Internet Mass Movement

The masses, especially from among the intellectual community, is the most important capital in the economic wheel movements and high-tech industry. Success in moving the intellectual community is key in moving the industry sector, particularly the advanced technology industry.
Similarly, on the Internet. Not easy to move the masses from the Internet. But the most interesting thing is when identifying key players and leaders, as well as movement patterns and how to penetrate into the community.
One of the most efficient means of moving the masses on the Internet is via the Mailing List on the Internet. Author's experience during active on various mailing lists on the Internet for more than ten years, there are several things that can be identified, especially from the community computer and Internet technology, which is often known as telematics or abbreviated word IT. There are some people who become leaders and generally become a celebrity in the community. The debate, discussion, exchange ideas among community leaders in information technology can easily be detected in the mailing list So not surprisingly, the reporters and IT journalists from various mass media based in lot to see first hand the battle that occurred.
An interesting feature of the leaders is their initiative to move, hold events, giving something to the community much more than is typical ordinary member in a community.Interesting to see that in fact most of it not a government leader, not a bureaucrat. They are ordinary people, ordinary businessman in the real world. They are in segani because his skill, expertise, discretion in the field of their field. In stark contrast to the "leadership" real world, in government, which most career bureaucrats who have the floating mass. As far as the author's experience in cyberspace menggembara, very rarely "leaders" of government as well as representatives of the people who want to interact, discuss directly with people in cyberspace. The leadership of the virtual world usually dare to defend their community and are at the forefront with the consequences often dealing directly with institutions, agencies, business entities that his movement is not beneficial for Indonesia IT community. Obvious example, in early January 2002 several colleagues were forced to deal directly against government policies that protect telecom operators, particularly in terms of Internet phone services. Of course there are many other things that cause the battle goes on between the government that is not transparent to the virtual community that is very transparent.
In the real world, the activities carried out this community usually occurs in the vicinity of the leaders of the virtual world. These activities may include seminars, workshops, panel discussions, talk-show radio and TV, as well as a variety of mass media coverage.Virtual community has a huge influence for many parties. Many of the activities of workshops, seminars and so forth that can be held with the cost of sponsorship from a variety of vendors due to the existence of the mass of this virtual community. These vendors will be happy to provide sponsorship, because the process of education is an integral part of the process of forming a strategic demand mean for sales turnover of the vendor. In the end all the processes are linked and mutually beneficial to all parties.Pattern to hold events around the leaders eventually become a very standard pattern to penetrate into the mass of a community.
If examined in greater depth, characteristics of the mailing list on the Internet, especially the business community and knowledge was very dominating discussion mailing list on the Internet. Knowledge of the mailing list and character of each mailing list to be very important for those who want to move the masses on the Internet to engage in construction. (Onno / .dna)

penulis : Onno w.purbo

Three Most Powerful Supercomputer Runs on SUSE Linux Enterprise

Supercomputer-supercomputer in the world mostly running on SUSE Linux EnterpriseServer from Novell. Of the top 500, a project to find the trend that high-performance computing (high level), SUSE Linux Enterprise is the Linux of choice on the largest HPCsupercomputers today.
Of the top 50 supercomputers, 40 percent of the supercomputers that are running on SUSE Linux Enterprise, including 3 best of IBM servers IBM eServer Blue Gene atLawrence Livermore National Laboratory, IBM eServer BlueGene / P (JUGENE)contained in the Juelich Research Center SGI Altix 8200 and located in New MexicoComputing Applications Center.
Novell, together with partners, is bringing high-performance computing capabilitiesincorporated in supercomputers to enterprises and mid-market customers in the industry, including manufacturing, research and academic organizations. Customers such as Audi, MTU Aero Engines, NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division, PorscheInformik, Seoul National University, Swinburne University of Technology, Tokyo Instituteof Technology and Wehmeyer are running supercomputers and computer clusters withSUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
Three supercomputers located at the NASA Advanced Supercomputing Divisioncurrently running with SUSE Linux Enterprise from Novell as well. NASA's newsupercomputer, to be completed this summer, and running with SUSE Linux Enterpriseas well.
Author: Arief Lukman

FTI - Universitas Atma Jaya

10 Blog Types

When discussing about the blog, most people do not understand about the variety of blogs. Just because the interface looks the same all the blogs, does not mean the same content in it as well. Here are a few variations of the blog.

Political Blog (PoliticalBlogs). Have some form of political blogs. Form most often used is a blogger will make a link to a news article from a website and then post their comments. While others, more focused on an essay on political topics. In fact, the trend of political blogs are used to conduct political campaigns, in order to try to incorporate a blog into the world of politics, as happened in the U.S. presidential election recently.

Personal blog (PersonalBlogs). This blog is generally used to describe an online diary or journal, such as Xanga. This online diary weblog format makes it easy for the user, without the need to have experience in creating, memformta, and posting entries to blogs. Users can write daily events, complaints, poetry, prose, ideas thoughts, and many more, also allow other users to contribute in it.

Blog Business (BussinessBlogs). A blog used by employers to promote their business.Often business blog serves as a promotional action employer to provide a picture of business activity behind them, like on a personal blog. In some cases business blogs are also equipped with advertising, product sales, or information.

Blog Topic (TopicalBlogs). Blog topic is more focused on things that are special. For example, such as Google's blogs, or blogs soldier or military blogs (milblog). Many blogs allow many categories, where sebauh public blog can be changed to suit user's blog topic.

Health Blog (HealthBlogs). This blog is written as a personal account of health issues, sharing information with other users on health. Category blogs in these health blogs such as medical blogs, which are also divided into two categories. The first type is a blog written by a health professional about his job, health news or ideas other users.Then the next type of case patients, which allows physicians to enter patient cases to the website. Doctors also may provide comments or participate solve the case.

Blog Literature (litblog). This blog is a blog that focuses on a literary topic. There litblog community in the blogosphere in which the author can incorporate various Subtopic related to literature or literary. Litblogger to write about the printing industry, articles, fiction, poetry, literary journal, diary readers, critics, literary types such as fiction and mystery.
Travel Blog (TravelBlogs). Many travelers who wrote their way into the paper. With this blog, they can pour his idea, or a variety of photos and stories, even when they'retraveling around the world.

Blog Research (ResearchBlogs). This blog combines school records and student blogsto personal notebook with facilities dominated public discussion. This blog is handlingmore towards academic-related.

Law Blog (LegalBlogs). This blog is a blog a lawyer or law student, in which there arediscussions about the law, so often called 'blawgs'. The blawgger can post legalcommentary and analysis of existing case on their blogs.

Blog Education (EducationalBlogs). Users of this blog are the students, who learn abouta particular subject matter on the blog, when their teacher has listed the subject matterto be taught to students using blogs. For example, online courses and giving homeworkfrom teacher to student. The advantages of using this blog were students can learnquickly if they miss class. In addition, teachers also can plan, materials with ease, andthis blog can help teachers make the conclusion that accurate student learning outcomes.

Roadrunner - IBM supercomputer, World's fastest

Supercomputer created by IBM with the name of the Roadrunner, yesterday was namedthe fastest supercomputer in the world in the World's TOP500 Supercomputer.Supercomputer was built for Los Alamos National Laboratory NNSA's (National NuclearSecurity Administration) is, has a speed of 1.02 petaflops.
Roadrunner itself consists of 6562 AMD Opteron Dual Core processors. Another advantage of the Roadrunner is situated on the use of hybrid technology which is moreefficient in power consumption.

IBM's own party are proud of what they achieved, especially ranked number 2 and 3 wonby the Blue Gene / L at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory California's NNSA withspeed and 478 teraflops Blue Gene / P in Chicago's Argonne National LaboratoryDepartment of Energy to speed 450 teraflops, the supercomputer from IBM is alsoartificial.

Selection of supercomputers is done during the International SupercomputerConference held in Dresden, Germany, in addition, also announced TOP500supercomputer on earth, which was announced on the site

Author : Arief LS
FTI - Universitas Atmajaya

Ending of Sun Laboratories

Launched on August 20, 1977, Voyager 2 was sent to study space and surroundings.Only after 30 years later, Voyager 2 has reached what is known as the termination shock. Sun has consistently spew out particles all directions, like the particles that move into the Sun, they also like the solar wind. The wind is pushed back into the interstellar plasma that existed throughout the Milky Way.
End of the Sun, solar wind finally started to lose direction and kecepatanya down to the speed of sound, and produces a spherical wave is known as an attack from the front.More than 30 years after the launch day, between August 31 and September 1 at the end of the year, Voyager 2 passed a variety of wave attack, and capture the best results from information in the process.
This week's edition of Nature contains a series of five documents, plus a news and discussion about the article, the data sent by the Voyage 2 when passing wave attack.When Voyager 1 crossed the outer regions of space in recent years, from the calculation of telemetry to note an error occurred while sending data to earth, to the Voyager 2 became realistic expectations for the observation of outer space (through the years to come). Since the coverage check slightly different types of size, since the Voyager 2 has the ability of plasma sensors, magnetic field detectors, and a place of other equipment, so it can directly send a lot of data to Earth.
One difference between the observations and data obtained by Voyager 1 that Voyager 1 saw cosmik such anomalies of the light wave approaching, and this is not a peak as it passes through the wave. Voyager 2, on the other writings, see the facts of the anomaly cosmik rays, so this remains a mystery until now.
Voyager 2 has passed through a wave of attacks which illustrates a major advancement to identify geographically from the sun. Since no data is transmitted from Voyager 1, this illustrates only one realistic possibility for humans to get data directly from the region of space for years to come. When may produce effects of the solar wind, in the near future at the heliopause will provide the changes to send back information that is already held. BeritaNET

author: Andi Gunawan
FTI - University of Atma Jaya

Kevin Mitnick, the hacker Lagenda

A knock sounded from the door of his apartment, Kevin Mitnick opened the door and found dozens of FBI agents and other law enforcement agencies are preparing to arrest him. This is the final journey of a hacker who was forced to run in order to avoid a prison sentence. Hackers who during the buronannya it has gained legendary status, has grown into an even bigger myth than himself
The arrest happened in 1995 that marked the beginning of the most controversial cases of detention of a cyber criminals. Mitnick is an intruder on a computer system emerged as America's Most Wanted Hacker.
Computer Addiction
Mitnick is easy to learn computer by hanging out at RadioShack store or diperpustakaan general, his family was not rich enough to own a computer. His fondness for developing computer until he is mature.
In the period of the 1990s, Mitnick is easy to get out into the computer system. But in the late 1980s he had wanted to leave hobynya and began looking for a legitimate job.Unfortunately, before he could do that, in 1987 he was arrested for infiltrating a company Santa Cruz Organization, a software company that mainly engaged in the Unix operating system. When the lawyers succeeded in reducing crimes mitnik into action that is not good, Mitnick was only in Ganjar 3 years probation.
Less than a year Mitnick's return trip lawsuits. Because of garanya a friend whose computer he uses to break into other computers Mitnick reported to the authorities once it is burglarized Mitnick is owned by Digital Equipment Corporation. Every time breaking into computers that do mitnik is to take code from the software compiler. The code was then he learned with earnest, sometimes found several weaknesses in it. In a chance Mitnick admitted only take the code of the software compiler that he liked or that interested him.
In the case of DEC Mitnick get a heavier prison term. When the lawyers mentioned have Mitnick, 'addiction to the computer that can not be stopped'. He was rewarded a year in prison.
In prison Mitnick get a bad experience. At that time the legend Kevin Mitnick or better known under the pseudonym 'The Condor', is getting bigger. His reputation as a
Computer criminals are also increasingly soar beyond reality. Warden at Lompoc, the prison where Mitnick was, thinking that Mitnick could sneak into the sound armed with only a computer and telephone. As a result
Mitnick is not only not allowed to use the phone, he also spent many months in isolation.No wonder then if he is rumored to be a little mental disorders while serving his sentence at Lompoc.
In 1989 Mitnick was released from prison. He tried to find a formal job, but his status as former prisoners make Mitnick is difficult to maintain employment. Eventually he worked as
miners office information for the private investigator's office. Surely this is dragging Mitnick's return to the world that the gray and black. In the early 1990s, the Mitnickpun searched again by the FBI. This time the fear will enter isolation rooms for years, Mitnick decides to run away.
Hacking The Human Side
Skills as a hacker Mitnick is not limited to mere technical Traffic. He is the sheer technical ability. He is someone who understands very well that the security of computer systems consisting of both policy and organization, human resources, process involved and the technology used. If he seoarang superheroes main kemapuannya seoarang Mitnick is the practice of social science engginering aka social engineering. This is a technique to get vital information, such as passwords, by exploiting human weakness.
Ability Mitnick is best illustrated in the following story, story told Mitnick himself on an online forum
"On one occasion, I was challenged by a friend to get the number (phone) Sprint Foncard her. He said he would buy dinner if I could get that number. I will not refuse to eat well, so I berusahan by contacting Customer Service and perpura off as one of the information technology. I ask the officer who answered whether he had difficulty in systems that are used. He said no, I ask the system used to access customer data, I pretended to want to verify. He mentioned the name of the system. "
"After that I again called Customer Service and was associated with a different officer. I said that my computer is broken and I would like to view data for a customer. He said the data had been lots of questions. What is your name? You work for whom? What is your address? Well, something like that. Because of my lack of research, I made up names and places. Failed. He said he would report this phone call in security. "
"Since I recorded the name, I take alone and tell friends about the situation. I ask that friend to masquerade as 'investigator keamaman' to record the statements of officials Customer Service and speak with officers earlier. As the 'investigator' he said that he received reports of people trying to obtain personal information of customers. After the questions and answers about the phone, 'investigation menyakan what the caller had requested information. The officer said the number Foncard.' investigators' to ask, is how the number? And the officer gave the number. Oops. The case is finished "
I Sebaga fugitive Mitnick berusahan best not to get caught. He moved around a lot and always took shelter habits. Various ways he did so as not tracked by the pursuers. But he could not abandon his hobby mengoprek computer and its Internet network. Even some supposedly used his skills to get a new identity.
Legend Mitnick during the run in less than two years, he became increasingly menjelama as 'Cyber ​​Ninja' who supposedly could break into Pentagon computers only with the television remote, a rumor that exceeds any fictional story.
Why Mitnick, a fugitive in the case of computer break-ins, could become the most wanted criminals? It could not be separated from the role of mass media. In particular is a series of sensational articles from John Markoff that was published in the New York Times.
Mitnick Markoff condemn as a terrorist. In a statement released after a long time, Mitnick calls his self-image that is displayed Markoff seoarang like a terrorist who tried to control the nuclear world. "I seemed to be an Osama bin Mitnic," he joked.
Markoff describes Mitnick as a deadly, unstoppable and deserves to be wanted by the FBI and the big ten other law enforcement agencies. Articles Mafkoff, who sometimes appeared on the front page, make the strongest candidate Mitnick pilot project on cyber crime. So the future of Mitnick in prison saati arguably already written it, too.
During a fugitive Mitnick also continue to carry out the action. He broke into the various computer companies. Including Sun Microsystems. He uses, and maksutnya here is to break into an account at an online storage service to store backups of the action.Actually Mitnick does not work alone but when caught he never revealed who his partner.
Mitnick is one of the victims T. Shimomura, a computer scientist who in some writings on the Internet doubtful cleanliness. There are allegations that Shimomura was also a hacker who often perform illegal acts. One thing that many agreed was Shimomura has an arrogant attitude and seems to want to appear as a hero in the story of the hunt Mintick.
Shimomura, Markoff and the FBI hand in hand to catch the fugitive. Guidance from sensational news Mafkoff, hacking ability Shimomura and the FBI legal force eventually track down Mitnick's residence.
As usual story seoarang capture of a fugitive, Mitnick did ketledoran. Storage service that he uses seems to have automated programs to check the contents of files stored.Mitnick used the account owners get a warning from the system of excess capacity. This is the beginning of the capture of Mitnick.
Mitnick admitted that he was reckless because they do not suspect that the FBI, Shimomura, Markoff, and cellular telephone service providers working together so closely and integrated.
"Mobile operators do a search in their billing database of dial-up connection to Internet service Netcom POP. This, as might be expected, making them able to identify areas of calls and number MIN (mobile identification number) that I use at the time. Since I am often switching numbers They oversee any data calls happening at the site. Then, by means Cellscope 2000 Shimomura, my phone signals to track down to the exact location, "Mitnick said.
Two weeks before the capture of Mitnick recently moved to Raleigh. The new location makes it less alert and he forgot to keep track of dial-up lines that digunakannnya.Several hours before the capture of Mitnick's new something was going on, tracking and surveillance is being carried out on the path he used. As he was trying to track the extent to which surveillance has been conducted up to tracing those who dilbalik, he heard a knock at the door. Mitnick opened the door and confronted with dozens of U.S. Marshall and the FBI.
Four Half Year Hanged
Once caught Mitnick detained without possibility of bail. He also was submitted to the court. Approximately four years he spent without any certainty. This really makes Mitnick frustrating.
During the FBI prison he did not get a chance in his case. Even Mitnick and his attorney could not see the case as there are data on laptops and laptop access to Mitnick is considered dangerous. Mitnick was accused can make a missile armed with a laptop or just slide the phone. Larangn it remains valid even if his lawyers are using a laptop without a modem and the ability of any network.
Mitnick eventually accused of causing harm to hundreds of millions of dollars of losses by Mitnick is not true, because the company that allegedly harmed even those not reported losses in their annual reports.
Mitnick is the final agreement for the admission of guilt. Guilty in the case of computer break-ins and tapping phone lines. Mitnick gave up and followed it, in exchange for more time in 4 years in prison are treated as prisoners mas. Total Mitnick was sentenced to 5 years in prison, 4 years in prison hanging and 1 more year remaining.
He was released in 2000 on condition must not touch a computer or telephone. In 2002 he was allowed to use a new computer but not connected to the Internet. New in 2003 he used the Internet again for the first time.
Since the release Mitnic trying to fix his life. He wrote two books on hacking, he also founded his own security consulting company. "Hackers are the only crime whose expertise could be used again for something that is unethical. I never saw it the other field, eg ethical robbery," said Mitnick.
Author: Antonius Fran Setiawan
Product Manager IT Books, Design, and Multimedia a Company Publishers

source: BeritaNET