Friendster Not Surrender!

we ask the users of the Internet today, what social networking sites they use? Certainly almost all of them answered, Facebook and Twitter. Friendster? Oh, it's not anymore, the password is just to have forgotten.

Yes, so few answers about Internet users who asked detikINET. But actually, how's Friendster now? Are they still operating? Of course it does. The site was mentioned as one of the pioneers of social networking is not giving up despite the increasingly set by the hegemony of Facebook and Twitter.

Friendster light dims when it's middle, but remember, they had triumphed in the universe sites of the world. In fact, when the early 2000's, the world's Internet traffic Friendster are always put in the ranks of the top 10.

Yet somehow, the name with such a short Friendster also fell from the ranks of leading social networking site. The cause was predictable, the emergence of another site that is more fresh, especially Facebook.

Did not take long, residents flocked Friendster and then migrated to Facebook. Initially, they still comfortable to have two accounts - have Friendster and Facebook - but slowly, Friendster forgotten.

So how Friendster's reaction? Site formerly known by the term 'testy' aka 'testimonial' is not necessarily broken charcoal and surrendered to reality. They still keep trying to innovate by bringing the look and new features for unforgettable.

Friendster design changes had been made to conform with the character of young people. The new design is claimed to be more modest but pleasant impression, according to the image you want displayed Friendster.

Alter this action, including for matters tagline to 'Connecting Smiles', referring to their service is intended to connect your fellow users of Friendster in a much more enjoyable.

Until eventually Friendster ownership changed. In December 2009, Friendster dilego to a company called MOL Global, digital payment company based in Malaysia.

Not on the value of transactions that occur, just that this transfer of ownership could provoke despair of the lovers of Friendster. But unfortunately it did not happen, Friendster is still not able to pound on the social networking universe.

Until finally, quoted from PC Mag, on Wednesday (04/27/2011), Friendster prefer the focus to work on the Asian market. It was marked with a forged partnerships with Yahoo Southeast Asia and gave birth to music and gaming portal in Asia.

Now Friendster also kept clean and their final clean-up plan of action on each account that is still registered in layananya.

Friendster states will launch a website in new packaging. As a consequence, data, photos, messages and blogs, users will be swept away on 31 May. However user accounts still exist.

To facilitate the process of decision-critical data by users, Friendster provides applications to help the process of downloading content or move it to another networking site.

Friendster's popularity is now far declined to make any changes to its site more attractive. Reported by Computer World, they want more focus on working on the entertainment sector.

"There will be a new feature that will accommodate your online activity and will enable to connect with friends and create friendships with new people who have common interests," says Friendster.

"Development of our site is designed to create a new profile that lets you connect differently with people and do something different than other networking sites," he concluded.

So, what about you, still interested in playing on Friendster?

"Pornography addicts Usually Like hubbub"

Ilustrasi (gambar:
Ilustrasi (gambar:

A recent study states that one-quarter of men aged 18-24 'worried' over the content they watch porn on the internet.

In the study illustrates that the average porn addict has a problem with employment, social relationships and sex life. Similarly, as quoted from TechWatch, Tuesday (26/04/2011).

Research conducted by the BBC newsbeat and doctors from the Portman Clinic, found that 25 per cent of men aged 18 to 24 years to worry about the quantity of content that they had seen online pornography.

Dr Heather Wood said that pornography addicts do not get more pleasure when accessing content on the internet. And the average internet porn addicts have problems with social relationships.

In this survey, 80 percent of men say when they open a porn site. The average time in the men's surfing porn sites is two hours in a week, while for women is 15 minutes in a week.

Then one of 20 men admitted that they were accessing porn sites more than 10 hours in a week. This survey involved 1000 respondents.

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Legal solutions provider working with Western Digital storage media hold a quiz for readers loyal Okezone. There are 5 external hard disk My Passport 500 GB, for 5 lucky readers.

Terms and Conditions Quiz

1. Participants are required to become a member of Fans Page Western Digital Indonesia, which can be click on this link.
2. Competition is only valid for new fans Fans Page Western Digital Indonesia; Not applicable for old fans who have followed similar programs that exist in the media or other forums.
3. Participants are required to follow the official Twitter account Okezone in @ okezonenews.
4. Participants must answer questions about Okezone site, which will appear from time to time in the timeline @ okezonenews
5. Each answer must be included with hashtag # kuisWD and # Legal

Period and Announcement of Winners

Period will run from 19 April 2011 to 10 May 2011, which is divided into 3 periods winner.

Announcement of the winners were divided into 3 phases, consisting
Phase 1: April 26, (1 winner)
Phase 2: May 3 (2 winners)
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Decision of judges consisting of editors Legal is the decision final and inviolable

Quiz is a contest that does not charge at all. Beware of scams in the name of Okezone and Western Digital.

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Amazon Crash Data Center, Thousands of Sites Down

Thousands of sites, including Foursquare and Quora, was offline due to damage to the Data Center cloud-based computing (cloud computing) belonging to the Amazon in the territory of Virginia.

"Host our data center which usually works great, Amazon EC2, had a little problem this morning, affecting us and some other services that use the data center,"the statement Foursquare location sharing service as reported by the Telegraph, Sunday (24 / 4) .

Yes, in addition to selling books and DVDs online, also offers web hosting and storage services for companies who do not want to spend a lot of money to build their own data centers.

Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), who becomes host to several large sites such as Foursquare, Quora and news portal Reddit, began last Thursday damaged. Fortunately, now the service that was to be re-accessed.
Although the cause of thousands of sites offline, the Amazon site itself was not experiencing any impact.

Quora Amazon itself does not want to blame the excess. "We hope to soon resume operations. Sorry, it's also frustrating for us. We could blame a particular party, but we will not be here without EC2," a statement of social networking is established 2009.

Cloud computing service today is more widely used by a number of startup, but this service model is expected to become a bigger business in the future. (krJogya)

dangdut style AMIKOM forseka

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Changing Views (layout) facebook up liking your ..

some time ago facebook came up with the display (layout) is new, so if my opinion is better than the previous tampilan2, but if you want you can also change your appearance as you like FACEBOOK::

Well, just

How: follow the following steps are rare

1. Download and install the Firefox add ons HERE (for the latest firefox (3.0 to 4.0))
and for users of older versions of firefox download HERE

2. If the install process successfully then you have to restart firefox

3. Open up your page

4. following you can choose various types of layouts facebook download HERE

5. Choose a layout that interesting if you find and click on the title layout facebook

6. Click the button with stylish

7. After that a confirmation dialog box, click the preview button to see the first appearance

and click the install button to instantly change the look of your facebook
8. back to your facebook account page, click refresh or press F5 menu (right click RELOAD) to see the changes
9.jika you want to replace with another facebook layout, do the same as steps 4-8 above

10 and if you want to use their own photos how to upload your first photo to photo bucket eg, etc, then open your facebook page and then select the Tools menu> adds-on> select edit on the style you choose you, after that insert photo Url that you had to replace the url Upload photos like that I circled below ..
11.If you want to disable these styles or want to return the display to the default or standard facebook (originally), you can click the icon in the status bar firefox stylist then click turn off styles or from Tools> Add-ons> unistal

Due to this change facebook layouts using the layout of facebook firefox addons that change would only laoyout facebook in your computer now, if you use firefox on another computer then you need to do more langkah2 above to change the layout of facebook.