Is May 21, 2011 “Judgment Day”?

Predictions from a small American religious sect have gained widespread attention. Will the world end this year?


Proclaiming “the end”: A man walks the streets of New York City holding a sign claiming that May 21, 2011 is “Judgment Day” (May 13, 2011).

Source: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Billboards announce, “The Bible Guarantees It”—vans emblazoned with “Christ Returns as Judge” roam highways—missionaries hold placards reading, “The Trumpet is Sounding”—a shaky voice on a radio program proclaims, “Judgment Day is coming.”

The movement spreads. The following grows. Gradually, the world takes notice. Have you?

For several years, a former civil engineer based in California, Harold Camping, has proclaimed that the world will face “Judgment Day” on May 21, 2011.

He has convinced thousands of followers that a “worldwide earthquake” will occur on this day, beginning a hellish period that will culminate with God Himself destroying the planet five months later. Mr. Camping claims that these ideas are all found in the Bible. According to his website:

“On May 21, 2011 two events will occur. These events could not be more opposite in nature, the one more wonderful than can be imagined; the other more horrific than can be imagined.

“A great earthquake will occur the Bible describes it as ‘such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.’ This earthquake will be so powerful it will throw open all graves. The remains of the all the believers who have ever lived will be instantly transformed into glorified spiritual bodies to be forever with God.

“On the other hand the bodies of all unsaved people will be thrown out upon the ground to be shamed.

“The inhabitants who survive this terrible earthquake will exist in a world of horror and chaos beyond description. Each day people will die until October 21, 2011 when God will completely destroy this earth and its surviving inhabitants.”

Should you be alarmed at Mr. Camping’s dire prophecies? Is there any truth to his claims? Does the Bible validate these sensational ideas?

After reading this article, you will know with absolute certainty whether “the end of the world” will arrive this year!

No Man Knows the Hour

Most who write about the Bible, including Mr. Camping, do not realize that this Book interprets itself. The Author of this greatest of books would not leave the most crucial questions, those involving all humanity, subject to human interpretation. He would provide clues—necessary vital keys!—to understanding the large portions of His Word devoted to future events.

God would provide proof of all the things He says!

The Bible commands its readers: “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (I Thes. 5:21). This certainly applies to prophecy. You need not accept the opinion of one more ill-informed, self-appointed “expert.”

Tragically, most who read the Bible remain in near total ignorance of its meaning, including being completely unable to recognize the sequence and timing of its prophecies. And this is on top of not truly comprehending what any of them actually means!

So many just cannot untangle the maze of what happens when, as well as where and to whom—and why.

The idea of the end of the world has been a subject of great speculation, ridicule, general discussion, fascination and fancy for 2,000 years—ever since Jesus Christ announced He would return to Earth. With opinions everywhere, there has been an explosion of literature presenting popular scenarios, ideas, theories, suppositions and interpretations of what will occur just before Christ’s Return.

For Christians, the “Judgment Day” question begins with what Jesus said about His Return: “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man comes” (Matt. 25:13).

If people were reading even such basic verses, they would never worry about May 21, 2011, because no man knows the day of Christ’s Return: “But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father” (Mark 13:32). This verse alone precludes any man who sets a date for Christ’s Return from being an authority on Scripture—even one who claims to be “a tireless student” and who has spent “tens of thousands of hours…analyzing the Bible.”

What a tragic commentary on the state of people who profess to be Christians—but cannot logically compute such rudimentary understanding. But then, most who profess to follow Christ study little or nothing of what He said.

Get this! Just Mark 13:32, and other similar passages, rule out this date—or any specific date—that might be suggested for Christ’s Return, or a supposed “Judgment Day.”

Next read a section of Jesus’ Olivet prophecy: “The disciples came unto Him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the world [age]?” (Matt. 24:3). His long answer begins with: “Take heed that no man deceive you” (vs. 4).

Jesus goes straight to the biggest problem that would exist at the end. There is an unending and growing number of deceivers at work today. Are their followers taking heed? How many are doing their own research regarding men postulating prophetic scenarios? Mr. Camping’s is only one. There are many others, and more appearing all the time.

The 2011 Impossibility

Based on Mr. Camping’s thinking, mankind is now very deep into what the Bible calls the Great Tribulation—the worst period of human history, which includes the destruction of Jerusalem.

Notice how Christ described this time in the Olivet Prophecy: “For there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down…” (Luke 21:23-24).

Any thinking person can see this has not yet occurred!

For those who wish to learn what the Bible actually states, David C. Pack, author of The Bible’s Greatest Prophecies Unlocked! – A Voice Cries Out and the foremost authority on Bible prophecy, presents conclusive proof that the world will not end this year:

“Let’s examine whether it is even possible—prophetically—for 2011 to be the end. Follow carefully. We have to establish the timing of certain events.

“Many are familiar with the term ‘Tribulation’ or ‘Great Tribulation.’ The Bible speaks of this event as one of terrible trouble and indescribable horror. Jesus referred to this time as unparalleled in history: ‘For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be’ (Matt. 24:21). The prophet Daniel also speaks of this period in chapter 12, verse 1. Jeremiah references it in a similar way in chapter 30, verse 7.

“The Bible reveals that a certain very specific amount of time must elapse between the start of the Great Tribulation and the Return of Jesus Christ—or ‘the end of the age.’ So understand. If it can be proven that there are not enough years in God’s plainly revealed timeline for 2011 to be the end, then all the hysteria is for nothing!

“Numerous passages explain that the Tribulation lasts 2½ years, followed by the year-long Day of the Lord. Together, these events last 3½ years, fulfilling 1,260 days before Christ’s Return.

“Let’s understand the implications! If the Great Tribulation were to begin today there is not enough time for May 21, 2011 to be the ‘beginning of the end.’ But it is also important to realize that certain biblically described pre-conditions that must lead up to the Tribulation are not, however close they now are, yet here.

“So then, just the 1,260 days—again, were it to begin today—would greatly overshoot May 21, 2011. It is therefore absolutely impossible for this date to be the end of the world! All fear of it can disappear! None need be afraid of this fictional doomsday!

“It is possible, however, that something of significance could happen on around this date because the demon world has a general idea of prophecy, and these fallen spirits do everything in their power to thwart God’s Master Purpose for mankind. They could pull some trick or stunt to confuse the gullible.”

Will the World End?

Mr. Pack continues: “But what about the Return of Christ? Will this usher in the end of planet Earth in October 2011? In other words, will all people alive today die in the fulfillment of end-time prophecies—as so many seem to almost assume? The answer is a resounding NO! And here is proof.

“When Jesus described world conditions leading to His Return, He stated, ‘Except those days should be shortened [cut short], there should no flesh be saved’ (Matt. 24:22).

“Some religionists believe the phrase ‘no flesh be saved’ refers to spiritual salvation. But that is not what Jesus is talking about. Rather, that unless God cuts the Tribulation short, no human beings—‘no flesh’—would survive. The human race would become extinct if Christ did not return. The implication is that He will return before this happens. For those who believe God, this is further proof that 2011 could not possibly end human existence.

“Other prophecy writers speak of the ‘end of the world’—that the earth itself will supposedly be destroyed. This could not be further from the truth. This idea often stems from a misunderstanding of Christ’s disciples asking Him for a sign of the ‘end of the world.’ The Greek word (aion) translated world means ‘age.’ The disciples were asking when the period of man’s rule would end—and the kingdom of God would be established. They well understood the many Old Testament prophecies that speak of the Messiah setting up the kingdom of God on Earth.

“God’s servants understand the basic framework of His overall prophetic timetable and plan. They are not confused about ‘what happens next,’ once certain prophecies begin to take place. Many prophecies involve a tremendous amount of understanding that God makes available, and with all necessary details. They understand exactly what lies ahead for all mankind, and for themselves—if they are faithful.

“May 21, 2011, is NOT the end! Do not fear this date! Human beings will never be wiped out. All the hysteria is for nothing!

“Countless verses could have been cited to disprove the 2011 deception. Scripture makes plain that 2011 does not mark the ‘end of the world,’ and that such ideas are preposterous to the point of almost humorous—were it not for the fear and confusion they spawn.”

Plain Warnings

Make no mistake: Harold Camping is a prophet—a false prophet. Every scripture he cites—without exception—is twisted, mangled and butchered. The Bible warns of such “evil men and seducers” (II Tim. 3:13) in our time, but like all of its other warnings, most do not heed.

False prophets prey on people’s natural fascination with the future. The apostle John warned of them: “Believe not every spirit, but try [test] the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” (I John 4:1). Jesus added this warning: “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many” (Matt. 24:11). Now ask again: How many worry about being deceived? Most ignore these passages. But this comes with a price.

Understand. God calls such possessors of “enlightened” knowledge “angels of light” (II Cor. 11:13-14). Such “angels” are only too willing to share their “knowledge.”

Jesus also warned, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” (Matt. 7:15).

It is not always easy to detect these deceivers. None of them wear signs exposing who they are. They are smooth operators, but their teachings tear people’s understanding as wolves rip prey.

How can you tell a false prophet? Let Jesus answer: “You shall know them by their fruits...” (Matt. 7:16). And four verses later, “By their fruits you shall know them” (vs. 20).

Many are aware that Mr. Camping falsely predicted “Judgment Day” would occur in 1994. This could not occur with a prophet of God. Notice: “We have also a more sure word of prophecy...” (II Pet. 1:19). God’s prophecies are sure. They never miss. Not one!

Here is God’s command regarding prophets: “And if you [ask] in your heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?” (Deut. 18:21). God’s answer is, “When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him” (vs. 22).

This passage reveals that men can presume to speak for God. This is very serious to the God of the Bible. It should also be serious to you. You must know if God sent a man—or if the man sent himself.

The true prophet Ezekiel recorded, “Son of man [Ezekiel], prophesy against the prophets of Israel...and say you unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear you the word of the Lord; thus says the Lord God; woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing” (13:2-3).

Think of the confusion and fear that Mr. Camping’s presumptuous prophecies have engendered. But God declares, “you shall not be afraid of him” (Deut. 18:22).

Again, this is serious to God—and it should be to you!

Easy to Disprove!

Elijah, a true prophet of God, was not afraid to mock the prophets of Baal (I Kings 18). Modern false prophets are deserving of the same. Mr. Camping’s ignorant blather contains so many blatant errors and ridiculous ideas that to debunk them one by one would require a very lengthy article—or even a book. However, his ideas are so obviously false and so easy to disprove that most readers will be able to do this for themselves. As false prophets go, he is a rank amateur, and not very effective at his craft.

Here is just one example. Harold Camping suggests that the “Great Multitude” of Revelation 7:9 are those who agree with his Judgment Day teaching: “A multitude of faithful Bible students—that no man can number—agree: the end of this world, beginning on May 21 2011 is established by God’s Word The Holy Bible and God will shortly bring it to pass.”

No serious Bible student could believe this. While Mr. Camping may be sincere, he is deceived and utterly false!

But recognize that Mr. Camping represents the front edge of a coming wave of false prophets who will “wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” (II Tim. 3:13)—becoming more cunning, persuasive and charismatic. Such men will eventually perform false miracles through the power of the devil who guides them (II Thes. 2:9; Matt. 24:24). But beforehand, the frontrunners will cause many to become jaded to the truth of Bible prophecy—history written in advance.

(Another self-appointed prophet, Ronald Weinland—who believes he and his wife are the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11—also claims the world is deep into the Great Tribulation. Remarkably, he has deluded a growing number of followers with this and other bizarre ideas. This false prophet has set May 27, 2012 as the date of Christ’s Return. Of course, this “computation” is no less ignorant and tragically wrong!)

Let’s look ahead to May 22. There will have been no rapture. No great earthquake. No graves opened. No Judgment Day. Mr. Camping will have only two options: (1) admit that he is a false prophet (highly unlikely), or (2) spin it in some way—claim that his prophecy was fulfilled in some mysterious fashion. Perhaps he will attempt to portray the hundreds of minor earthquakes that normally occur around the world on any given day as a fulfillment of his “worldwide earthquake” prediction. However, he will have a most difficult time trying to explain how other elements of his false prophecy were “fulfilled.” Nevertheless, prepare for the spin!

Source of Real Answers

World events are worsening, leading many to look for answers from the Bible—seeking a source of clarity and authority on God’s Word. Nature abhors a vacuum, and religious entrepreneurs, taking advantage of the situation, seize the opportunity to spew prophetic nonsense. Preying upon people’s ignorance of the Bible, these usually gain a following and material reward besides.

But their wrong motives and lack of knowledge do not negate the very real prophecy contained in the Scriptures—prophecies you can know and understand!

In the Introduction to The Bible’s Greatest Prophecies Unlocked! David C. Pack writes: “Suppose you could know the direction and conclusion of world events—world history—in advance of the outcome. What if you could know the courses of nations before they happen? What if the future of great nations—indeed the greatest nations—could be known? Imagine knowing tomorrow’s biggest headlines before they come to pass, and how events will affect you, and every human being, personally.

“Approximately one-third of the Bible is prophecy—history written in advance. Over four-fifths of this future history is yet to be fulfilled. Tragically, most Bible readers are completely unaware of awesome, impending world events, soon to involve all nations. Vast sections of Scripture are hidden, and remain outside their understanding—completely lost to them. The result is that most simply have no idea what the future holds.

“Many have opinions, but few recognize how to find the answers. Others think they already understand the prophecies of the Bible. The result? They remain ignorant of fascinating, incredible—vital!—knowledge, life-changing knowledge.

“No book you have read, or ever will, on prophecy is like this one. Different from all others on the subject, it is destined to be read by vast numbers—and probably soon.”

If you are serious about learning the truth of the end time, read the most comprehensive book ever written on the subject.

Before May 21 arrives, you can know it is not Judgment Day!

source :

The Prophesied End-Time Revealed

2008 - God's Final Witness

The year 2008 marked the last of God’s warnings to
mankind and the beginning in a countdown of the final three and one-half years of man’s self-rule that will end by May 27, 2012.

On December 14, 2008, the First Trumpet of the Seventh Seal of the Book of Revelation sounded, which announced the beginning collapse of the economy of the United States and great destruction that will follow. The next three trumpets will result in the total collapse of the United States, and once the Fifth Trumpet sounds the world will be thrust into WW III.

The Seven Trumpets of the Seventh Seal, as well as the Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation (which the apostle John saw but was restricted from recording) are revealed in this book.

Many of the prophecies of the Seven Thunders are being fulfilled and will continue to increase in strength and frequency throughout this final three and one-half years of man's self-rule on earth.

The prophecies revealed in this book explain the demise of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, and much of western Europe, which will be followed by man's final world war. This last war will be the result of clashing religions and the governments they sway. Billions will die! The destruction of this time will far exceed the very worst times of all human history.

As these events unfold, the world will increasingly become aware of the authenticity of the words in this book and realize that Ronald Weinland has been sent by God as His end-time prophet.

This book is primarily directed to the people of the three major religions of the world (Islam, Judaism and Christianity), whose roots are in the God of Abraham. Ronald Weinland has been sent to all three.

source :

May 21 Judgment 2011

God talk : Not 21 mey 2011

Soul Lantern

a video which I think is very evocative of attention and feeling, a video which is sung by a solo singer from Indonesia call it "Nugie", the video describes a journey of our own lives which states that it is not always that our ideals and our dreams will come true be real, what would we expect it certainly has not materialized, we want an expectation, for example, we want to be a singer but maybe eventually we'll be a painter ... life is beautiful as beautiful as we smile ...
do not expect but be an expectation

we just see the video

I hope through this video we are more able to understand a life of struggle and description

21 Reasons Why May 21 Is NOT The End Of The World

Never mind 2012. Rumors are growing that the world will end in 2011.

Those who claim to have knowledge of the situation say "Judgment Day" will take place May 21. A Christian radio network has gone so far to "guarantee" this will happen.

As the date gets closer, the panic has spread. Billboards are being put up and people are walking with signs on the streets. There are even Craigslist ads seeking to make out on the pending fire sale.

But is May 21 really the end? Nope. And we have the top 21 reasons why.

Read More...............

Osama accompanying exchanging e-mail Without Detected


Osama bin Laden is known to not have a cell phone and his house is not equipped with internet connection.
But over the years in hiding until finally shot dead U.S. soldiers (U.S.), leader of Al Qaeda is smart enough to be able to use email without being detected.

Osama makes the pursuer to track whereabouts of frustration by saving messages to a thumb drive (flash disk) and then send it from a cafe that is very far away and difficult to reach.

In a statement reported by The Register and quoted on Friday (05/13/2011), the process has lasted a very long time, amazed even veteran intelligence officials knew Osama could defend it.

Osama typing messages to be delivered on a computer that is connected to the Internet. Next, he ordered the courier belief to the cafe to send to the person who addressed via email. Courier also will save all mail destined for Osama and submit it to the employer to read offline.

Previously, Wikileaks also never mentions that bin Laden uses a courier service to connect with the outside world. As the most wanted men, Osama was very careful that its presence is not easily known.

Residence made very closed and difficult for people to look into it. In it also there is no internet connection. Most likely, this is the reason Osama using conventional methods - using a courier trust - to be able to communicate with the people in its network.

In the raid that killed bin Laden two weeks ago, U.S. troops menyatroni important figure residence World Trade Centre tragedy was discovered there are at least 100 flash memory drive. This tiny tool that was mentioned is used as an archival repository of communication between Osama and the people nearby during this.

(RNS / fyk)

Facebook caught Campaign Anti-Google

Ilustrasi (ist)

Rivalry between Google and Facebook increasingly fierce in recent years. To the extent that inappropriate steps were done up to create a negative image of Google in the public eye.

Public Relationsnya up and the company reportedly admitted trying to persuade journalists and bloggers to write a negative article about Google. Especially about how Google handles user privacy.

"As companies become quite large and growing very fast, you start doing strange political marketing," said Hardely Reynolds, analyst in IDC's behavior up to respond.

But up black campaign denied any deliberate on Google. They argued just want to verify that people actually do not agree to their privacy violated.

"This campaign is not accidental or approved. We only want a third party to verify that people do not agree with the collection and use of their account information on up and also other services," countered a spokesman for Facebook.

Black campaign on Google revealed after an article in USA Today said the company was reportedly accidentally drove PR media and bloggers to write about privacy issues in Google at the request of a company. Later revealed that the company is up.

So far, there has been no response from Google. Similarly, as reported by Computerworld and quoted on Friday (05/13/2011

(Fyk / ash)