10 Fictional Handicapped Characters

Our world is becoming increasingly more handicapped accessible, and more and more characters in popular culture are depicted as handicapped. Sometimes their disability is the focus of the story, and sometimes it isn’t even acknowledged. Either way, we are seeing more and more characters in fiction who are handicapped or disabled, and we welcome them alongside our other favorites. In no particular

10 Notable Apologies from the Last Decade

It seems these days that it is the fashionable thing to apologize to the masses for things which, generally, don’t affect them personally. From religious and political leaders to sportsmen, these apologies really do seem to be nothing but public relations moves. This list looks at ten apologies from the last decade. 10 Sorry New York 2000: Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker apologizes for

Top 10 Bizarre Kung Fu Films

Martial Arts film can be artful and stunningly beautiful, and they can have pulse-pounding action. Sometimes, however they can be downright weird. Some of this weirdness can be blamed on cultural differences, or jokes that don’t translate well, much of it has no excuse at all. If you’re into the tragically bizarre, here’s ten flicks you shouldn’t miss. 10 Swordsman With an Umbrella A frequent

10 Coolest Little Critters Named After Big Ones

It happens a lot in zoology, that little creatures get little attention unless they have a catching name. Often, this name is inspired by their resemblance to one of the big, charismatic beasts everyone knows. Even so, most people don’t know a lot about these little guys, and therefore we dedicate this list to those awesome little critters, often as fascinating as their bigger namesakes. 10

Top 10 Greatest Firearms Designers

Despite the fact that we don’t all live in a nation where guns are freely available to all and sundry, most of us will have heard of the designers or the guns themselves on this list. Here is a quick trip through the history of arms manufacturing. 10 Dr. Richard Jordan Gatling The designer of the first successful machine gun, although not the first automatic machine gun. It was, in effect, a

10 kids’ Franchises With an Adult Fanbase

Every franchise has them, adult fans. Whether the fans refuse to grow up, or see nothing wrong in enjoying the things that made their childhood special, there are adult fans all over children’s franchises. We’re going to look at the top ten children’s franchises with overwhelming adult fans. 10 Beyblade Released in 2000 and continuing on to 2003, with a recent revamp series, Beyblade was a