List of Strange Rains

Its incredible how many times people have reported strange objects that have literally just fallen from the sky. From raw meat to gold coins it seems that the heavens have an inexhaustible supply of skyfall oddities to cast down at us.

While some of these can be attributed to meteorites, debris from airplanes and even old satellites, some of the reports are far more bizarre. It seems that for

Top 10 Bioluminescent Organisms

When most people find out what bioluminescence is, the first thing they associate it with is firefly butts, but the world has way more interesting life with built-in flashlights than beetles that use it to get nookie. And while we may not have glowing redwoods like Pandora, we do have the following.

10. Bioluminescent Fungus

If you’re like me, the word “mushroom” conjures up things like

Strange Rain Phenomenon

The news told us about many incident happen in this world. Start from the flood in China, the last flood in Pakistan, and then the heat wave in Russia. The "hot topic" was about the weird rain phenomenon. This is not like a normal rain. Where the water falling down from the sky because of evaporation of water and freeze above the clouds. Then it condense into water droplets called rain. The rain

Top 10 Quotes by Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde was an Irish playwright, poet, writer, and wit who was an integral part of the fin de siècle group of artists who made up the Aesthetic movement of the late nineteenth century. As a young man, he attended Trinity College in Dublin, and then applied for, and won, a demyship at Magdalen College at Oxford University. There, he became a freemason, even though he was fascinated with

Top 9 World Famous Pits and Sinkholes

Nature never stops to amaze us with its magnificent phenomenon just like these inexplicable holes in the ground. I bet that these holes make an excellent tourist attraction. Check out these unreal photographs and location descriptions of 9 of world’s most famous pits and sinkholes.

1. Lisbon, Portugal, Sinkhole

A parked bus was the unfortunate “meal” of a sinkhole that opened up in the

Top 5 Natural Wonders of the World Which Will Disappear

Dark estimates ! According to some estimates, if global warming continues, the Great Barrier Reef will disappear by 2030, glaciers in the Swiss Alps and Mount Kilimanjaro will suffer the same fate in less than 40 years, and ice in the Arctic will North Pole leave “empty” and polar bears are threatened by extinction. Here are five natural wonders of the world are under threat of extinction and