as we know itinaproductioncar,the caris usuallymanufacturedin large numbersandhavethe sameconcept and design,as well asinmarkets,butamong themthere aremany carsareproducedsinglyoren masse,nowwe just seethe followingcarsarenotinmassproduction,thiscarmustalso havea verygoodconceptandno less luxuriousthan the usual
1. Ford Airstream concept.
In the past,weknow thesteam train,but now thebigcarmanufacturerslikeFordhave startedexhibitinghis workisacarwithsteamtnaga.This caronlyneeds watertodispenseinto electricityandfossil fuels,sothatdefinitelyiseco-friendlycars.
2. personal transportation.
Toyota launchedapersonalvehiclewhich is amazing.By takingthe concept of"personaltransportation".Toyotato create a vehiclesimilar to ascooterisinlikea youngchildand is similar tothatina wheelchairlikea parent.Maybeif the carismass produced, will bea lot ofreservations.
3. Nissan NV200
4. Mazda Ryuga.
Mazdacarsarecarsthat provethe existence ofa clear relationshipbetween designandperformance ofthe engine.beautifullinesthat flowand doorslike abatsayabis reallyeye-catching.Butmany questions remainwhether thecar is onlya concept, orwillbecomeconcrete.
5. Acura NSX Advanced Sports Car
the namealsoalreadyseenthat the manufacturerHondawanted togivethesportyconceptcar.This carisHonda'sinterpretationof thesuper carFerrari-esque.
Thisrifleis actually anormalassault rifle.Butbecause it hasfeatures- features thatexceed theusualassault riflessuch as7.62x 51mmcaliber,magasennyaonlyfit20 roundsonly andtooheavy.In additionafurtherrangeofnormal-caliberassault rifle5.56x 45mmNATOandberakurasitopnotchthenencouraged to try topair thetargetspytelescopeon itand theresult is positive.G- 3capable of hittingtargetswitha landslideof steelplateat a distance of750 meters.
PSG- 1is the replacementG-3.Applyingsemi-automaticrifleis asniperriflesquadmainstayGerman ArmySpecial Forcestoday.With a capital of7.62caliberbulletx51 mmNATOriflecouldreachtargetsat a distance of850 meterswithoutdifficulty.Abilityis obtainedthanks to theheavybarrelthatwas applied to thebarrel.HeavyBarrelsystemcanincreaseaccuracybecause thevibrationinthe barrelcan be minimized.
3.SVD Dragunov
A fearedsniperrifleU.S.troopsin Afghanistanbecausethe Talibanarehidingeverysniperin the mountains-mountainsAfganhold.Dragunovsniper rifleisbasedon aRussian-madeAK- 47.Onlyrelativelysophisticatedhentakannyaanchoringsystemso thatrecoilnyasmooth.Dragunovahead in thepointsrangeandaccuracy.Pelurungcanhittargetsat a distance of950 meters.This capability isclearlybeyondthe ability ofwesternsniperrifles.Capabilitycan be achievedthanks toa largercaliber,namely7.292x 79mmWarsaw.
This isone of thebestsniperriflein the world.Developedfrom thesuccess of theWinchester70,Remington 700on selectagainlaterwhen the U.S.need anewsniper,M24Remington700modelsdevelopedsince1962,whenU.S.MarinesWinchesterrefusedrequestsfora replacementbarrel.CharlosHatchockincluding the usermodel700.The photo aboveis aWinchester70.
Name:Remington 700 Caliber:7.62x 51mm System:BoltAction Weight:4.08kgemptywithouttelescope Length:1.662mm Barrel:660 mm Users:Marines
6.Steyr scout
Caliber:7.62x51mmNATO(.308Winchester)and.243 Operation:Boltaction,rotatingbolt Riflelength:1140mm Barrellength:650mm Weightempty: 3.9kg(4.6pounds with atelescope) Magasen: fill in5 or 10rounds.
SteyrSSGrifleduckis nowoffered in fourmodels ofthe militaryversion;SSG-PI,SSG-PII,-PIIKSSGandSSG-PIV.SSG-PIwas originally developedas acounter-shooterrifleduck,and comeswith asyntheticstock.Has a660mmlongbarrelfitted withmetallicsightsanda standardtelescopesightof NATO.
SSG-PIIas thepoliceversion of theducktacticalriflehas a barrelover26 ",SSG-PIIKhas a barrellengthof 20"(508mm).SSG-PIVinEuropecalledSSGSDhas a barrelover16 "(406mm)with additionalflashhider(silencerfirelightwhilespewingbullets)andcan befitted withsilencers.All versionsare equippedSSGbuttofpolymermaterials. adapted from kumpul
helloall,this afternoon Iwillshareketemanfriendsaboutthe luxuryof a car,this postenough to attract attentionwhere inthis post Iwill post the20gold-platedluxurycars, goldinkhereis not justgoldbut,the originalgoldliningThe followingcars, nowwe just see
hello all, this time I am going to share with friends about the car racing, car racing has always been for lovers lagend race car, race car is a car specially designed, specially modified for an event or race, but it can not be separated from a driver, now just Car racing is not a regular vehicle. They are the masterpiece that is designed to do just one thing, namely to win. Their performance is maximized through the development of technology and decades of experience in research.
Calibration is performed sedekimian detail to ensure a mix of their parts to perfection. Although the main reason for their creation is to win races, they are sometimes so beautiful if only seen as a mere vehicle, regardless of their existence as an amazing machine.
If seen by the untrained eye, their technical ingenuity will not be considered, on the existence of their glamorous appearance. Most cars that will be shown here is a classic car, muscle car and the car upscale in international racing.
Assessment based on the form, concept, beauty, and glory in the world of car racing or the number of wins championships around the world, so it was not based on overpriced, futuristic shape, or brand of car.
1.1957Ferrari 250TestaRossa
This car isregardedasone of the mostremarkableamong the list ofFerrari.Only 22carsmade between1957 and1958.Stillwould costa total of 5milliondollars ifoneofthesecarswere purchased today.
In thechampionship,LeMansonly sawone carin history totesthis prowessfor 2times.FordGT40MKII is thegoldenhorsewhich was createdto scorevictoriesin 1968and 1969.