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Fixie bike you never imagined suddenly turn into a transformer? Soon that fantasy willbecome reality. miniature in the form of toys have been made.
This bike (meaning still in the form of toys) transformers color features on its wheels.Imagine, you ride a bike that can turn into Bumblebee or Optimus Prime when it reacheshalf way.
"It is very interesting if this bike (toy) could become a reality (real bikes)," said Pedal ID,a company that makes it. This bike features the colors that exist on the Transformerrobots, including red and blue like the Optimus Prime.
In addition, the wheel, there Autobot logo on the rear wheels and the writing on the front wheel Transformer. Wait when the toy is made so real fixie bike. [ram]

Be careful with the applicationclaim could see who was peeping your profile on Facebook. Application of this scam targeting users in Indonesia.
According to antivirus company Vaksincom, in a statement received detikINET on Monday (2/5/2011), there are hundreds of thousands of Facebook users who becomevictims of such action.
Action was carried out on behalf of a group of actors called 'Jempolers Indonesia'.According to the monitoring Vaksincom, 750,000 users up of Indonesia into the victim'saction in just three days.
"If you fall victim to, and run what is ordered, then you'll automatically send messages upchat to all your contacts," said analyst antivirus from Vaksincom, Alfons Tanujaya.
To convince the victim, malicious applications are sending the writing on the profile of victims who seemed to show anyone who had seen the friend of the victim's profile andhow often.
"When in fact the application does not exist and posts the data shown are mock datathat takes the contact profile and displays the number of 'views' at random,"said Alfons.detikInet

About 2 billion pairs of eyes staring at the television screen is expected to witness thegrand wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Excitement also occurred at siteswhere the Twitter microblogging tweeps many post about the wedding.
Yes, on the wedding day which took place on Friday (29 / 4) yesterday, the topic of the Royal Wedding abundant on Twitter. Even as the ceremony began in England, 10Twitter trending topic related to the Royal Wedding.
There are no official figures from the Royal Wedding Twitter about statistics. But throughsocial monitoring tools Trendrr, some interesting data already available. Here are six of them, quoted from Mashable, Saturday (04/30/2011):
- The volume of tweet coming from the city of London largest, New York, Toronto, NewSouth Wales, Paris and Sao Paulo
- Sentiment tweeps at the Royal Wedding are generally positive (58%), 24% neutral and18% are considered negative
- As many as 64% of tweets about the Royal Wedding comes from users and theremaining 36% of women by male users Twitter
- Mention hashtag # Royal Wedding surpassed 1 million during the mid-weddingceremony
- 42% of all tweets related RoyalWedding come from While 39% of mobile devices
- hashtag ngetop including # royalwedding, # rw2011 (hashtag official Royal Wedding),# royalwedding!, # rw11, and # bodareal (Spanish "# royalwedding")
All eyes were on the television screen or PC respectively, while watching gloriousWilliam and Kate's wedding. It is better to use the following applications for WindowsPhone laden information about the Royal Wedding.
Size of 4 MB of free applications are just there on Windows Marketplace Phone 7. His name is 'Royal Wedding', according to a grand event witnessed by thousands of eyestoday.
'Royal Wedding' contains around a fairly complete reference information about thegrand wedding event. Starting from a family who Prince William and Kate Middelton, todesign a dress like what was used when the British royal wedding crown prince, or BlueSapphire ring that will be derived.
When tested detikINET, Friday (4/29/2011), the media can follow the latest pressrelease from the British empire through this application. Not just the latest update, userscan listen to the latest Twitter status every second with a hash mark # RoyalWedding or# rw11.
The first page of this application entitled 'Who's Who', it is about important figures inWilliam and Kate's wedding. The second page contains the 'Royal News' and 'In the News'. Hunters must listen to gossip and news updates of this section.
The next two pages devoted to the public via twitter named 'Royal Press' and 'PlarenceHouse'. Its contents tweet about the contents of the event. Some of the tweet containsinteresting things around the site that may escape from the mass media. AccordingdetikINET, this simple application must be downloaded to all users of Windows Phone7.detikINET
Internet users' attention on the marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton is expected to very large. The prediction was right where there is a record audience onlinelive broadcast or live streaming Royal Wedding.
BBC website 'suffer' related the number of viewers to access live streaming RoyalWedding. Traffic overflow causes the visitor during the climax encounter difficulties accessing the wedding.
"We experienced some technical issues, which may cause a site to run slower thannormal," said a spokesman for the BBC, quoted from the Telegraph on Saturday(04/30/2011).
Another great website that will almost certainly reach a record number of visitors tooperate relatively normally. YouTube Live stream which is expected to attract 400 millionviewers, a relatively smooth run its services.
British royal party chose YouTube as a channel directly broadcast its official because this site is considered to have experienced. YouTube alerting technicians to ensure theservice runs smoothly.
On the other hand, Akamai provides services in the United States livestream declare a record 1.6 million livestream at the 2010 World Cup has been solved Royal Wedding.Grand wedding was witnessed estimated 2.4 million viewers.
Livestream Meanwhile, online video providers to media such as Associated Press andCBS also experienced the same thing. They claim Royal Wedding took the record asthe most popular live streaming so
Royal Wedding, marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton in the Internetera. No wonder so many people follow events such grandiose global via the virtual worldand make the Royal Wedding as the largest Internet event in history-6.
The data were derived from Akamai Technologies Inc., the Internet hosting company.They explained that the page views or access the internet page of the Royal Weddingnews sites reached 5.4 million per minute.
This figure is still quite a distance when compared to events that most unnecessaryattention Netter, namely the 2010 World Cup. Noted, the world's biggest soccer eventthat attracted about 10.4 million page views per minute.
As reported by Fox News and quoted on Sunday (01/05/2011), following the biggest event on the Internet according to Akamai's version:
1. June 24, 2010: 10.35 million page views per minute during the World Cup qualifying matches and the longest match in Wimbledon tennis event
2. 3 November 2010: 6.36 million page views per minute during the EuropeanChampions League matches
3. June 11, 2010: 6 million page views per minute during the first day of the 2010 WorldCup
4. June 23, 2010: 5.6 million page views per minute when the United States beatAlgeria in the 2010 World Cup
5. 2 November 2010: 5.6 million page views per minute at a mid-term U.S. elections2010
6. 29 April 2011: 5.4 million page views per minute when Prince William and KateMiddleton get married in the Royal