This is Threat Computers and the Internet!

Computers are now a common thing. Every day, you may be associated with this object.Computers and the Internet has helped many of your work. Ease of finding information, perform various financial transactions, store or process data into something that is not too burdensome. But behind its simplicity, there are many threats that can destroy data or your computer either a PC or laptop.

When you find your computer is not working properly, such as computers slow, hangs, look for missing data, display annoying when you're working, you may conclude your computer a virus. Actually there are various threats that target when you work with computers and the Internet. These threats can damage data, computers, and even steal important data.
Pengancam security of not only the virus. Maybe there are some terms you've ever heard but still do not know what he meant. Here's an explanation of the things that can threaten your computer or take your important data.


This is a program that will display ads on the computer. Will interfere because adware generally will use the resources of the computer, as a result computer is running slow.There is also a type of adware that appear in pop-ups that can interfere when you're working.

Brute Force

An activity to break the password by combining numbers and letters in sequence. Very dangerous if with this technique, people who are not entitled to succeed to know your password and then misused. To overcome this problem, it's good password that is used not only consist of numbers and letters but also consists of symbols like $, #, &, and others.


Is a continuation of a Distributed Denial of Service, where a server or computer is attacked with bombarded shipment data in a very large size of many computers simultaneously. As a result the computer is difficult to access or damage to hardware not being able to accommodate very large data items.


That is an application that tries to find and attack the weaknesses of the system to gain access to or for the purpose of infecting the system or computer.

Fake Antivirus

The way it works is by making as if a computer virus and suggest to buy anti-virus to overcome the virus.


That is plain hoax spread through email or website. The effect is a panic or a lot of readers who were deceived. Another result is burdensome because of the Internet network of hoax chain messages are delivered to another person.


It is one threat that is dangerous. Keylogger will record that entered through the keyboard input to be stored or sent to someone who normally used for purposes that are not good. This is in particular to watch out for when you enter the password in public places like cafes. Password that you entered via the keyboard can be known and may be used for purposes that are not good.
One way to avoid a keylogger is to use On Screen Keyboard now must enter the password. On Screen Keyboard can be run from the Windows programs that are on Programs | Accessories | Accessbility or by typing in "OSK" from Start | Run on Windows Operating System.


Usually found on the bootsector on the disk, then change the course of the first run.Systems that are usually affected first is the Operating System. Infections in Operating System makes it easier malware to spread themselves or spread the virus on storage media such as CD ROM or Flash Disk.


Is a form of fraud on the internet by making someone would provide important information that is not entitled to know. For example, by creating a website similar to a bank website. A victim does not realize he had been deceived and then enter the password that setealh known by the manufacturer can be used to deplete savings victim.


That is a program that aims to hide other programs running. Usually used to spread malware, virus, or keylogger.


Mean an unexpected email. Usually an email advertisement or a teaser for a person visiting a particular website which is actually a phishing or to disseminate malware.Messages can be sent in large quantities, so spend time to remove them.


Is a program that works to spy on users with the purpose of obtaining critical information such as credit card numbers, PINs or passwords that can harm the victim because the leaking of such information.


Acting as if he dalah good program that can be used to help users work. But, actually in it there are functions that endanger the overall system or to steal confidential information. Trojans easily spread to other computers.


Is malware that can multiply and then sends copies itself over a network without having a specific activity performed by users. The worm can be dangerous because it can become an entry point for viruses, malware or other destructive programs.

Keyboard Function Keys F1-F12

Number of keys on a computer keyboard makes it difficult to know the function of eachkey, especially for keys that are not commonly used such as F1 to F12 keys. Here aresome of functions of the keys F1 to F12:
Almost always used as a key support, nearly every program will help screen "help" when this button is pressed.
Windows Key + F1 will open the Microsoft Windows help and support center.
Open the Task Pane

In Windows commonly used to rename a highlighted or file icon.
Ctrl + Alt + F2 to open a new document in Microsoft Word.
Ctrl + F2 displays the preview of "print" on Microsoft Word.

Often open the search feature for various programs including Microsoft Windows.
Shift + F3 will change the text in Microsoft Word from the top down or the big letters at the beginning of each word.
To find a window in the address bar.
Alt + F4 will close the program currently active in Microsoft Windows.
Ctrl + F4 will close the open windows on the active window in Microsoft Windows.

In all modern Internet browsers pressing F5 will refresh or reload the page or document window.
Go, find, replace, and go to window in Microsoft Word.
Start a slide show in PowerPoint.

Move the cursor to the Address bar in Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
Ctrl + Shift + F6 opens open into a Microsoft Word document.

Usually used to check the spelling and grammar Microsoft in programs such as Microsoft Word, Outlook, etc.
Thesaurus Shift + F7 to run checks on the highlighted word.
It turned out that the insertion browsing in Mozilla Firefox.

To enter the Windows startup menu, usually used to log into Windows Safe Mode.

Opening Measurements toolbar in Quark 5.0.

To activate the menu bar in an open application.
Shift + F10 to function as a "right click" on the highlighted icon, file, or Internet links.

Full screen mode in all modern Internet browsers.

To open the window "save as" in Microsoft Word.
Shift + F12 to save Microsoft Word documents.
Ctrl + Shift + F12 print Microsoft Word documents
The explanation above is only part of the F1-F12 function keys are normally used, if you know the other functions of the buttons you can add via the comments below.

Tips to Prevent Viruses and Hacker Attacks Manually

Your computer is often attacked by viruses? Or have not installed antivirus? Maybe you can try these tips how to prevent virus attacks manually as follows:
· Blocking Remote Access. To prevent your PC taken over by hackers, disable Remote Access. Dlm Start menu, right click on "My Computer" & select "Properties". Then there is the "System Properties", then select the tab "Remote", get rid of / remove the sign (V) which are in front of all the existing option to disable it. Then click "OK".
· Deleting User Accounts unused. In "Windows XP Professional" there are several user accounts that can be accessed through the trojan and utilized to perform the attack. To get rid select the Start menu, select "Control Panel", select "Performance and Maintenance". Then select "Administrative Tools", click 2 times "Computer Management". Select "Local Users and Groups", on the right side 2 times pd click the "Users". You can delete the old accounts are ill you use (existing users drawing an X).Then close the tampilan2 earlier.
· Closing the gap NetBIOS. File2 your document can be accessed via the Internet then nonaktifkanlah NetBIOS. Dlm Start menu, right click on "My Network Place" & select "Properties". Then there is the "Network Connections". Then right-click the Internet connection icon you are available, choose "Properties". If no display, select the tab "Networking". Tick ​​(V) which are in front of "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP), then click the tab" Properties "which is underneath. Then there is the view" Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) Properties ", select the tab" Advanced ". Display no more "Advaced TCP / IP Settings", select the tab "Wins", and select "Disable NetBIOS over TCP / IP. Click 'OK'.
· Response to BO2K on Windows 9x. BO2K can be tracked with port scanning. Usually pd Windows 9x an open port that is only one port 139 (NetBIOS). Therefore need to be suspected if we know there is another port other than an open port 139. Circulating anti-virus program is currently able to detect the existence of this program. Make sure you have to download the latest version of anti-virus program. Rajin2 is to open the Windows registry. Usually pd Windows 9x, because BO2K embed itself in the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ RunServices" or the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run".
· Security BIOS on the Server. The BIOS is the low level software which is useful for configuring or manipulating the hardware on x86-based PC. MS Windows and Lilo from Linux to use it to determine the procedure for booting on your PC. You need to protect your BIOS with a password given to him. This method is also useful for preventing the use of booting up via floppy disk. This way ill give the maximum protection of your PC, but it can complicate other org mengacak2 for your PC. Keep in mind that the current BIOS flashroom method, which allows us to change configuration or even remove them altogether.
· Abuse Shell CGI on Unix / Linux. There are some pretty powerful way of reply to address them:
a. You plug-chrooted Apache Jail on you so that the command which can be run to your limit.
b. Minor Tweaks CGI Source Code of the facility who would you give such as Perl, then you turn off the facilities function system () ...:)
c. Minimize the occurrence of local exploits on your system often tinkering with & follow the news about security.
· Removing non-COM components are needed pd Windows 2000/XP. Some non-COM components are needed by almost all applications must be removed. Consider first before deleting because each component is interconnected with a file system & dictionary objects. In the Start menu select Internet Explorer, on the "Tools" menu select "Internet Options". If no display, select the tab "Connections". In the "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network Settings" delete COM Unresponsive needed with clicking on it and select "Remove". Then click 'OK'.
· Enable Firewall. For Hacker & the attacker did not get to your PC, it takes a Firewall.With a firewall, you can block some ports which are often attacked by hackers.
· Installing Anti-Virus. Antivirus software does not just get rid of viruses, worms, or other destructive files but also protects your PC from the threat of attack script on the website.


Top-20 Big Country The access up

Up is the only website of friends who are able to penetrate 500 million users (up / July2010). Not surprisingly, nearly all states to access this site. Even according to data released by the Royal Pingdom sites, the United States is a country that tops thegreatest access of this site with approximately 24 percent / approximately 130 millionactive users of facebook. What about Indonesia? Indonesia itself was ranked third andis the only country in Asia in the top 10 accessed up. Meanwhile, Malaysia, Philippines,Taiwan, and Thailand are well below the order of ten large access of up in the world. It turned out that Indonesia does not compete with developed countries in the use ofFacebook. Here's to the 20 country: 1.Amerika States, about 130 million users.2.Inggris, about 28 million users. 3.Indonesia 4.Italia approximately 26.5 million users,about 26 million users. 5.Perancis, about 21 million users. 6.India, about 21 millionusers. 7.Jerman, about 18 million users. 8.Meksiko, about 18 million users. 9.Turki,about 16 million users. 10.Kanada, about 15 million users. 11.Malaysia, about 12 millionusers. 12.Spain, about 12 million users. 13.Filipina, about 10 million users. 14.Australia,around 9.1 million users 15.Argentina, about 8.2 million users 16.Taiwan, about 8.2million users. 17Kolombia, about 7.5 million users 18.Brazil, about 6.2 million users.19.Chili, about 6.2 million users. 20.Thailand, about 6.2 million users.

10 recession-proof IT skills

These companies employ a professional data center with hot skills "For people with the right skills and right attitude, this is a fantastic time to be in the data center space," said Dwight Gibbs, senior vice president of technology at Input, a Reston, Va., market intelligence firm.
Company data center has become the focus of the company. If you want in, here are the skills you need to have:

1. Virtualization.
A basic technology for the state of art-of-the-IT infrastructure, virtualization skills almost goes without saying.
Rick King, CTO at Thomson Reuters, the law, in Eagan, Minnesota, Put it this way: "Today the people who have spent much time with virtualization technology can pretty much work where they want - and that will be valid for a certain period , until nearly all data centers run almost everything in the virtual environment. "

2. Management services.
As the company's switch to cloud the use of public or private service provider, data center personnel need to ratchet up service management skills, said John Ryan, executive global portfolio is responsible for platforms and end-user services in technology consulting firm CSC.
"It's no longer enough to know how to manage the hypervisor and engaged in infrastructure workloads. People should turn their thoughts into an environment where capacity and demand management come together. They must be skilled in service management," he explains.
Joanne Kossuth, CIO and vice president of operations for the Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering in Needham, Mass., agrees. "Things like software and infrastructure as existing services, and adopted some higher than others. But five years into the future, it really will be about a combination of things and those data centers that will manage all .

3. Unified computing.
"Today the trend, as it will for the next three to five years, will unite computing - see the company's Cisco Unified Computing System, HP BladeSystem and IBM Matrix with a cloud computing strategy," said Rockwell Bonecutter, technology, data center and led the operation to North America at Accenture, a technology services consulting firm."Natural assumption you can get from it that this will be a hot button for new skills."
Thus, like any data center personnel have to get up to speed compute unified, principles and concepts of architecture, he said. As a result, we will have a data center run by people who understand how to provide business value and service rather than just knowing how to add processing power or storage, for example.

4. Green IT.
Going green is the mandate of companies around the world, and that leaves many IT organizations decide whether they need a point person for green efforts in the data center, King said. "This professional will focus on how to use green technology - as well as steering away from distributing non-tech green technology hijau.Karena often improve operational efficiency, such people will actually pay for themselves again and again," he added.

5. Resource management.
Along the same lines, the ability to finesse the conversation between IT and facilities become a critical skill in data centers, said David Cappuccio, managing vice president and head of research for Gartner's infrastructure team. "Building the capacity of the plan if you do not take into account energy consumption and heat dissipation is a program in a vacuum," he added. "You need a staff person who can really keep track of these things, speak the language facilities and translate it back into IT." These skills are sometimes packaged in a position called a resource manager or a liaison facility, Cappuccio said.
At Citigroup, they are wrapped into a position called critical data center planning and systems engineer, said Jim Carney, executive vice president of planning for data center services company based in New York global finance.
In fact, Carney says, "There is no data center manager I would never be able to hire blind to the side of the business because it is an integral facility uptime them."

6. Engineering.
At PricewaterhouseCoopers, "hottest skills and those most difficult to find the mechanical and electrical engineers who have a decent knowledge of technology and knowledge of current equipment and systems," said Rick Ancona, U.S. deputy CIO and CTO at PwC, a company professional services with U.S. headquarters in New York.
"If you build a data center even three or four years ago versus today, you are using a very different concept. Even with virtualization, it's really about power and cooling expenses. That is the complexity of the techniques that have denser servers introduced," he added.

7. Network.
Lights-out, remote data center worked only because the technology network, Citigroup Carney said. Which puts a premium on networking skills. "Data center managers need to be aware of the network - network configuration, hardware and vulnerability," he said."We need people who have skills are really good network or background tissue."
PwC, also, want people who have a network of skills such as building out data center strategy, Ancona said.
In particular, is looking for people on the monitor network operations center and space response, that "key positions that help ensure the availability of the overall environment and maximize uptime," said John Regan, director of data center services to PwC ..

8. Financial analysis.
As a hiring manager, Input's Gibbs says he considers one of the hottest financial analysis skills to a professional data center. "I need somebody who can determine the economics and technology applications based on business economics," he said.
In other words, if the application does not require super high availability, a professional data center should be able to crunch numbers to see if that could come out in the cloud or to live in special hardware in the data center, Gibbs said. "Quickly became a central data center business," he added. "So, if you do not understand the business, then you will not be working for a business center for a long time."

9. Project management.
In a similar vein, the need for strong project management and business analysis skills are taking, said Dave Willmer, executive director of Robert Half Technology, a company's IT staff TI.Dengan 2010 approved budget, the company began to invest in data center project, he said.
"I do not want to make it sound like a door blew off and this is the end to recession, but we see an increase in demand for business analysts and project managers to full-time positions as well as on a project basis," Willmer said.

10. Communication.
Good people skills can not be underestimated, says people in the data center. "When I think of a strong data center managers, communication and people management skills are way up there," said Jill Eckhaus, president Afcom, an association for data center professionals. "The world is changing the data center at a fast speed, and able to manage that means maintaining a structured environment. And that requires communication."
Good people skills are important, agree PwC's Regan. Even if professionals do not communicate the data center business, he said, there are a large number of communications needed in the IT organization.
With so many data centers to hone skills, it's time for opportunistic IT professionals, said Andreas Antonopoulos, senior vice president of Nemertes Research.
"So for those out of work, one thing to consider is taking a new direction and really focus on interesting things happening in IT," he said. "That's my message of hope."
Schultz is an editor and writer in Chicago IT. You can reach him at

Tricks to be a Network Administrator

Many people are asking, including me, what should be studied first when they want to learn networking? Of the few references that I read, all you have ahold of is:

1. Basic Networking Hardware What should be studied? Because of the core is where the journey packet to be sent from our computer to the server. What is a Switch, Hub, Router, Access Point, etc.. Taukah you that the switch is better than HUB. When do I use a HUB, Switch or Router. All must be accounted for properly. Where did we learn?, Many books can you meet who study it.

2. Basic IP and Subnetting Maybe if I say, this is a sangaat important of all, IP and subnetting. This will be felt if you work at an ISP. You will learn how IP efficiency, what is a gateway, How to manage IP well to prevent it from occurring Broadcasting and Coalision data.

3. Switching and Routing Technology If you already have more than 1 network, for example at your office, you should be able to perform routing of the network. You know, that the Internet can connect to everywhere because this routing. For switching VLAN you need to learn technology.

4. Technology Server If this one you'll be a lot to do with LDAP Server, DHCP, DNS, Etc.. The point is to provide services needed for the client. To find information please ask the help of Google. Type the server service you want to study.

5. Security Now once it has formed a good infrastructure server and then you notice the Security ranging from server to client.

6. Monitoring The monitoring covers all the good things of the infrastructure as well as from the software side. The better monitoring it, you will more easily control your network.

7. Backups This is often overlooked by the Network Administrator. Make a backup part or in full to anticipate Crash. Many technologies that could be done, one using Norton Ghost.

Where can I learn these things:
1. Of course the internet.
2. Book or Ebook.
3. Tutorial DVD.
4. Etc.

Hopefully useful.