Reading the news about the busy talking Stuxnet like reading a novel by Ian Fleming, because there informed that Stuxnet created in such a way to steal information and disrupt Iran's nuclear installations. And because his story like a novel 007 which does not happen to ordinary people, it makes the computer users do not realize that Stuxnet also threaten the company's computers and computer networks ... .. even if not using SCADA.
The bad news, Indonesia is also the largest victims Stuxnet after Iran. It is also a question, how Stuxnet could spread here? One reason is because of the spread of Stuxnet who rely UFD (USB Flash Disk) to spread itself. As we know, Indonesia is the pioneer of the local virus that uses the UFD as a factor in the spread of primary and UFD users in Indonesia are believed to be one of the largest in the world. But there is one thing that was not properly informed to the user's computer, all this time the focus was how to disrupt Stuxnet artificial Siemens SCADA program is only used by supporters of Iran's nuclear installed also used in large enterprise engaged in the Gas and Oil. But Stuxnet impact on non-SCADA computer users rarely discussed. And significantly, the successful Stuxnet infect non SCADA computer network will make an impact is no less fierce than the other viruses such as:
· Disable Print Sharing, so activity on the shared printer on the network to be disrupted.
· Causes disk (which regardless of size) into a full / Low Disk Space.
· Many company's internal applications could not walk.
· Computer became hangs / slow.
· Network connection is lost.
Beginning in 2010, in addition to Conficker and Sality, a virus that still wara Wiri and to worry about is a fake antivirus, Rogue Antivirus or Fake Antivirus. Fake antivirus is very stubborn and always remove the latest variant to infect the victim because there are financial benefits obtained by this fake antivirus products from the general public and victims innocently fear of false messages for viruses on their computer and follow the advice of these fake antivirus programs to purchase anti-counterfeit and enter credit card number to a site selling fake antivirus. The great thing is the appearance of fake antivirus is very convincing and in some very convincing display both the display and display interface sites (face to face) is not inferior to the original antivirus so easy to believe the victim. Action fake antivirus running throughout the year in which the early use of a vehicle suspected Zbot Zeus botnets spread the appalling world of the Internet because it suspected of being used by the Chinese government to spy on Google. For information Zbot dilahkan see 20zbot/basmi% 20zbot.html. Then at the end of quarter 1 2010, anti-counterfeit by a virus called W32/Oficla.FA use the name of up to spread itself via email in order to deceive korbannyahttp: / / Then at the end of quarter 3 2010, another fake antivirus issue new moment where if so far it looks just issued a threat display a very disturbing about the many malicious virus that infects the computer.At the end of quarter 3 2010 fake antivirus issued a new look as though the victim's computer to get the attack (and infected) from network viruses Conficker crate complete with the location of files on a computer that bersankutan, then this display enhanced again as if the victim's computer to send an email bervirus detected in large numbers.
May 2010, Candid Camera Prank, the first successful virus spread through Facebook and automatically spread themselves among the accounts up. If all this other viruses simply take advantage of the name up or conduct phishing on the site up in order to steal credentials, so this time really any application that uses API (Application Programming Interface) up and appear as if it were up a harmless application. In fact, if the user up to "allow" the application, all contacts can automatically be sent a fake message as if there naughty pictures (candid camera) interesting to see and when the click will start the application on another account up and spread itself to all contacts account. Due to spread through Facebook, the virus is not bound by a particular platform. Provided you have an account up, want to access from any OS, Windows, Linux, Mac or smartphone, this virus will be spread through the account up anda.http: / / 20Camera% 20Prank/Candid% 20Camera% 20Prank.htm. In late October 2010, malicious malware authors with a very similar method using the issue of Mc Donalds in order to lure his victims berpengawet enable HD video applications in order to see the movie McDonalds berpengawet potatoes that actually contains malicious code to send the video contains McDonalds Event Invitation to all contacts. Event Invitation This is used by malware authors because apparently the administrator up very responsive and automatic blocking posts by apps up on "Candid Camera Prank." Perhaps because he felt the video theme McDonalds deemed less attractive, the malware authors change jurusnya by using two classic weapons in order to attract the victims as much as possible, sex and celebrity. This time the theme is Lindsay Lohan Sex Video (see Figure 1)

Figure 1, Lindsay Lohan Sex Videos promised by malware on Facebook
Local virus in the first half decreased significantly, and only lightmoon and autorun are detected, the rest is dominated by foreign viruses. Diselingin by a virus that utilizes Lunamaya name that was popular at that time (as the case of pornographic video that had catapulted name Trending Topics Peterporn become number one in his Twitter beat Steve Jobs Iphone 4) to disseminate dirinya.http: / / / 0610/lunamaya/lunamaya.htm
July 30, 2010 Stuxnet start detectable spread in Indonesia. Significant because the suspected virus used as a spy by the developed countries to steal confidential data from this enemy country and Indonesia, including most of the victims Stuxnet (number 2 after Iran). Maybe if the government of Indonesia to develop nuclear weapons will also be ribut2 against this Stuxnet attack that acts specifically to steal this data. But "fortunately" Indonesia does not develop nuclear weapons ... ... wong border officers who were performing their duties even catch fish thieves caught by police in neighboring countries and their governments are still stay calm and choose the path of peace.
1 September 2010 the work of the nation's first virus that spreads via Facebook chat and maybe learn from Lunamaya, this time the victim is a star who made Krissdayanti and Mulan Jameela.
In the final quarter of local virus began to rise again, this time driving a speed boat called Shortcut, local virus is rampant and beating a local antivirus that began to trouble detecting variants membasminya shortcut and completely.
In addition to the viruses mentioned above, some viruses were detected most infected computers in Indonesia in 2010 were:
Virut, this virus belongs to the virus that once infected komptuer will be very tough to eradicate
Conficker, although not become virusn omor one in 2010 but was still detectable but much on corporate computers.
Sality, together with Virut and conficker be the most difficult virus eradicated in 2010 and most widely infect corporate computers in Indonesia.
Antivirus False / Rogue Antivirus.
The mother of all malware in the year 2010 is false, aka Fake Antivirus Antivirus / Scareware or Rogue Antivirus. Is actually a fake antivirus malware (spyware) that managed to infect a computer if the victim would scare the victim with a message that is very scary as if his computer infected by malicious viruses that mencancam computer systems and data concerned. If the victim "not afraid", the latest variant found in the 2nd semester of 2010 even complete false information as if a lot of emails containing a virus is detected on the computer. If the victim still has not been afraid he will issue a message every few minutes as if there Conficker virus attack from the network. For computer users, surely they will lay frightened and decided to buy this fake antivirus.(See Figure 2)

Figure 2, which displayed a fake warning Rogue Antivirus for mengelabuui victim
Once the victim decides to buy the antivirus has to offer, besides having to pay these fake antivirus, credit card data that is used to buy these fake antivirus that will be used for fraud. In addition, like the proverb has fallen overwritten computer stairs in this fake antivirus installed in the fall will increasingly become victims of fake antivirus on her computer actually is because there never was a virus that is informed by this fake antivirus, fake antivirus instead install spyware and rootkit victim's computer. Fake antivirus is actively developing its variants and almost impossible to identify one by one because he will always take advantage of new methods to spread itself. This is evident with viruses that use the name Oficla up to spread the anti-counterfeit and Zbot virus that is suspected as the precursor of Zeus botnets. Just so you know, Zbot is one of the variants of fake antivirus. Because it is not wrong to say that the year 2010 as the year of anti-counterfeit and fake antivirus / rogue antivirus crowned as the Root of All Malware 2010.
If the movie The Social Network about a creator up into the film number one, then do not be surprised if the users of Facebook, which amounted to 500 million people has become an enticing target for cyber criminals.
Phishing is the most widely increased during the year 2010 is phishing to steal user passwords up. This is evident from the cases that had been targeted phishing internet banking users in order to gain financial advantage. But along with the increase in internet banking security method and economic value account up that starts to look like a token game Zinga and ease of spreading malicious code through up a "considered" trusted (which may harm you and your friend will anyone with senanghati will accept and carry items from friend). Special smartphone users please be extra careful if you get a link that directs you to log in your facebook account, it is very difficult to identify the validity of a phishing site because of limited screen size then the full address of the site is not shown that it is difficult to check the validity of the site by looking at the address.Unfortunately, this is exacerbated by the popularity of the service URL, one of the most popular is the, let your smartphone users. Computer users will not even be able to see the actual site address if the creators take advantage of services such as penyingkat URL Besides the account up, beyond the accounts of financial transactions such as Paypal and online banking, other accounts vulnerable to becoming victims of phishing is Yahoo and MSN accounts.
Local Viruses
Local virus in early 2010 looks saggy face of attacks from anti-virus, antivirus both local and foreign anti-virus and its spread has decreased significantly. But entering the third quarter looks to increase its distribution and its ability to avoid local and foreign anti-virus scanning further increased. This is evident from the latest virus that enter the lab Vaksincom until September 2010 that adopted the spread of the virus Shortcut de facto belong to the most widespread virus in the 3rd quarter of 2010. Apparently the local spread of the virus will use the same methods are emerging because the virus' ability to duplicate himself and the great shortcuts, although produced by the same virus, duplikasinya very difficult to be detected by other antivirus programs. Unless some antivirus programs that have the ability heuristic qualified.