach to pet it? The answer is yes. Forever. So keep that in mind as you read through our list of the worlds most dangerous
Top 10 Most Impressive Ancient Inca Ruins
The Inca civilization arose from the highlands of Peru in the early 13th century. Starting from 1438, they began conquering lands surrounding the Inca heartland of Cuzco, creating the largest empire in pre-Columbian America. The coming of the Spanish conquistadors in 1532 marked an end to the short-lived Inca Empire. What remains of their civilization is limited as the conquistadors plundered
Top 10 Most Beautiful Butterflies
Butterflies are some of the most gentle creatures known to us. They have been part of many cultures, both past and present. Much like the ancient cultures of Mexico and Egypt, we still see the butterfly used in art, as symbolism, and as inspiration for the creation of technology or architecture. We see them in modern entertainment being turned into fairies, who have wings with a striking
Top 9 Deadly Snakes
Mark Laita is an advertising and fine art photographer based in Los Angeles. This work is from his project, Serpentine, of which he writes:
‘The sensual attractiveness of snakes, which coexists with their threatening, unpredictable and mysterious nature is truly unique. This dichotomy, in which their beauty seems to be heightened by their danger, and vice-versa, is what I find so fascinating.
‘The sensual attractiveness of snakes, which coexists with their threatening, unpredictable and mysterious nature is truly unique. This dichotomy, in which their beauty seems to be heightened by their danger, and vice-versa, is what I find so fascinating.
Top 10 beautiful Yet Toxic Caterpillars
Caterpillars come in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes. Their beauty can often be deceiving since their hairs often contain venom which can be poisonous to humans and predators. Toxic caterpillars can be found in many places including backyard gardens, parks and fields. The following list describes 10 of the most beautiful, yet dangerously toxic caterpillars in the world.
1. The
1. The
10 Mysteries of Outer Space
Since the beginning of life, man has looked to the stars with a sense of wonder. Between then and now, many advances have been made in the fields of astronomy, mathematics, and physics in an attempt to explain the things we see above, yet the more we believe we understand, the less we really seem to know. In something as big as the universe, there are bound to be unexplainable phenomena, and
10 Recent Geological Discoveries
Geology comprises the study of the solid Earth and the process by which it evolves. Geologists help provide primary evidence for plate tectonics and the history of life on Earth. In modern times, geology is used for mineral and hydrocarbon exploration and for evaluating water resources. The discipline helps scientists understand natural hazards and recurring environmental problems.
The age of
The age of
Top 10 Banned Books
we've collected our ten favourite books, that have been hauled off the shelves in favour of something more wholesome.
1. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932)
The gist: Written in 1931 and published a year later, Huxley's parody of H. G. Wells’ utopian future in his novel, Men Like Gods isn't wholly dissimilar to George Orwell’s 1984. Addressing the period's core theme of industrialisation
1. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932)
The gist: Written in 1931 and published a year later, Huxley's parody of H. G. Wells’ utopian future in his novel, Men Like Gods isn't wholly dissimilar to George Orwell’s 1984. Addressing the period's core theme of industrialisation
Top 10 Largest Castles in the World
Finding the largest castle in the world is not as straightforward as it might sound. First, although commonly defined as “a defensive structure built as a residence for a ruler or nobleman” it isn’t always clear what a castle really is. Most people would agree that the Moscow Kremlin is not a castle but how about the fortresses in India and Japan?
Second, what should be used as a measure of
Second, what should be used as a measure of
Top 10 World's MOST Streets
World's Widest Street (9 de Julio – Buenos Aires, Argentina)
July 9, 1816. Argentina's birthday. On this momentous day, Argentina gained its independence, and in commemoration of this big event the Argentines named this main street in downtown Buenos Aires, 9 de Julio. But this is not just any street. You have to see it to believe it. Nine lanes wide, with gardened medians between the opposing
July 9, 1816. Argentina's birthday. On this momentous day, Argentina gained its independence, and in commemoration of this big event the Argentines named this main street in downtown Buenos Aires, 9 de Julio. But this is not just any street. You have to see it to believe it. Nine lanes wide, with gardened medians between the opposing
10 Natural Plants That Can Get You High
The majority of us think that Cannabis is the only natural growing plant that people use around the world to get high. Most people don’t realize other plants can have the same effects when consumed. Here’s our list of 10 naturally cultivated plants that can get you high.
Note: We suggest you take our word for it! Experimenting with the below plants is not recommended.
1) Salvia divinorum
Note: We suggest you take our word for it! Experimenting with the below plants is not recommended.
1) Salvia divinorum
Top 8 Awesome Octopuses
Like all cephalopods, octopuses (and yes, that is the correct pluralization of the word) are amazing and fascinating creatures. They are among the most intelligent invertebrates (if not the THE most intelligent), and experiments have shown that they have both short-term and long-term memory and can solve puzzles and mazes. The complex octopus nervous system also accounts for their lightning-fast
Strange Creatures
The axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, is a neotenic salamander, closely related to the Tiger Salamander. Larvae of this species fail to undergo metamorphosis, so the adults remain aquatic and gilled. It is also called ajolote (which is also a common name for different types of salamander). The species originates from numerous lakes, such as Lake Xochimilco underlying Mexico City. Axolotls
The axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, is a neotenic salamander, closely related to the Tiger Salamander. Larvae of this species fail to undergo metamorphosis, so the adults remain aquatic and gilled. It is also called ajolote (which is also a common name for different types of salamander). The species originates from numerous lakes, such as Lake Xochimilco underlying Mexico City. Axolotls
Top Six Amazing Oceanic Creatures
The depths of the ocean are jam-packed with weird and wonderful creatures, great, small, hairy, ugly, colorful and alike. We were hard-pressed to pick just six, but here are some of the most amazing, and lesser known, creatures of the seas:
The Axolotl is a species of salamander that fails to undergo full metamorphosis, retaining qualities from the larvae stage into their adult
The Axolotl is a species of salamander that fails to undergo full metamorphosis, retaining qualities from the larvae stage into their adult
Top 5 Bizarre Killing Sprees That Never Solved
When you think about unsolved murder sprees, it’s usually cases like Jack the Ripper or The Zodiac Killer—the ones with movies and dozens of books about them. But they’re not the only ones. They’re not even the weirdest ones. Here are five bizarre killing sprees that never got solved…
The Chicago Tylenol Murders
In the fall of 1982, people with headaches and menstrual cramps all over Chicago
The Chicago Tylenol Murders
In the fall of 1982, people with headaches and menstrual cramps all over Chicago
Little Magneto, Ivan Stoiljkovic
Ivan Stoiljkovic lives in a village near Koprivnica, a city in northern Croatia. He is a 6 years old boy with special powers he has got a magnetic body which can attract any metallic objects such as mobile phone, pins, spoons and even frying pans. Any metallic object will stick to his body which behaves just like a magnet.
According to his parents Ivan can carry up to 25 kg of metal stuck on
According to his parents Ivan can carry up to 25 kg of metal stuck on
Top 5 incredible places and why you’ll never go there
Our planet has some truly beautiful, truly amazing places that one simply must see in one's lifetime. There are places that offer a visual treat, some that enrich the mind with cultural extravaganza while others that provide diverse attractions ranging from amazing flora and fauna to enticing nightlife.
At the other end of the spectrum, there are places that you would never want to put your
At the other end of the spectrum, there are places that you would never want to put your
Top 10 Notorious Suicide Cults in History
Halloween is on its way and feeble horror tales are being dished out left, right and center. The following true stories, however, are not only filled with death and gore; they actually happened. Though often brutal and nonsensical, ritual suicide is real and has occurred throughout history. The motives behind mass suicide are varied. In ancient times and during the Dark Ages it was common for
Top 14 Finalis The New Seven Wonders of Nature
Among the many wonders of nature on the entire planet, only seven will be chosen for the next WONDERS OF NATURE. There are currently 28 finalists coming from different parts of the planet. Apart from ongoing voting on new7wonders, a panel has been formed to determine the next seven wonders of the natural world.
Here are the Top 14 finalists (in alphabetical order):
1. Amazon
The Amazon
Here are the Top 14 finalists (in alphabetical order):
1. Amazon
The Amazon
Top 8 Oddest Destinations in the World
In the world, there are a lot of strange things which people have never known before. Of them are the places which are considered to be the weirdest ones around the globe because of their unique features such as natural beauty, inexplicable phenomena, vast areas, and so on. Let's take a tour around these places as follows:
Hell's Gate in Turkmenistan
Isolated in the middle of the Kara-Kum Desert
Hell's Gate in Turkmenistan
Isolated in the middle of the Kara-Kum Desert
Top 10 Biggest Things in Universe
Do you think the pyramids are big? How about the Burj Dubai? Both of those are nothing compared to Mt. Everest. All of those things are huge when you look at them from a human or ‘earthly’ perspective. But they are microscopic when compared to some of the things that exist in our universe. Let’s explore them.
10) Largest Asteroid
Ceres is the largest asteroid we know of. It is almost 600 miles
10) Largest Asteroid
Ceres is the largest asteroid we know of. It is almost 600 miles
Top 10 Deadliest Plants
Many plants use highly poisonous toxins for self defense and others are even carnivorous (meat eating). The extreme diversity of plant life on earth gives us a wide range of interesting – and deadly – plants. Since some plants are more deadlier than others, we’re going to explore the top ten. Pay close attention though, some of these could be taking up residence in your backyard right this minute
Top 10 Facts about Friday
Congratulations to all the successful completion of the work week, and wishing to different outputs, to share with you another set of facts. At this time – on Friday …
1. In the U.S. they say about Friday «TGIF» – of «Thank God It’s Friday» («Thank you, Lord, today is Friday!”) Or another version of «Take Good In Fridays» («Happy holidays”)
2. On ancient legends Wednesday and Friday – two
1. In the U.S. they say about Friday «TGIF» – of «Thank God It’s Friday» («Thank you, Lord, today is Friday!”) Or another version of «Take Good In Fridays» («Happy holidays”)
2. On ancient legends Wednesday and Friday – two
Top 10 Fascinating Cloud Formations
What is the sky without little fluffy clouds? Boring if you ask me. A cloudless plain sky is like a garden without flowers. Clouds can generally be classified by appearance – cumulus (heap), stratus (layer), cirrus (curl), nimbus (rain) – or by height of cloud base – high level, mid level, low level clouds and clouds with vertical development. I’ve gathered in this Top 10 list some of the
Top 10 most amazing unexplained artifacts
Every once in a while archaeologists (and sometimes regular Joes) make some remarkable discoveries. Stunned, they are often unable to explain what it is they’ve found, how it came into existence, or ascertain its value. This is a comprehensive list of such artifacts; artifacts that many believe should have never existed given the discerned age/period of their creation.
The London hammer – a tool
The London hammer – a tool
Top 10 Creatures of Cryptozoology
Cryptozoology is the study of animals that are rumored to exist. Such creatures are called "cryptids." Some, like the gorilla, giant squid and okapi, are no longer hearsay and legend but real creatures recognized by science. Others, like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster, continue to tempt the hopeful and the adventurous with the possibility of their existence.
Top 10 Large Invertebrates
Coming from a country where the worst creature I have to face is an earwig (why must they live in the vegetable patch!?), whenever I go abroad I am always startled by insects, bugs and all manner of other invertebrates that the world has to offer. Coming from Britain I instinctively think of invertebrates as small and innocuous, but the more you study biology, the more this is proved to be false.
Top 10 More Ancient Alien Mysteries
According to many archaeologists, ancient astronaut theorists and main stream scientists, Earth was visited in the past by extra terrestrials with superior knowledge, forever changing the course of human history. What if it were all true? Many questions, theories and research has been brought up about this topic. As the awareness and curiosity of many individuals began to grow, a lot more
Top 5 greatest treasure troves ever hidden
Have you ever gone into the countryside with a metal detector, hoping to unearth a Saxon gold ring or a hoard of ancient coinage? Treasure seeking is as normal to humanity as taking a breath, but more often than not leads to frustration, because all you find are old nails or worthless lumps of tat. How would it be, do you suppose, to find something so valuable that it set you up for life?
Top 20 Amazing Microscope Shots Pictures
These pictures are taken from the book ‘ Microcosmos‘, created by Brandon Brill . This book includes many scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of insects, human body parts and household items.
These are the most amazing images of what is too small to see with the naked eye.
01 – A wood or heathland Ant, Formica fusca, holding a microchip
02 – The surface of an Erasable Programmable
These are the most amazing images of what is too small to see with the naked eye.
01 – A wood or heathland Ant, Formica fusca, holding a microchip
02 – The surface of an Erasable Programmable
Top 10 of the Most Gorgeous Vintage Cars
You’ve heard the saying, and probably even said it yourself — “They sure don’t make ‘em like they used to!” That saying is likely never truer than with good old fashioned automobiles. Car aficionados the world over take great pleasure in finding, collecting, and restoring the classics.
Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and look at some of the finest classic automobiles of all time!
Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and look at some of the finest classic automobiles of all time!
Breathtaking Views of Earth
We envy the International Space Station astronauts with their window on the world offering breathtaking views of the Earth and of the universe as a whole. Outer space may become the next frontier for vacations. If that becomes a reality, and we can book a space hotel with an eye in the sky overlooking Earth . . . wow, talk about a room with a view! Who would not want to go? We love to stargaze
10 Fascinating Cave Dwellings
Cave dwellings have been found in many regions of the world. These caves served as dwellings and as places of worship and were usually combined with surface structures. After the cave cities ceased to be inhabited, the surface structures fell into ruin and only the caves remained. Not all cave dwellings have been deserted however. In certain areas of northern China cave dwellings are still common
Amazing photographs of Mars
Mars is the fourth planet from our Sun in the Solar System. Out of the various planets and moons in our Solar System, Mars perhaps bears the most similarity to Earth, featuring an atmosphere, polar ice caps, and remnants of tectonic activity on the planet’s surface. Mars has fascinated both astronomers and the general public for years, and has been the subject of countless movies and fiction
14 World Famous Domes
A dome is a hemispherical structure usually forming a ceiling or roof. Dome structures made of various materials have been used throughout history by several different civilizations. In the ancient Near East domes were made as tombs of solid mounds. The Inuit in the Arctic created their igloos from blocks of compacted snow, generally in the form of a dome.
Domes became technically significant
Domes became technically significant
Top 10 Incredible City Cliffs around the World
There are some amazing feats of architecture in our world – not just single beautiful buildings, but entire towns built on the tops of towering cliffs or carved into the sides of mountains. The first glimpse of towns like this can take your breath away. You could get that same thrill when looking out from one of these towns to the ocean or the earth far below. Here are some perfect examples of
Top 10 Fascinating Cave Dwellings in the World
Cave dwellings have been found in many regions of the world. These caves served as dwellings and as places of worship and were usually combined with surface structures. After the cave cities ceased to be inhabited, the surface structures fell into ruin and only the caves remained. Not all cave dwellings have been deserted however. In certain areas of northern China cave dwellings are still common
Top 12 Impressive Walled Cities in the World
Throughout history city walls were made as protection from the enemy. From very early history to modern times, they have been a near necessity for almost every city. The walled cities could only be entered through city gates which were often closed after a certain curfew each night. Today well preserved walls bring tourist from the whole world to wonder around these medieval walled cities.
Top 10 World Famous Walls
Walls have been built since ancient times, to mark borders, to keep enemies out or to keep people in. In more recent times walls have also been built to serve as memorials and structures of art. But no matter what purpose they surve, walls dominate the landscape wherever they stand.
10. Wall of Ston
The Walls of Ston are a series of defensive stone walls situated on the peninsula Peljesac in
10. Wall of Ston
The Walls of Ston are a series of defensive stone walls situated on the peninsula Peljesac in
Top 10 Most Famous Streets in the World
Although most cities have thousands of streets, one or two streets always become to be better known than any other. Whether it’s because of their shopping opportunities, center of nightlife, entertainment hub or their place in history, it’s the streets that travelers always visit. These famous streets, famous boulevards, famous avenues and famous roads gets their picture snapped most often and
Kebakaran di Gereja HKBP pangururan
Tidak terlalu lama kebahagian di gereja HKBP hilang setelah kejadian yang sangat menyedihkan yang terjadi di Gereja HKBP bolon kabupaten samosir, kecamatan pangururan, tepatnya di simpang 4 kota pangururan,.. kebakaran terjadi kira-kira pukul 10 pagi ,kamis 29 september 2011, berdasarkan informasi api berasal dari bagian belakang dari gereja, atau sering di sebut tempat Parhobasan, api disinyalir timbul akibat hubungan pendek arus listrik yang menimbulakan percikan api, api sangat cebat membesar akibat angin yang sangat kencang.
berikut ini adalah video dari Kebakaran Gereja HKBP bolon di simpang empat pangururan
Klik disini untuk melihat videonya
berikut ini adalah video dari Kebakaran Gereja HKBP bolon di simpang empat pangururan
Klik disini untuk melihat videonya
Love of Mother Lion
Wildlife photographer captures lion rescuing helpless cub from falling to its death
Other members of the pride attempt to rescue the cub but stop trying when they realize it is too steep.
Just as the exhausted cub seems about to fall, his mother circles beneath him and he is snatched up in her jaws, according to the Daily Mail. She then begins the difficult journey back to the
Other members of the pride attempt to rescue the cub but stop trying when they realize it is too steep.
Just as the exhausted cub seems about to fall, his mother circles beneath him and he is snatched up in her jaws, according to the Daily Mail. She then begins the difficult journey back to the
10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Stealth Bomber
Northrop Grumman’s B-2 Spirit, more affectionately known as the Stealth Bomber, is one sexy, sneaky and sophisticated piece of technology. More an alien spaceship than US Aircraft, the Stealth Bomber’s iconic design is instantly recognizable… unless of course it’s on a stealth mission. Below are ten things you might not have known about the world’s most expensive boomerang.
The B-
The B-
Largest Cruise Ship In The World
She’s the newest addition to the Royal Caribbean fleet and the world’s largest cruise ship. With 2,700 rooms spanning 16 decks, the Allure of the Seas is like a miniature city, travelling from Fort Lauderdale to the Carribbean at a comfortable 22 knots. Oh and there’s a Starbucks on board…
Below you will find a collection of images and jaw-dropping statistics in an attempt to put this behemoth
Below you will find a collection of images and jaw-dropping statistics in an attempt to put this behemoth
10 Amazing Facts About Jupiter
The universe is a huge and mysterious place with numerous galaxies and stars. In our Solar System, we have eight planets which orbit our sun. They are named Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Our planets are very different from each other and are unique in their own special way. Jupiter, in particular, is an incredible planet with many astonishing facts. Here’s my
Top 10 Misunderstood Creatures
Many animals unfortunately suffer from a rather negative image in human culture, regarded by us as frightening, disgusting or just plain lowly. Nature, however, has no “vermin” or “pests” – all things have their place in the natural order of things, and in most cases, the benefits of an organism far outweigh its (accidental) inconveniences. Even animals many of us find “ugly” are only
History's Most Overlooked Mysteries
Disappearance of the Indus Valley Civilization
With a culture that stretched from western India to Afghanistan and a population numbering over five million, the ancient Indus Valley people—India's oldest known civilization—were an impressive and apparently sanitary bronze-age bunch. The scale of their baffling and abrupt collapse rivals that of the great Mayan decline. But it wasn't
With a culture that stretched from western India to Afghanistan and a population numbering over five million, the ancient Indus Valley people—India's oldest known civilization—were an impressive and apparently sanitary bronze-age bunch. The scale of their baffling and abrupt collapse rivals that of the great Mayan decline. But it wasn't
Frogs Are Awesome
To deny the awesomeness of frogs would be foolish. They are colourful, they are diverse, and if they were the size of humans, they could leap over buildings! Below you will find 10 facts and 25 pictures about our amphibious friends, the mighty Frog! All hail!
The distribution of frogs ranges from tropic to subarctic regions, but most species are found in
The distribution of frogs ranges from tropic to subarctic regions, but most species are found in
Mysterious Plain of Jars
Often referred to as “an Asian version of Stonehenge”, the Plain of Jars is one of the most enigmatic sights on Earth. Shrouded in mystery and myth, this ancient place has fascinated archeologists and scientists ever since its discovery.
Thousands of giant stone jars scattered around the Xieng Khouang plain, in Laos form one of the most bizarre archeological collections in history.
Thousands of giant stone jars scattered around the Xieng Khouang plain, in Laos form one of the most bizarre archeological collections in history.
Top 16 U.S. Air Force Bases and Naval Stations From Above
Below you will find 16 impressive US Air Force Bases viewed from above
Langley Air Force Base
Pictured above is the United States Air Force’s Langley Air Force Base located in Hampton, Virginia. The Air Force mission at Langley is to sustain the ability for fast global deployment and air superiority for the United States or allied armed forces.
The base is one of the
Langley Air Force Base
Pictured above is the United States Air Force’s Langley Air Force Base located in Hampton, Virginia. The Air Force mission at Langley is to sustain the ability for fast global deployment and air superiority for the United States or allied armed forces.
The base is one of the
12 bizarre places that are stranger than science fiction
Science fiction is home to some fantastic societies, from Cloud City to Bartertown. But you doesn't have to leave reality for this—our own world has places so abnormal, they make alien societies seem ordinary.
Here are 12 remarkable locations in which people once lived (and some still do).
1. Izu Islands
Off the coast of Japan lies a series of volcanic islands. Due to the air being full of
Here are 12 remarkable locations in which people once lived (and some still do).
1. Izu Islands
Off the coast of Japan lies a series of volcanic islands. Due to the air being full of
Amazing Pyramids in the World
ancient civilizations all around the world built step pyramids. After the ancient Egyptians constructed the step pyramid of Djoser however they soon changed their design into the straight-sided true pyramid. The design of the true pyramid was used around 2600 BC and continued to be the favored form for royal burial until 1550 BC when the Egyptian stopped building pyramids entirely. Later
Most Colorfull Lizards
For some, the words 'colorful' and 'lizards' might not immediately go together, but there are hundreds if not thousands of lizards that are incredibly rich in color – and beautiful to boot! Join us as we take a look at twenty of the best!
"Elo Handsome" is the title given to this pic of a gorgeous green gecko with a red stripe along its face. What brilliant colors!
"Elo Handsome" is the title given to this pic of a gorgeous green gecko with a red stripe along its face. What brilliant colors!
Top 10 Sci-Fi Movie Posters
From King Kong to Star Wars, Forbidden Planet to Blade Runner, feast your eyes on the 10 greatest Sci-Fi movie posters ever…
1. Star Wars
Year: 1977
Director: George Lucas
Cast: Harrison Ford, Mark Hammill, Carrie Fisher
Poster Artist: The Brothers Hildebrandt
The Star Wars franchise has given us an assortment of poster delights and they have, to varying degrees of success, been parodied,
1. Star Wars
Year: 1977
Director: George Lucas
Cast: Harrison Ford, Mark Hammill, Carrie Fisher
Poster Artist: The Brothers Hildebrandt
The Star Wars franchise has given us an assortment of poster delights and they have, to varying degrees of success, been parodied,
Train, Bridge and Fire
The Good News:
It was a normal day in Sharon Springs, KS when a Union Pacific crew boarded a loaded coal train to head on the long trek back to Salina.
The Bad News:
Just a few miles into the trip a wheel bearing becomes overheated and melts off letting the truck support drop down and grind on top of the rail creating white hot molten metal droppings to spew downward on the rail.
The Good
It was a normal day in Sharon Springs, KS when a Union Pacific crew boarded a loaded coal train to head on the long trek back to Salina.
The Bad News:
Just a few miles into the trip a wheel bearing becomes overheated and melts off letting the truck support drop down and grind on top of the rail creating white hot molten metal droppings to spew downward on the rail.
The Good
Tugboat Pass Below the Bridge
Do not try this at home. Remember, this is a professional captain.
The towboat is approaching the bridge with barges loaded with coal.
This frame gives you an idea of how fast the river is running. Obviously at or near flood stage...
Oh CRAP!!! The bridge didn't open and the boat can't stop. Notice that the tug has released the barges.
He is backing as hard as possible to try and
The towboat is approaching the bridge with barges loaded with coal.
This frame gives you an idea of how fast the river is running. Obviously at or near flood stage...
Oh CRAP!!! The bridge didn't open and the boat can't stop. Notice that the tug has released the barges.
He is backing as hard as possible to try and
15 Amazing Castles from Around the World
Although designed and built for the prominent purpose of defense, today the castles seem like somewhat unrealistic constructions straight from the fairytale world. From solid strongholds to oriental fortresses and highly decorative palaces, the castles are our connection to the past, where legends mix with history and reality blends with a fairyland.
1. Hohenzollern Castle. Germany.
1. Hohenzollern Castle. Germany.
Fascinating Geological Wonders On Earth
This planet we live on offers us beauty beyond words. Every country has its own special region that takes your breath away with the magnificence of it. Here we can see some places that are a geological wonder that you may know about already, or maybe not?
Antelope Canyon, Arizona, USA
Antelope Canyon is one of the world's most beautiful canyons. Called Tse bighanilini in Navaho, which means "
Antelope Canyon, Arizona, USA
Antelope Canyon is one of the world's most beautiful canyons. Called Tse bighanilini in Navaho, which means "
Top 10 Weird Lizards
The top 10 lizards brought to you buy a guy who knows about all sorts of things – creepy, crawly, and otherwise.
10. Phrynocephalus
Also called the Toadhead Agama, these small desert-dwelling lizards exhibit several odd behaviors. They communicate to one another by curling and uncurling their tails, vibrate their bodies to bury themselves quickly in sand and will frighten away predators with
10. Phrynocephalus
Also called the Toadhead Agama, these small desert-dwelling lizards exhibit several odd behaviors. They communicate to one another by curling and uncurling their tails, vibrate their bodies to bury themselves quickly in sand and will frighten away predators with
10 Bizarre Restaurants to Eat in Before you Die
Whether it’s sipping lattes in a treehouse or devouring seafood at the bottom of the ocean, dining at these bizarre restaurants deserves a spot on your “Things to do before I die” list.
If you’ve got a penchant for eating in eye-popping circumstances, keep an eye out for these restos on your travels…
1. Ithaa Restaurant, Indian Ocean
No, it’s not a typo, the Ithaa (translation: pearl) is
If you’ve got a penchant for eating in eye-popping circumstances, keep an eye out for these restos on your travels…
1. Ithaa Restaurant, Indian Ocean
No, it’s not a typo, the Ithaa (translation: pearl) is
Ten Largest Monoliths in the World
What exactly is a monolith? Anyone who has seen the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey will probably have the image of an advanced machine built by aliens to encourage humankind to progress with technological development. Actually, the word monolith comes from the Greek word “monolithos”, derived from mono (“one” or “single”) and lithos (“stone”). In the context of this top 10 list it refers to a
Top 10 Tacky Wealth Flaunts
Many of us poor people have inevitably been within hearing range of someone who says “If I was really rich, I would ________.” Often it’s something intentionally wasteful or indulgent. Well, here are some rich people doing things that really will put whatever that wishful person could come up with to shame.
10. Bono Gets His Hat
If you’ve ever felt the sting of last minute Christmas
10. Bono Gets His Hat
If you’ve ever felt the sting of last minute Christmas
10 Famous Statue in the World
Statues have been created by man since the prehistory for all kinds of reasons and in all sizes. One of the first statues, a 29.6 cm (11.7 inches) high sculpture called the Lion Man, was created almost 32,000 years ago. The original Seven Wonders of the World included two statues: The Colossus of Rhodes and the Statue of Zeus at Olympia. Today, statues have been erected all over the world
10 Largest Malls in the World
Large shopping malls provide a one-stop shopping for anything imaginable. Our list of largest malls in the world is based on the amount of “Gross Leasable Area”. This is the number of square feet the property has for revenue-generating activities like retail, dining and amusements. The building boom in Asia, where land is cheap and labor costs are low has produced the largest shopping malls.
10 Ancient Egyptian Temples
The earliest Egyptian temples were built around the middle of the 4th millennium BC in the shape of reed huts. The last construction on an Egyptian temple was at Philae which ceased to be used in the 6th century AD. So not surprisingly, this list of ancient Egyptian Temples covers a huge variety of different structures that evolved over an enormous period of time.
Medinet Habu
Located on
Medinet Habu
Located on
Top 10 Rare Animals
There are many beautiful animals on this great planet. Some are familiar to us because we’ve seen them in person, on one of the many television shows devoted to animals, or in school books or biology textbooks. Other animals are rare. So rare, in fact, that you may have never heard of them. Or, you may have heard of them, and know that they are extremely rare because they are critically
10 Most Amazing Animal Moms
1. Sea louse
On the top of the list of 10 most amazing Animal Moms you probably expected to see the most devoted mom who takes care of her babies, protecting them against predators and teaching them the main lessons about surviving in the cruel world. Well, not this time! The reasons the sea louse mom deserves No. 1 on our list are totally different. This lady not only has to deal with male
On the top of the list of 10 most amazing Animal Moms you probably expected to see the most devoted mom who takes care of her babies, protecting them against predators and teaching them the main lessons about surviving in the cruel world. Well, not this time! The reasons the sea louse mom deserves No. 1 on our list are totally different. This lady not only has to deal with male
10 Rare and Important Archeological Finds
In archaeology, an artifact is an object recovered which may provide cultural interest and help in the understanding of human history. In the last 100 years, a large collection of important archeological discoveries have been made. Some of these artifacts have helped people understand the origins of life on Earth, while others have presented problems for scientists. An out-of-place artifact is
Eleven Famous Trees in the World
General Sherman
General Sherman is a Giant Sequoia located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in California. The famous trees of the Giant Forest are among the largest trees in the world. In fact, if measured by volume, five of the ten largest trees on the planet are located within this forest. At 11.1 meter (36.5 ft) along the base he General Sherman tree is the largest of them all.
General Sherman is a Giant Sequoia located in the Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in California. The famous trees of the Giant Forest are among the largest trees in the world. In fact, if measured by volume, five of the ten largest trees on the planet are located within this forest. At 11.1 meter (36.5 ft) along the base he General Sherman tree is the largest of them all.
11 cheap gifts guaranteed to impress science geeks
Science comes up with a lot of awesome stuff, and you don't need a Ph.D, a secret lab, or government funding to get your hands on some of the coolest discoveries. We've got a list of 11 mostly affordable gifts that are guaranteed to blow your mind, whether or not you're a science geek.
1. Aerogel
Also known as frozen smoke, Aerogel is the world's lowest density solid,
1. Aerogel
Also known as frozen smoke, Aerogel is the world's lowest density solid,
Top 10 Civilizations That Mysteriously Disappeared
Throughout our history, most civilizations have either met a slow demise or were wiped out by natural disasters or invasion. But there are a few societies whose disappearance has scholars truly stumped:
10. The Olmec
One of the first Mesoamerican societies, the Olmec inhabited the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico. The first signs of the Olmec are around 1400 BC in the city of San
10. The Olmec
One of the first Mesoamerican societies, the Olmec inhabited the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico. The first signs of the Olmec are around 1400 BC in the city of San
Deadliest Islands in the World
7. Gruinard Island
In the Second World War, the British government decided to test anthrax as a bioweapon and compulsorily purchased Gruinard Island from its owners for use as a testing site. The island, part of Scotland, remained contaminated with anthrax for decades – at least until 1986, when 280 tonnes of formaldehyde were sprayed on the island to kill the spores.
In the Second World War, the British government decided to test anthrax as a bioweapon and compulsorily purchased Gruinard Island from its owners for use as a testing site. The island, part of Scotland, remained contaminated with anthrax for decades – at least until 1986, when 280 tonnes of formaldehyde were sprayed on the island to kill the spores.
The 3,000-Year-Old Plant that Looks Like an Alien Life Form
Crawling its way along barren rocks and cliffs where nothing should be growing, Yareta could be mistaken for an alien life form or a primordial green ooze. Actually, it is a flowering plant that grows up in the high altitudes of Peru, Chile and Bolivia.
Walking along the rocky, sandy area that Yareta grows in, you notice how it keeps close to the ground in order to retain as much heat in
12 Amazing Living Animal Fossils
Living fossils are animals that have changed little over their lifetime as a species. The turnover of these species averages two to three million years, although this can vary a lot. Other living fossils are those that have only been seen in their fossil stage until discovered anew. The prerequisite for this classification is that they are the only examples left of an otherwise extinct line.
Top 10 Most Important Battles for Western Civilization
While unfortunate, it cannot be denied that warfare has had a major role in shaping our world. It has defined our history, created and destroyed entire nations, and repeatedly altered society in both major and subtle ways for thousands of years. While history is replete with battles both large and small, there are a few that have had a bigger hand in shaping the course of history than others.
Top 10 Short Films Available Online
Short films rarely get major releases these days, so it’s no surprise that even serious movie fans often neglect them. But with the rise of websites like YouTube, shorts have finally found a viable exhibition platform. The following are ten of the most famous short films available online. Whether they’re art pictures, the early works of visionary directors, or new movies by up and coming
The World's Most Desolate Countries
10 Mauritania
Location: Northwest Africa
Population: 3,069,000
Population density: 8.2 humans per square mile
Primary Airport: Nouakchott International Airport
Primer: Mauritania is a sand swept country offering desolation and one of the lowest GDPs on the African continent. Even the well-traveled must consult an atlas to correctly place the country on their mental map. Heavily mined in
Ten Greatest Science Hoaxes
The whole thing started in 1912 when Charles Dawson claimed to find some interesting bones in a gravel pit. A palaeontologist at the British Museum assembled the bones and believed that they represented the “missing link” between humans and apes. 40 years later scientists proved that the Piltdown man was a deliberate attempt at paleontological fraud.
In 1999 National Geographic described
In 1999 National Geographic described
7 Breathtaking Aquariums Around The World
1 Dubai aquarium in the Dubai Mall
Stingrays swim in the Dubai aquarium in the Dubai Mall, which covers the area of 50 soccer pitches.
The Dubai Aquarium – vast, entertaining, an engineering marvel, three storeys tall and featuring glass ‘walk-through’ tunnels that contain exotic marine life.
2 – Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta
World’s Largest Aquarium, Georgia Aquarium,Atlanta, a wonderful
Stingrays swim in the Dubai aquarium in the Dubai Mall, which covers the area of 50 soccer pitches.
The Dubai Aquarium – vast, entertaining, an engineering marvel, three storeys tall and featuring glass ‘walk-through’ tunnels that contain exotic marine life.
2 – Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta
World’s Largest Aquarium, Georgia Aquarium,Atlanta, a wonderful
Top 10 Weirdest Versions of Hell
Today, even people of the same religion often have different beliefs about Hell. Does it exist? Is it a literal place of punishment, or just a symbol of spiritual suffering? But those questions are really just the beginning. Throughout history, people have imagined vastly different scenarios for those who didn’t do things quite right during life. Here are just a few:
10. The House of Lies
10. The House of Lies
10 Famous Pictures From Around The World
Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community. In creating propaganda, people will focus on a specific set of facts that will elicit an emotional reaction in a population. If angered, humans will often overlook rational information. In the history of photography, thousands of famous images have been taken. Governments have popularized many of these
Astronomers Find Planet Made of Diamond
An international team of astronomers, led by Australia’s Swinburne University of Technology professor Matthew Bailes, has discovered a planet made of diamond crystals, in our own Milky Way galaxy.
The planet is relatively small at around 60,000 km in diameter (still, it’s five times the size of Earth). But despite its diminutive stature, this crystal space rock has more mass than the solar
Top 10 Monsters in the Bible
Whether you believe its God’s word, a historical relic, or a load of hogwash, there’s no doubt that the Bible contains some interesting stuff. Like monsters, for example. All sorts of terrible creatures and mythical beasts can be found in its pages. Like…
10. The Behemoth
In Job, one of the Bible’s oldest books, the Behemoth is described as a gigantic, powerful creature that can only be
10. The Behemoth
In Job, one of the Bible’s oldest books, the Behemoth is described as a gigantic, powerful creature that can only be
Top 10 Explanations for The Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle, as we call it today, was coined by the writer Vincent Gaddis in 1964 when he wrote a cover story for Argosy magazine about the strange disappearance of Flight 19. Also known as ‘The Devil’s Triangle’ or the ‘Isle of Devils’, the Bermuda Triangle is popularly thought to be an area in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida to one small island in Bermuda to an island in
Top 10 Snakes
The limbless cousins to the lizards are some of the most maligned animals on Earth, though most species are entirely harmless to man and all are a valuable part of nature’s balance. Even without arms and legs, they can come in a remarkable assortment of forms adapted to a surprising variety of environments.
10. Erpeton tentaculatum The “tentacled” snake is the only member of the genus
10. Erpeton tentaculatum The “tentacled” snake is the only member of the genus
10 Strangest Flying Animals
Plenty of animals fly; this is no surprise to anyone who actually comes from Earth. However, there are plenty of “flying” animals that are really gliding versions of other animals. You don’t expect your average rodent to come drifting from the skies, let alone some of the other creatures in this list.
No, we typically think of flies (it’s right there in the name), birds and maybe bats when
No, we typically think of flies (it’s right there in the name), birds and maybe bats when
10 events that shook the world of twitter
http:10 major world events involving Twitter in the delivery of information? Following these events
1. London RiotsRiots London some time ago behind the creation account @ RiotCleanUp_UK_. This account also pioneered hashtag # riotcleanup. He became a trending topic, and it became evident that Twitter can also be a campaign tool.
2. The fall of U.S. Airways aircraftIn January 2009, the U.S. Airways plane crashed in the Hudson River. This news was first broadcast by passenger aircraft, Janis Krum who spread photos via TwitPic events. This photo was ultimately become fine dining society and media.
3. First Obama Presidential tweetPresident Barack Obama is the first politician to take advantage of social networking as a political tool to interact with the community. After has been named president, he sent the tweet "We've made history. All this happened because you give time, talent and passion. Thank you."
4. China EarthquakeTwitter is used to disseminate information during an earthquake in May 2008 in China. Twitter is also used to help search for survivors and garner sympathy.
5. The death of Michael JacksonGen. Jackson's death had dominated the trending topic on Twitter and traffic caused by it. This bahksan to force the Twitter search services in order to remove the site did not crash.
6. Ryan Giggs scandalAn account called @ InjunctionSuper leaked the name of the character involved in the scandal with Manchester United, Ryan Giggs. As a result even spread to a number of senior politicians who were called to the court.
7. The death of Osama Bin LadenObituary of al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was first spread out on Twitter. This incident occurred in May 2011.
8. NASA Findings on MarsIn June 2008, NASA found ice on Mars and they are using Twitter to disseminate information is the first time.
9. Mining company Trafigura scandalOctober 2009, company located in Amsterdam this problem with the newspaper The Guardian for publishing articles about the Trafigura scandal. A human rights activist, Richard Wilson find important information behind this case and bring it to Twitter, which makes artists intervene.
10. TwitchHikingAn adventurer named Paul Smith demonstrates that Twitter has the ability as a global communication tool. He was desperate to travel from England
Via detikINET from ComputerWeekly
1. London RiotsRiots London some time ago behind the creation account @ RiotCleanUp_UK_. This account also pioneered hashtag # riotcleanup. He became a trending topic, and it became evident that Twitter can also be a campaign tool.
2. The fall of U.S. Airways aircraftIn January 2009, the U.S. Airways plane crashed in the Hudson River. This news was first broadcast by passenger aircraft, Janis Krum who spread photos via TwitPic events. This photo was ultimately become fine dining society and media.
3. First Obama Presidential tweetPresident Barack Obama is the first politician to take advantage of social networking as a political tool to interact with the community. After has been named president, he sent the tweet "We've made history. All this happened because you give time, talent and passion. Thank you."
4. China EarthquakeTwitter is used to disseminate information during an earthquake in May 2008 in China. Twitter is also used to help search for survivors and garner sympathy.
5. The death of Michael JacksonGen. Jackson's death had dominated the trending topic on Twitter and traffic caused by it. This bahksan to force the Twitter search services in order to remove the site did not crash.
6. Ryan Giggs scandalAn account called @ InjunctionSuper leaked the name of the character involved in the scandal with Manchester United, Ryan Giggs. As a result even spread to a number of senior politicians who were called to the court.
7. The death of Osama Bin LadenObituary of al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was first spread out on Twitter. This incident occurred in May 2011.
8. NASA Findings on MarsIn June 2008, NASA found ice on Mars and they are using Twitter to disseminate information is the first time.
9. Mining company Trafigura scandalOctober 2009, company located in Amsterdam this problem with the newspaper The Guardian for publishing articles about the Trafigura scandal. A human rights activist, Richard Wilson find important information behind this case and bring it to Twitter, which makes artists intervene.
10. TwitchHikingAn adventurer named Paul Smith demonstrates that Twitter has the ability as a global communication tool. He was desperate to travel from England
Via detikINET from ComputerWeekly
cara menghapus iklan clicksor
setelah 3 hari lamanya melihat iklan dari Clicksor yang sangat mengganggu visitor blog saya,saya heran karna saya tidak pernah tahu dan dafter di Ads ini akhirnya setelah berjuang selama 3 hari baru berhasil menghapusnya, ternyata sangat gampang menghapusnya, setelah sangat capek melirik script html ternyata tidak ada dan setelah berselancar dengan mbah google akhirnya saya menemukan caranya di salah satu blog internasional, ternyata iklan tersebut tertanam di salah satu widget perekam trafick visitor ternyata salah satu widget milik widgeo.net, setelah saya menghapus widget tersebut ternyata blog saya kembali seperti semula ,tidak ada lagi pop up iklan dari clicksor yang ada di blog saya,.
hapus saja widget seperti gambar di diatas maka iklan dari clicksor akan otomatis Hilang dari blog anda
hapus saja widget seperti gambar di diatas maka iklan dari clicksor akan otomatis Hilang dari blog anda
riots photo in UK London
The following are photos of the riots that occurred in the UK that shocked the city, hopefully the riots that quickly subsided and there were no fatalities
via chrocodiles
flexible future for smartphones and tablets like a paper
It looks like IT companies and wireless operators adhered to the principle, "the smaller, the better," even as Galaxy Tab tablet and Apple iPad two competing to be the thinnest. However, the researchers Human Media Lab Queen's University made a surprise by developing the first interactive computer paper described as a versatile iPhone.
Roel Vertegaal, Human Media Lab Director stated they successfully developed a prototype "paper" world's first smartphone, called PaperPhone with forms such as thin paper sheets made from plastic and can operate like a smartphone. This technology makes the smartphone into a flexible and very thin films with a diagonal E Ink display 9.5cm.
Despite having a thin and light design, PaperPhone able to make phone calls, play music, store dokuman, address, and photo. Larger version of this technology can be used to reduce some office needs, such as printers, paper and ink cartridge standard.
Do not expect a sharp graphical display or the ability to display movies or games on PaperPhone, because that can be displayed graphically displays E Ink is still limited.
Vertegaal said the technology is to make the office no longer requires paper, because it can all be stored digitally and you can accumulate these computers to each other just like paper. Vertegaal PaperPhone will present on May 10 at the conference the Association Computing Machinery Computer Human Interaction in Vancouver Canada. (Fahrur)
see more video Paper phone
Technology Future
via Bhineka
History of java
Is Software JAVA = Name Island in Indonesia?
Java is the first programming language that is not tied to a particular operating system. Applications written in Java will be able to run anywhere. This has eliminated problems that had made a headache for computer users, due to incompatibility between operating systems, versions, in applications and operating systems.
At first, SUN Microsystems, which is the home of Java, principally engaged in the development of the language used in electronic devices, in 1990. However, each product requires its own language. In other words, to control three devices, consumers must have three remote controls and understand how to use it for three devices. It is a challenge for Sun Microsystems to make it more advanced, which is the background of a new project called Java.
Finally in the spring of 1992, creates interactive handheld with no buttons, no keyboard, which has a width of 5inc LCD screen and is controlled with a touch of the hand. The gadget is called Star7 (* 7) with the ability for remote conrtol, audio player, radio, TV guide and various other entertainment. This product is manufactured using a programming language that they call with OAK, in front of the window because they work there is a large OAK trees. However, this product does not develop, because the chips used are very expensive to make and is very influential on the cost of production.
Betatapun good this product, the Green team has failed in its mission because these products may not be enjoyed by many. However, co-founder Bill Joy SUN saw an opportunity for the OAK language for use in the use of WEB in order to become more interactive and interesting. With a team that will be established under the name "The Live Oak" and was born with what we later know as the Java Applet.
When the name OAK want patented, it turns out that name has been used by other products (OAK Technology). So In January in 1995 the name officially changed to Java oak.
Why is this language called Java? What to do with an island in Indonesia called Java? In connection with this a lot of rumors circulating on the internet. including:At one point James was relaxing at a coffee shop and the name of the Java crossed fikirannya.Java name is taken from some people who are in the project were: James Gosling, Arthur Van Hoff, Andy Bechtolsheim.But somehow the name Java is not at all concerned about his Indonesian island of Java.
The true story of the Java Naming.Having been told by lawyers that the name of the OAK been used by another product, then held a meeting to determine what the proper name is used. This language is unbelievably unique, dynamic, mengasikan, revolutionary and has a very fast process, and then they wonder what the proper name is used that includes the essence of the word. One of them then shouted "its Java". Java in the English language as a means not only coffee, but Java has the meaning as Café has many kinds of coffee and everything was good. Just like the Java language that has many flavors that taste all these can be expressed with the word 'JAVA'
via : viva
Java is the first programming language that is not tied to a particular operating system. Applications written in Java will be able to run anywhere. This has eliminated problems that had made a headache for computer users, due to incompatibility between operating systems, versions, in applications and operating systems.
At first, SUN Microsystems, which is the home of Java, principally engaged in the development of the language used in electronic devices, in 1990. However, each product requires its own language. In other words, to control three devices, consumers must have three remote controls and understand how to use it for three devices. It is a challenge for Sun Microsystems to make it more advanced, which is the background of a new project called Java.
Finally in the spring of 1992, creates interactive handheld with no buttons, no keyboard, which has a width of 5inc LCD screen and is controlled with a touch of the hand. The gadget is called Star7 (* 7) with the ability for remote conrtol, audio player, radio, TV guide and various other entertainment. This product is manufactured using a programming language that they call with OAK, in front of the window because they work there is a large OAK trees. However, this product does not develop, because the chips used are very expensive to make and is very influential on the cost of production.
Betatapun good this product, the Green team has failed in its mission because these products may not be enjoyed by many. However, co-founder Bill Joy SUN saw an opportunity for the OAK language for use in the use of WEB in order to become more interactive and interesting. With a team that will be established under the name "The Live Oak" and was born with what we later know as the Java Applet.
When the name OAK want patented, it turns out that name has been used by other products (OAK Technology). So In January in 1995 the name officially changed to Java oak.
Why is this language called Java? What to do with an island in Indonesia called Java? In connection with this a lot of rumors circulating on the internet. including:At one point James was relaxing at a coffee shop and the name of the Java crossed fikirannya.Java name is taken from some people who are in the project were: James Gosling, Arthur Van Hoff, Andy Bechtolsheim.But somehow the name Java is not at all concerned about his Indonesian island of Java.
The true story of the Java Naming.Having been told by lawyers that the name of the OAK been used by another product, then held a meeting to determine what the proper name is used. This language is unbelievably unique, dynamic, mengasikan, revolutionary and has a very fast process, and then they wonder what the proper name is used that includes the essence of the word. One of them then shouted "its Java". Java in the English language as a means not only coffee, but Java has the meaning as Café has many kinds of coffee and everything was good. Just like the Java language that has many flavors that taste all these can be expressed with the word 'JAVA'
via : viva
Unique Facts About the U.S. President
Here are the unique facts relating to the President of the United States are quoted from various sources:
The oldest president ever elected was Ronald Reagan (69 years) while the youngest president was Kennedy (43). But Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest president since he was only 42 when replacing William McKinley who was killed in 1901.
Before becoming president, Andrew Johnson was a seamstress, the 39th president Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer. Ronald Reagan, a former actor and Harry Truman was a draper.
James Polk, the 11th president, was the first president to be photographed, Theodore Roosevelt was the first president who drive to work, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the first president to ride an airplane. Andrew Jackson was the president who first boarded the train. Rutherford B. Hayes, president of the 19 th was the first president to use the phone and the phone number is 1. While Franklin D. Preside Roosevelt was the first television appearances.
The slain U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy. While the president who died because of illness are: William H. Harrison, Zackary Taylor, Warren G. Harding and Franklin D. Roosevelt. While the president has ever suffered an assassination attempt is Jackson, T. Roosevelt, F. Roosevelt, Truman, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, G. H. W. Bush, Clinton and G. W. Bush.
James Buchanan was the only U.S. president who never married. Five other presidents remarried after the death of his first wife, Reagan was the only divorced president. Six presidents had no children, while John Tyler had 15 children.
President Lincoln with the highest is 6 foot 4 inches while the shortest was James Madison with 5 feet 4 inches. While the 27th president William Howard Taft, earned the nickname "Big Bill," because he has a 6 foot 2 inches and weighs 330 pounds. (Ill: cosmos.com)
The oldest president ever elected was Ronald Reagan (69 years) while the youngest president was Kennedy (43). But Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest president since he was only 42 when replacing William McKinley who was killed in 1901.
Before becoming president, Andrew Johnson was a seamstress, the 39th president Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer. Ronald Reagan, a former actor and Harry Truman was a draper.
James Polk, the 11th president, was the first president to be photographed, Theodore Roosevelt was the first president who drive to work, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the first president to ride an airplane. Andrew Jackson was the president who first boarded the train. Rutherford B. Hayes, president of the 19 th was the first president to use the phone and the phone number is 1. While Franklin D. Preside Roosevelt was the first television appearances.
The slain U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy. While the president who died because of illness are: William H. Harrison, Zackary Taylor, Warren G. Harding and Franklin D. Roosevelt. While the president has ever suffered an assassination attempt is Jackson, T. Roosevelt, F. Roosevelt, Truman, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, G. H. W. Bush, Clinton and G. W. Bush.
James Buchanan was the only U.S. president who never married. Five other presidents remarried after the death of his first wife, Reagan was the only divorced president. Six presidents had no children, while John Tyler had 15 children.
President Lincoln with the highest is 6 foot 4 inches while the shortest was James Madison with 5 feet 4 inches. While the 27th president William Howard Taft, earned the nickname "Big Bill," because he has a 6 foot 2 inches and weighs 330 pounds. (Ill: cosmos.com)
blocked Google+, Hackers Against
Google reportedly blocked a number of activists account hacker (hacktivist) belonging to members of the group Anonymous from Google +. Until now, not yet known how and how many belong to groups hacktivist Anonymous accounts were closed by Google.
However, the action was provoked Anonymous + Google create their own social networks. Anonymous AnonPlus was then created.
Not only that, Blogger also mentioned a number of actions the sensor and the elimination of a particular posting, made other social networks.On that page, look a picture resembling a character in the movie V for Vendetta. The film itself is adapted from a figure Guy Fawkes, which is known to be pionor revolutionaries against totalitarianism."Welcome to the revolution. (It's) a social networking site there is no fear of censorship, closure, or supervision. Life is what you have created, and we created," wrote the message on the page AnonPlus it.
"There will be no more oppression. There will be no more tyranny. We are people and we are Anonymous. We have arrived," continued the message on the site.
This site itself is still in version 0.1 Alpha. Not yet known what form social networking is made. Currently, there are new links page that connects to the forum's Anonymous.
However, the purpose of AnonPlus somewhat technically difficult to do. As quoted from page Techspot, characteristics of users of social networking is to divide (share) something after being given permission, usually, of course after knowing.
Blocking action on the social network itself back on after a Facebook note to Google + censorship. This occurs when a web developer named Michael Lee Johnson posting on a Facebook account, which promotes his + Google account.In a posting on Facebook, Michael asked the people to a Google account to add + to the Circle (Circle) them. "If you are lucky enough to have a Google account + add Michael Lee Johnson. An avid Internet, application developers, and Virtuoso technology," said a posting Johnson, as quoted by TechCrunch.
However, the action was provoked Anonymous + Google create their own social networks. Anonymous AnonPlus was then created.
Not only that, Blogger also mentioned a number of actions the sensor and the elimination of a particular posting, made other social networks.On that page, look a picture resembling a character in the movie V for Vendetta. The film itself is adapted from a figure Guy Fawkes, which is known to be pionor revolutionaries against totalitarianism."Welcome to the revolution. (It's) a social networking site there is no fear of censorship, closure, or supervision. Life is what you have created, and we created," wrote the message on the page AnonPlus it.
"There will be no more oppression. There will be no more tyranny. We are people and we are Anonymous. We have arrived," continued the message on the site.
This site itself is still in version 0.1 Alpha. Not yet known what form social networking is made. Currently, there are new links page that connects to the forum's Anonymous.
However, the purpose of AnonPlus somewhat technically difficult to do. As quoted from page Techspot, characteristics of users of social networking is to divide (share) something after being given permission, usually, of course after knowing.
Blocking action on the social network itself back on after a Facebook note to Google + censorship. This occurs when a web developer named Michael Lee Johnson posting on a Facebook account, which promotes his + Google account.In a posting on Facebook, Michael asked the people to a Google account to add + to the Circle (Circle) them. "If you are lucky enough to have a Google account + add Michael Lee Johnson. An avid Internet, application developers, and Virtuoso technology," said a posting Johnson, as quoted by TechCrunch.
Flying Cars Ready for Action
Transition (dailymail)
Future traffic will probably be met with a car that can run alone or flying cars passing in the sky. After Google driver automatic car is considered to be road worthy, now turn the car flying a turn.
As quoted from FoxNews, Thursday (07/07/2011), U.S. institutions Department of Transportation grant, named Terrafuga Transition flying car for a test drive on public roads.
Transition is described more biased toward small plane with two seats. He can transform into a car and can be driven on the streets.
This car has a wing that can be folded automatically by pressing a button. This process takes place within a short time, about 30 seconds.
Various features are also intended to reassure drivers stay safe on the streets. For example, by the presence of airbags to reduce collisions when the accident occurred.
With a variety of strengths in the technology sector, predictable price is quite high. Ie USD 200 thousand, or in the range of billions of dollars.
Transition has been successfully tested several times. Dirapkan, sophisticated cars can already be mass produced in 2012
Google's Official 'Personal Driver' in Nevada
Google Car (ist))
Nevada - Google has successfully made a new step in the automotive world and mapping. After making an assessment with the government, the state of Nevada became the first American driver to implement automated technology-based Google.
Nevada government legislature ultimately decided Google's technology is legal. Two brands already using Google's technology is the Prius and Audi TT.
With these motorists could have run the vehicle manually or automatically. Hybrid car uses sensors and video cameras to detect traffic, including congestion, short path from point to point on the map.
Automatic control device to offer true Google has introduced since October 2010, but currently still in the process of refinement that this product can be used by the public.
Such a drive system is claimed to reduce the number of accidents caused by driver negligence. Through a video shown on YouTube, features offered are quite convincing and compelling.
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