Top 10 World Famous Walls

Walls have been built since ancient times, to mark borders, to keep enemies out or to keep people in. In more recent times walls have also been built to serve as memorials and structures of art. But no matter what purpose they surve, walls dominate the landscape wherever they stand.

10. Wall of Ston

The Walls of Ston are a series of defensive stone walls situated on the peninsula Peljesac in

Top 10 Most Famous Streets in the World

Although most cities have thousands of streets, one or two streets always become to be better known than any other. Whether it’s because of their shopping opportunities, center of nightlife, entertainment hub or their place in history, it’s the streets that travelers always visit. These famous streets, famous boulevards, famous avenues and famous roads gets their picture snapped most often and

Kebakaran di Gereja HKBP pangururan

Tidak terlalu lama kebahagian di gereja HKBP hilang setelah kejadian yang sangat menyedihkan yang terjadi di Gereja HKBP bolon kabupaten samosir, kecamatan pangururan, tepatnya di simpang 4 kota pangururan,.. kebakaran terjadi kira-kira pukul 10 pagi ,kamis 29 september 2011, berdasarkan informasi api berasal dari bagian belakang dari gereja, atau sering di sebut tempat Parhobasan, api disinyalir timbul akibat hubungan pendek arus listrik yang menimbulakan percikan api, api sangat cebat membesar akibat angin yang sangat kencang.
berikut ini adalah video dari Kebakaran Gereja HKBP bolon di simpang empat pangururan

Klik disini untuk melihat videonya 

Love of Mother Lion

Wildlife photographer captures lion rescuing helpless cub from falling to its death

Other members of the pride attempt to rescue the cub but stop trying when they realize it is too steep.

Just as the exhausted cub seems about to fall, his mother circles beneath him and he is snatched up in her jaws, according to the Daily Mail. She then begins the difficult journey back to the

10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Stealth Bomber

Northrop Grumman’s B-2 Spirit, more affectionately known as the Stealth Bomber, is one sexy, sneaky and sophisticated piece of technology. More an alien spaceship than US Aircraft, the Stealth Bomber’s iconic design is instantly recognizable… unless of course it’s on a stealth mission. Below are ten things you might not have known about the world’s most expensive boomerang.

The B-

Largest Cruise Ship In The World

She’s the newest addition to the Royal Caribbean fleet and the world’s largest cruise ship. With 2,700 rooms spanning 16 decks, the Allure of the Seas is like a miniature city, travelling from Fort Lauderdale to the Carribbean at a comfortable 22 knots. Oh and there’s a Starbucks on board…
Below you will find a collection of images and jaw-dropping statistics in an attempt to put this behemoth