This new keyboard from Microsoft

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QWERTY KEYBOARD is simply appear to be so ancient. Microsoft Hardware recentlylaunched a video and pictures from the Adaptive Keyboard, adaptive keyboard buttonscan be changed according to the program to use.

The new keyboard has transparent keys and a LCD screen on the bottom so that theabove can be tailored to the needs of users.

The keyboard will also feature a touch screen display, which shows the most recentdocument or active screen if the user is opening another program, and they can roll outa similar view in a way that made ​​the smart phone.

Video footage showed a prototype keyboard that someone who uses Powerpointapplications, with the buttons on the keyboard that changes according to the functionyou want to include in the slideshow.

The keyboard was part of the Student Innovation Concept in ACM Symposium on UserInterface Software and Technology.

QWERTY keyboard was developed in the 19th century to reduce the errors on the keyboard for typing. Basic settings of the keyboard has not changed since the 1980's.

Recommend Microsoft Mouse Tap

Ilustrasi. (Foto : Dok
Microsoft ready to launch the Microsoft Touch Mouse for Windows 7. This technologycombines the movement of the mouse with touch-sensitive surface and is designed fora more intuitive navigation.
Microsoft explains, Touch Mouse is not the same as a portable mouse Arc Touch. This device is the result of research projects Mouse 2.0, which the company had time toevaluate the five sample designs before finally using the latest design of the TouchMouse.
The surface of the Touch Mouse contains electrodes that recognize the touch sensor,which can detect the position of user fingers. Features Touch Mouse mainstay is its ability to use movement to touch, navigate and control content with just one flick of a finger.
BlueTrack technology also allows the devices are used virtually on any surface, includingreflective surfaces, carpet or wood. Wireless signal receiving device is also implantedunder the mouse for use in portable devices. In addition, the Touch Mouse design is also easy to use for right-handed or left-handed users.
Furthermore, Microsoft explains, the implementation of the Touch Mouse softwareallows these devices to interact with Windows 7 through shortcuts and gesture. MouseTouch The plan will be sold beginning in June 2010 with prices around $ 80. Butconsumers already can order the devices in the Microsoft Store or Amazon, six monthsbefore release schedule

Microsoft & FBI Unloading Giant Spam Network

PThe world's largest producer of spam emails, Rustock, finally managed to disabledthanks to the cooperation of Microsoft and the United States federal agencies (U.S.).

Microsoft filed lawsuits to Rustock encourage action raids against botnet that has infected millions of computers world through malicious code that makes them as anetwork of spammers.

"Botnets are estimated to have affected one million computers that operate under its control and is known to be able to send billions of spam emails every day,"explained a senior Microsoft attorney Richard Boscovich Digital Crimes Unit as quoted by ZDNet,Friday (18/03/2011).

Daily Wall Street Journal first reported that Microsoft's digital crime units working withfederal officers in raids on seven Rustock hosting facilities across the U.S. andconfiscated servers that run their network.

Closing Rustock represent a major advancement in the effort to reduce the amount ofspam worldwide. Last year, computer security firm Symantec reported that Rustockresponsible for 39 percent of the spam world.

Digital crime units Microsoft has long worked with law enforcement to detect andeliminate spammers, botnets and other malicious code creators. The government does not have sufficient resources to conduct such investigations. However, Microsoft iswilling to facilitate the investigation in order to maintain the desire of internet userscontinue to send email.


Wi-Fi Cars, Dream Cars Future

Analyst claim technology, consumers are increasingly welcomed the idea of ​​wi-fi car technology, which allows a car into the warehouse of information and entertainment like a smart phone or tablet computer.

"Initially, the idea of ​​installing internet access in the car sounds disturbing and reckless.But, over time, this car will become part of our lives and people will feel uncomfortable if you do not have access (the Internet)," said telecom analyst Jeff Kagan told StraitsTimes, Monday (03/28/2011).

A market research from iSuppli estimates that shipments wi-fi system for carsworldwide will grow rapidly. Later in 2017, the number of shipments wi-fi system the car will reach 7.2 million units. Meanwhile, in 2010 there were only 174 thousand units.

Since 2010, the United States car manufacturers, Ford, has been offering free wi-fitechnology in several variants of his car. Other automotive giants like General Motors,BMW, Audi, Saab and Chrysler also already offer Internet access in its product line.

Meanwhile, mid-March, the Finnish telecommunications giant Nokia introduced a CarConnectivity Consortium, by including the 11 companies with similar technicalstandards, including such as Daimler, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Toyota andVolkswagen

Ubuntu 11:04 "Natty Narwhal" the latest edition of ubuntu

Forgoing Edition Desktop / Netbook Edition duality that marked the latest version of the OS, the next major iteration of Ubuntu, 11:04 (aka "Natty Narwhal"), hit last week beta inthe new combined edition simply called "Ubuntu", bringing with it the Union as a desktop environment new default in addition to a number of other new features, which include theFirefox web browser 4 as a standard Ubuntu.

By applying the Unity as a standard interface in place of Gnome, Ubuntu risk alienatinga number of core users are familiar with the former default UI. Unity previously used onlyfor a little niche Ubuntu Netbook Edition, adopted it to offer the core OS is a gamble forCanonical, but where the company can move forward with the interface (Ahem)integrated for its consumer products are now single.

Unity interface, seen here in no-longer-supported Ubuntu Netbook Edition.

Announcing Natty 11:04 Narwhal beta development in a press release, the Ubunturelease manager Kate Stewart introduces a new interface, said: "Unity is now the default Ubuntu desktop session is launching the Union has many new features, includingdrag and drop re-ordering. launcher icons, a full keyboard navigation support , launcheractivation via a keyboard shortcut, right-click context menu quick list and switch betweenrunning applications. "

As the marketing manager of Canonical's Gerry Carr said in a company blog recently:"The introduction of a new shell for Ubuntu means that we have a user interface thatworks just as good as any PC form factor and works on various underlying technologies.architectures including the general in netbook, notebook, desktop or whatever youchoose to run it on because it requires a separate version for netbooks deleted .. "

The point about the form factor mainly deals given the Union including multi-touch support, which potentially opens the way for Ubuntu to make a significant breakthroughin touchscreen devices. We're not holding our breath for a tablet version of Ubuntu, butthe emergence of touchscreen PCs alone warrants a feature to the core OS.

In addition to Unity, Natty Narwhal including Firefox 4.0, 3.3.2 LibreOffice, Banshee1.9.5 and kernel 2.6.38-7.39. You can try the beta version for yourself here, with final release scheduled for just a few weeks away (April 28). Or just wait for the APC DVDcover (and you can save bandwidth).
or go directly

sumber :

Play Music Through the Terminal (just 4 UBUNTU)

yayaya maybe something different, different from the others ..
if you want to look different with the other music player problem

deh try to install this one named "moc" a music player application on the terminal
nah klo want to install simply by way of type "sudo apt-get install moc"
at the terminal and make sure your computer is connected to the internet .... then run thecommand "mocp" in music are terminaldan select a location
and enter tuk play music ...

never to see the look I got this one

to return to normal display terminal just press "Q"
good luck

* successful pobud *