Top 8 Oddest Destinations in the World

In the world, there are a lot of strange things which people have never known before. Of them are the places which are considered to be the weirdest ones around the globe because of their unique features such as natural beauty, inexplicable phenomena, vast areas, and so on. Let's take a tour around these places as follows:

Hell's Gate in Turkmenistan
Isolated in the middle of the Kara-Kum Desert

Top 10 Biggest Things in Universe

Do you think the pyramids are big? How about the Burj Dubai? Both of those are nothing compared to Mt. Everest. All of those things are huge when you look at them from a human or ‘earthly’ perspective. But they are microscopic when compared to some of the things that exist in our universe. Let’s explore them.

10) Largest Asteroid

Ceres is the largest asteroid we know of. It is almost 600 miles

Top 10 Deadliest Plants

Many plants use highly poisonous toxins for self defense and others are even carnivorous (meat eating). The extreme diversity of plant life on earth gives us a wide range of interesting – and deadly – plants. Since some plants are more deadlier than others, we’re going to explore the top ten. Pay close attention though, some of these could be taking up residence in your backyard right this minute

Top 10 Facts about Friday

Congratulations to all the successful completion of the work week, and wishing to different outputs, to share with you another set of facts. At this time – on Friday …

1. In the U.S. they say about Friday «TGIF» – of «Thank God It’s Friday» («Thank you, Lord, today is Friday!”) Or another version of «Take Good In Fridays» («Happy holidays”)

2. On ancient legends Wednesday and Friday – two

Top 10 Fascinating Cloud Formations

What is the sky without little fluffy clouds? Boring if you ask me. A cloudless plain sky is like a garden without flowers. Clouds can generally be classified by appearance – cumulus (heap), stratus (layer), cirrus (curl), nimbus (rain) – or by height of cloud base – high level, mid level, low level clouds and clouds with vertical development. I’ve gathered in this Top 10 list some of the

Top 10 most amazing unexplained artifacts

Every once in a while archaeologists (and sometimes regular Joes) make some remarkable discoveries. Stunned, they are often unable to explain what it is they’ve found, how it came into existence, or ascertain its value. This is a comprehensive list of such artifacts; artifacts that many believe should have never existed given the discerned age/period of their creation.

The London hammer – a tool