10 Incredibly Rare Flowers

When spring is in full swing, there is no denying how beautiful the world looks. The trees get new leaves and with them come an array of colorful flowers. Butterflies and hummingbirds are everywhere as the sombre winter mood lifts. It’s my personal favorite time of the year. In this list we will take a look at some amazing flowers which, sadly, you probably won’t see this coming spring. These are

Joke Siang

Jomblo : pulang kerja, buka pintu kulkas... Trus ngomel, "bosen, yg di dalem kulkas itu2 aja.." Akhirnya buka pintu kamar... Tidur sendirian...

Menikah : pulang kerja, buka pintu kamar... Trus ngomel, "bosen, yg di tempat tidur itu2 aja.." Akhirnya buka pintu kulkas... Makan sendirian...

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Makna Posisi Bercinta dalam Angka-Angka

Angka tidak hanya identik dengan masalah keuangan saja. Dalam hal hubungan bercinta angka dapat dihubungkan erat dengan posisi seks.

Seperti dikutip Times on India, Berikut adalah beberapa nomor dahsyat yang menggambarkan aktivitas panas Anda dan pasangan saat bercinta.

Posisi angka 22
Posisi ini merupakan posisi seks paling fleksibel untuk bermesraan dan melakukan hubungan intim, baik pada posisi berdiri atau berbaring di tempat tidur.

Posisi angka 54

Posisi seks yang menyertakan layanan seks oral kepada pasangan.

Posisi angka 69

Salah satu posisi bercinta yang paling populer dengan saling memberi layanan seks oral selama sesi intim.

Posisi angka 77

Pada posisi ini, pasangan melakukan penetrasi dari belakang atau sering disebut posisi spooning.

Joke Sore

Amerika sedang mengadakan riset membuat robot kecil berkamera pemotret pencopet.

Diuji coba di Washington, dalam 30 menit kamera mampu menangkap 20 pencopet.

Diuji coba di Tokyo, dalam 30 menit kamera itu mampu menangkap 50 pencopet.

Diuji coba di Tanah Abang - Jakarta, dalam 3 menit robotnya...hilang...dicopet!!!

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

10 Fascinating Eggs

Bacteria and other tiny cells merely divide in two to reproduce, but more complex creatures need more complex means of reproduction. Animals use eggs in one form or other; however, most are not very similar to the familiar breakfast food many of us enjoy. Animal eggs are as different and varied in their structure as the animals who made them.

10 Shark Eggs

Most sharks and skates lay

1 in 8 chance of solar 'megastorm' 2014 could make Cities black out for up to a year.

There is a one in eight chance of a solar 'megastorm' before 2014, according to a Californian scientist - and other space weather experts agree that Earth is facing a burst of violent activity that will peak within two years. It's unknown what effects this could have on our planet - but scientists have analysed the worst recorded solar event in history, 1859's Carrington Event, and worked out