AS release Latest VIDEO Osama bin Laden,

From a hiding place, the number one terrorist Osama Bin Laden Al-Qaeda control of his organization. In a video released by the Department of the United States or better known as the Pentagon, bin Laden following the news about him on television.

In the video Bin Laden was seen watching a show about himself in the Arabic language television station. He was sitting on the floor by covering the body with what looked like a blanket or jacket, holding a remote control.

On Saturday, May 7, 2011 local time, the Pentagon released a number of amateur videos Usama Bin Ladin. Videos were taken from a hiding place during the last six years in a house in Abbottabad, Pakistan. In the house, on Monday last week, the man was shot dead 54 years.
In a press conference in Washington, the Pentagon also released propaganda videos that were recorded by bin Laden. Total of five videos were seized when U.S. commandos from the elite Navy Seals raided the house of Bin Ladin.
In the first video, filmed in October or November 2010, Bin Ladin seen wearing a white skull cap and white robe when he spoke in front of the camera. Appearance of such a style of speech made ​​the previous video of Al-Qaeda's leader. The difference, Bin Ladin look more fat than the photographs or video that circulated earlier.

No sound in the film, but Pentagon officials claim that the video contains a message to the United States. The other three appear to record a video clip rehearsal making a video message, says the BBC's Jonny Dymond in Washington. This is similar to the first film that comes from Al-Qaeda issued a video of Bin Ladin's speech in 2007, said Jonny.

Meanwhile, CIA Director Leon Panetta said the discovery of computers, DVD, hard drives and documents at home Bin Laden is an important discovery. "It's a testament to how important we catch Bin Laden, who has been waiting for this operation the Americans Since September 11, 2011," said Panetta.


Brought to hell by God on January 1, 2000. There he saw how people who do not know the Lord was tortured by demons continuously without stopping. He saw the abyss of fire without any basis and see women who love affair and the guy who liked to masturbate was tortured.


God brought down to hell on May 2, 1997. At that time he was only 15 years. In hell he saw the demons tormenting the souls of the unsaved. There are beheaded, others pierced his body. Home from hell he immediately repented.

3. Bill Wiese

He has never been in hell for 23 minutes. There he felt alone, frightened by the devil is tormenting the people who do not believe in God, look at how the smell of burning flesh and that makes nausea. His experience in the hell is written in the book "23 Minutes in Hell."


September 2001 while being syafat prayer in his church, Elizabeth was brought God into hell. There he saw how the people for help in order to be released from eternal suffering (suffering for ever) in hell, but it was too late. Most of them gnawed by caterpillars that eat their flesh and some are burned by the fire (read the Bible, Mark 9:43-48)


A servant of God who often visited the Lord was brought down to hell in 1976. There, in view there is a bowl-shaped valley that contains the fire that never goes out (according to the Bible, Mark 9:43-48). In the fire that there are people who do not believe in God. They were punished there forever. The testimony was made ​​a book entitled "A Divine Revelation Of Hell."


Ian McCormack was like swimming. One day in May 1982, was swimming at the beach when he was stung by a jellyfish. He was immediately taken to the hospital. Left on the way to the hospital, his spirit was taken to hell. Hell it's really dark, no light at all and could not see anything there. But he knew, from the sounds around him if he was in hell. Praise the Lord, God removing him from the darkness and raise again.

7. (ALM) PDT. Kenneth Hagin

One of the servants of God who had died and God brought down to hell till 3 times. In hell she had not brought into the deepest part by an evil spirit, fortunately there is no God (or his angel) that prevent Rev. Hagin entrance. His testimony can be read in his book "I Have to Hell."


Servant of God from Nigeria is experiencing a car accident and was pronounced dead. But 3 days later was raised again by Reinhard Bonke. During the 3 days that he brought God into hell. There he saw people who eat their own flesh, continue to eat again. Keep it up forever.


Servant of God is famous for his book, "Heaven Is So Real". Besides never been to heaven, he also never brought God into hell twice. In hell he saw people being tortured until his face out of shape again. In fact he could not recognize his own grandmother.

10. Fernandez pitched

Latin woman who lives in New York was brought God into hell and see the process of eternal torture there. What makes her surprise is that many Christians who he knew was there in hell.


Eta Aquariids Meteor Seen in Indonesia!

For astronomy fans in Indonesia, be prepared for this night up to two days ahead Aquariids Eta meteor shower will be visited Indonesia sky.

"Rain Aquariids Eta meteor will appear in all parts of Indonesia, which peak at 6 to 8 May," said Professor Dr Thomas Djamaluddin, an expert in Astronomy and Astrophysics of the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN), in Jakarta, Friday (6 / 5).

Thomas explained to reporters that the Eta meteor shower Aquariids dust comes from combustion of Halley's comet. "Called Eta Aquariids because it is usually visible in the constellation Aquarius constellation, near the brightest star in the constellation, namely Eta Aquarii," said Thomas.

Thomas said that the phenomenon Aquariids Eta meteor shower occurs every year. "The rain meteors will run from late April until mid May, but reached its peak on December 6 to 8 May, with the number of 60 meteors per hour" Thomas said.

"Rain of meteors can be seen before Fajr in the sky to the east, with the terms and conditions of clear sky free of light pollution," added Thomas.
(Okz / Yan)

After Osama bin Laden dead, the World Is it safe?

Who is most happy with the killing of Osama bin Laden? Of course the allies of the United States (U.S.) who joined the campaign supporting the "War on Terror", and of course also the American Golden Child that is Zionist Israel. Osama's death as a "relieving the thirst" of the war who have waged the U.S. and its allies in several countries in the Arab lands.

News of the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden who was killed on Sunday (fifth) in a battle with U.S. forces in Pakistan Navy Seal, was so heavily reported by the media, whether in newspapers, internet and television. They compete to submit the details for the details of the death of Osama bin Laden, and the speeches of world leaders that also delighted with the news until the hysteria U.S. public excitement, like winning a championship when he heard the speech of U.S. President Barack Obama is very diplomatic.

"Justice has been done," Obama said in a state address from the White House late at night in order to announce the death of the man accused as the mastermind behind the attacks of 11 September 2001, in New York and Washington. Obama says U.S. forces led the operation that killed Osama bin Laden. And stated no Americans were killed in the operation and they managed to avoid any civilian casualties, Obama said in his speech.

"Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted the operation that killed Osama bin Laden, leader of al-Qaeda, and a terrorist responsible for killing thousands of men, women and children, "Obama said in a speech from the White House late at night.

If Obama's statement is true, then this is a great achievement for Obama and National Security team, after a lot of Americans that is almost hopeless in its U.S. operations to find the existence of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

Elsewhere Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the U.S. for the success Americans kill Osama bin Laden, and see this as a "resounding victory" for Washington and its allies.

"It was a glorious victory for justice, freedom and values ​​shared by all democratic countries that have fought shoulder to shoulder in the fight against terrorism," Netanyahu said in a statement on Monday (2 / 5).

Israeli prime minister's statement comes after the president's speech from the White House stating that U.S. forces had managed to kill the person most wanted by the United States for allegedly responsible for the attacks of 11 September 2001.

Meanwhile, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Israel had to fend for themselves against Palestinian militants and Lebanon as an extension of the US-led campaign against al-Qaeda around the world, very excited about the death of Osama bin Laden.

"Al-Qaeda has constantly tried to penetrate Gaza, Judea and Samaria (West Bank)," he told Israel Army Radio.

Referring to Israeli military operations into Palestinian territory. "The death of Osama bin Laden has significance for our operations as well."

The death of Osama bin Laden's Revenge Action Trigger

Warning for the world to remain alert to acts of revenge directly asked U.S. intelligence agencies, the CIA. CIA Director, Leon Panetta, said Al Qaeda was "almost certainly" trying to avenge the killing Bin Laden by the U.S..

"Even though Bin Laden is dead, the terrorists of Al Qaeda almost certainly would try to avenge him. We must and will remain vigilant, "said Panetta, Tuesday (3 / 5).

Obama also said the possibility of terrorist attacks will continue to receive attention. "There is no doubt that Al Qaeda will continue attacks against us. We must and we will remain vigilant in the home (domestic) and overseas, "Obama said in his speech.

The expression of vigilance against revenge attacks also raised other world leaders. British Prime Minister, David Cameron also said the West should be "very vigilant" in the weeks ahead.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy also hailed it as a successful military operation against terrorism. But he also warned that Al Qaeda did not look weak.

Some security experts are also worried 10-year anniversary Sept. 11 attacks will encourage the supporters of Al Qaeda. "While we in the West may feel satisfied with the enforcement of justice against the terrorists, many parties are still looking at Osama bin Laden as a martyr. Make no mistake, jihadists would react with violence, "London Terrorist observer review Catham House, Julian Lindley-French.

"The way he was killed by the military command shows there will be significant consequences for the organization. (Murder), it will be the call of jihad, "he added.

U.S. itself has warned people across the world against potential anti-American violence is increasing. They were warned to avoid the mass meetings and foreign trips.

Australia also issued a similar warning to its people, while police and Iraqi army in a position of high alert. Meanwhile, Japan said it would increase patrols in the vicinity of U.S. military bases in the country, in anticipation of revenge attacks.

"The death of Osama bin Laden does not mean we can relax now and assume the danger has passed. I think Al Qaeda will try to take revenge against America and the Government of Pakistan. Even though a battle had been won, the war itself is far from over, "said Chairman of the Munich security conference, Wolfgang Ischinger told German radio on Tuesday (3 / 5).

Military operations ambush Bin Laden's residence in a luxurious complex is an order of murder. "This is indeed an assassination operation," said an official from Washington who was called identity.

The body of Bin Laden himself who secured a direct U.S. troops buried at sea, without any definite information about its location. Earlier, the U.S. military have taken Bin Laden's DNA sample for purposes of identification.

According to the U.S. military, it was done because no country is willing to be the location of the funeral of Saudi Arabia-born militant leader was. Another military source said the reason to avoid action of Bin Laden's funeral became a symbol of resistance. In his speech, Obama assured that the remains of Bin Laden and the dead are treated according to Islamic procedures.

(Yan, from various sources)

8 November There is a giant asteroid to soar over the Earth

Astronomers said it was preparing a tool to observe the giant asteroid-sized aircraft that would cross the earth. site reported that the asteroid will pass Earth at a distance closer than the moon is not going to threaten Earth. Similarly, as quoted by UPI, Wednesday (4 / 5).

"There is no danger of a possible collision, when asteroid 2005 YU55 reach the closest distance to Earth on 8 November. The shortest distance is 201.700 miles estimated trajectory of the Earth," the scientists claim.

The scientists added that at the closest point, they become able to study the asteroid is better.

"Objects that cross Earth's sky is usually quite far away, but with spacing as close as science allows devices on the ground to see it well," said Barbara Wilson, a scientist from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

Asteroid 2005 YU55 discovered by astronomers from the University of Arizona in Tucson in

Facebook Deny Allegations Founder Wikileaks

Facebook deny Allegations Wikileaks founders, Julian Assange, who called social networking sites as an engine of the most horrible spies. Previously the founder of Wikileaks Julian Assange give that statement in an interview with Russian media Time.

"Facebook is a machine spy the most important and terrible. Here (up) has the most comprehensive database of human good in the world of human relationships, human full name, their address, location, family," said Assange.

As quoted from Russia Time, Saturday (05/07/2011), this claim has been denied by Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg founded the site claims to have no automatic data processing to request information. Up claims to have a team of professionals to handle things like that.

"We do not respond to pressure (which is a third party) but we are subject to the legal process. Beloum we never pressured to give up certain data - we always fight every time we believe that the legal process is inadequate,"said a spokesman for Facebook.

Assange also accused Google and Yahoo to provide users' personal data to U.S. intelligence and work with governments to facilitate the provision of such information. According Assange, the Internet is a machine that great spy.