10 events that shook the world of twitter

http:10 major world events involving Twitter in the delivery of information? Following these events

1. London RiotsRiots London some time ago behind the creation account @ RiotCleanUp_UK_. This account also pioneered hashtag # riotcleanup. He became a trending topic, and it became evident that Twitter can also be a campaign tool.
2. The fall of U.S. Airways aircraftIn January 2009, the U.S. Airways plane crashed in the Hudson River. This news was first broadcast by passenger aircraft, Janis Krum who spread photos via TwitPic events. This photo was ultimately become fine dining society and media.
3. First Obama Presidential tweetPresident Barack Obama is the first politician to take advantage of social networking as a political tool to interact with the community. After has been named president, he sent the tweet "We've made history. All this happened because you give time, talent and passion. Thank you."
4. China EarthquakeTwitter is used to disseminate information during an earthquake in May 2008 in China. Twitter is also used to help search for survivors and garner sympathy.
5. The death of Michael JacksonGen. Jackson's death had dominated the trending topic on Twitter and traffic caused by it. This bahksan to force the Twitter search services in order to remove the site did not crash.
6. Ryan Giggs scandalAn account called @ InjunctionSuper leaked the name of the character involved in the scandal with Manchester United, Ryan Giggs. As a result even spread to a number of senior politicians who were called to the court.
7. The death of Osama Bin LadenObituary of al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was first spread out on Twitter. This incident occurred in May 2011.

8. NASA Findings on MarsIn June 2008, NASA found ice on Mars and they are using Twitter to disseminate information is the first time.
9. Mining company Trafigura scandalOctober 2009, company located in Amsterdam this problem with the newspaper The Guardian for publishing articles about the Trafigura scandal. A human rights activist, Richard Wilson find important information behind this case and bring it to Twitter, which makes artists intervene.
10. TwitchHikingAn adventurer named Paul Smith demonstrates that Twitter has the ability as a global communication tool. He was desperate to travel from England 

Via detikINET from ComputerWeekly

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riots photo in UK London

The following are photos of the riots that occurred in the UK that shocked the city, hopefully the riots that quickly subsided and there were no fatalities
UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots

UK London Riots 

flexible future for smartphones and tablets like a paper

It looks like IT companies and wireless operators adhered to the principle, "the smaller, the better," even as Galaxy Tab tablet and Apple iPad two competing to be the thinnest. However, the researchers Human Media Lab Queen's University made ​​a surprise by developing the first interactive computer paper described as a versatile iPhone.

Roel Vertegaal, Human Media Lab Director stated they successfully developed a prototype "paper" world's first smartphone, called PaperPhone with forms such as thin paper sheets made ​​from plastic and can operate like a smartphone. This technology makes the smartphone into a flexible and very thin films with a diagonal E Ink display 9.5cm.

Despite having a thin and light design, PaperPhone able to make phone calls, play music, store dokuman, address, and photo. Larger version of this technology can be used to reduce some office needs, such as printers, paper and ink cartridge standard.

Do not expect a sharp graphical display or the ability to display movies or games on PaperPhone, because that can be displayed graphically displays E Ink is still limited.

Vertegaal said the technology is to make the office no longer requires paper, because it can all be stored digitally and you can accumulate these computers to each other just like paper. Vertegaal PaperPhone will present on May 10 at the conference the Association Computing Machinery Computer Human Interaction in Vancouver Canada. (Fahrur)

see more video   Paper phone
                            Technology Future
via Bhineka

History of java

Is Software JAVA = Name Island in Indonesia?
Java is the first programming language that is not tied to a particular operating system. Applications written in Java will be able to run anywhere. This has eliminated problems that had made a headache for computer users, due to incompatibility between operating systems, versions, in applications and operating systems.
At first, SUN Microsystems, which is the home of Java, principally engaged in the development of the language used in electronic devices, in 1990. However, each product requires its own language. In other words, to control three devices, consumers must have three remote controls and understand how to use it for three devices. It is a challenge for Sun Microsystems to make it more advanced, which is the background of a new project called Java.
Finally in the spring of 1992, creates interactive handheld with no buttons, no keyboard, which has a width of 5inc LCD screen and is controlled with a touch of the hand. The gadget is called Star7 (* 7) with the ability for remote conrtol, audio player, radio, TV guide and various other entertainment. This product is manufactured using a programming language that they call with OAK, in front of the window because they work there is a large OAK trees. However, this product does not develop, because the chips used are very expensive to make and is very influential on the cost of production.

Betatapun good this product, the Green team has failed in its mission because these products may not be enjoyed by many. However, co-founder Bill Joy SUN saw an opportunity for the OAK language for use in the use of WEB in order to become more interactive and interesting. With a team that will be established under the name "The Live Oak" and was born with what we later know as the Java Applet.
When the name OAK want patented, it turns out that name has been used by other products (OAK Technology). So In January in 1995 the name officially changed to Java oak.
Why is this language called Java? What to do with an island in Indonesia called Java? In connection with this a lot of rumors circulating on the internet. including:At one point James was relaxing at a coffee shop and the name of the Java crossed fikirannya.Java name is taken from some people who are in the project were: James Gosling, Arthur Van Hoff, Andy Bechtolsheim.But somehow the name Java is not at all concerned about his Indonesian island of Java.
The true story of the Java Naming.Having been told by lawyers that the name of the OAK been used by another product, then held a meeting to determine what the proper name is used. This language is unbelievably unique, dynamic, mengasikan, revolutionary and has a very fast process, and then they wonder what the proper name is used that includes the essence of the word. One of them then shouted "its Java". Java in the English language as a means not only coffee, but Java has the meaning as Café has many kinds of coffee and everything was good. Just like the Java language that has many flavors that taste all these can be expressed with the word 'JAVA'

via : viva

Unique Facts About the U.S. President

Here are the unique facts relating to the President of the United States are quoted from various sources:
The oldest president ever elected was Ronald Reagan (69 years) while the youngest president was Kennedy (43). But Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest president since he was only 42 when replacing William McKinley who was killed in 1901.
Before becoming president, Andrew Johnson was a seamstress, the 39th president Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer. Ronald Reagan, a former actor and Harry Truman was a draper.
James Polk, the 11th president, was the first president to be photographed, Theodore Roosevelt was the first president who drive to work, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the first president to ride an airplane. Andrew Jackson was the president who first boarded the train. Rutherford B. Hayes, president of the 19 th was the first president to use the phone and the phone number is 1. While Franklin D. Preside Roosevelt was the first television appearances.
The slain U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy. While the president who died because of illness are: William H. Harrison, Zackary Taylor, Warren G. Harding and Franklin D. Roosevelt. While the president has ever suffered an assassination attempt is Jackson, T. Roosevelt, F. Roosevelt, Truman, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, G. H. W. Bush, Clinton and G. W. Bush.
James Buchanan was the only U.S. president who never married. Five other presidents remarried after the death of his first wife, Reagan was the only divorced president. Six presidents had no children, while John Tyler had 15 children.
President Lincoln with the highest is 6 foot 4 inches while the shortest was James Madison with 5 feet 4 inches. While the 27th president William Howard Taft, earned the nickname "Big Bill," because he has a 6 foot 2 inches and weighs 330 pounds. (Ill: cosmos.com)
