It's enough that you are with the applications available on a laptop or notebook you now?Everything has been supporting all the activities you are working with so that all mattersto be concise and easy to do? If you have, it means you know what is needed for morejobs and laptops customize your computing activity habits
If not, you'll want to record what is needed when computing and what do you do withlaptops, ranging from work until about security affairs. Suppose you often work in publichotspots space and sometimes must leave the laptop for a purpose for a while, thensecurity must be available for the laptop remains safe.
So did also for the purposes of backup data online or just surf the supporting facilitiesand communicate via laptop. The correct application of course will make you morecomfortable when using these devices, for whatever purposes.
If confused what should exist on a laptop that is comfortable, then continue reading thisarticle. We memilihkannya for you, especially to you who never separated from thelaptop to do all his business and worked in mobile.
Selected applications is entirely free. But the power and functions are qualified toimprove the comfort and effectiveness of your laptop. (Yuliandi Kusuma - Contributor)
So did also for the purposes of backup data online or just surf the supporting facilitiesand communicate via laptop. The correct application of course will make you morecomfortable when using these devices, for whatever purposes.
If confused what should exist on a laptop that is comfortable, then continue reading thisarticle. We memilihkannya for you, especially to you who never separated from thelaptop to do all his business and worked in mobile.
Selected applications is entirely free. But the power and functions are qualified toimprove the comfort and effectiveness of your laptop. (Yuliandi Kusuma - Contributor)
Sometimes touctpad and keyboard is not compact and create a user hassles. Here's an example. When you are typing and accidentally rubbed touctpad one finger, then alsomove the position pointer. When you typed it all fell apart because the typed text positionso moving.
Touchfreeze can make automatic touctpad in non-active state as soon as you starttyping. Utilities for Windows NT/2000/XP simple this makes typing comfortable.Activation is via an icon in the system tray. The icons in the system tray can be used to enable or disable this tiny application. Not many settings other than that because it hasdirect application automatically activated since it was first installed.
Specifications TouchFreeze
Size | 251 Kb |
Type | Free |
Website |
Often use a laptop in a public place such as a hotspot? Pasangi your device with thisapplication to make it more secure. If adaseseorang who tried to take the laptop and itspower cord is disconnected, the ALARM will sound a loud alarm sound from laptop speakers. This means that the security around the site and also you can directly act to secure.
Sound the alarm will stop if the power cord is plugged back, or you log back into the system. Sound the alarm in the form of a siren is directly available in this application.Open Source Applications for Windows XP onto it supports multilingual. Its consumerwas quite easy because all the department is set automatically and you do not needmuch to set this application. The application can also be upgraded to monitor other cable connections to trigger an alarm as the network cable and USB.
Spesifikasi A.L.A.R.M. - A Laptop A/C Removal Monitor
size | 638 Kb |
Type | Free |
Website |
LAlarm Free Laptop Alarm
This one is also for security affairs laptop in public places. If there are thieves who want to take the alarm will sound. The alarm also sounds if the laptop to know the owner of thelaptop to leave the laptop without a safety net. Good again this application providesdata destruction facility if the laptop is really stolen or lost, which automatically deleteimportant data.
Other facilities include data recovery from a stolen laptop to drive an alarm that will tellthat the laptop hard disk problems. Alarm to warn users that the health of the laptop is in trouble because it is used in the long term even existed. There is even a facility to sendalerts via SMS and e-mail if the device is in an unsafe condition.
Specifications LAlarm Free Laptop Alarm
This one is also for security affairs laptop in public places. If there are thieves who want to take the alarm will sound. The alarm also sounds if the laptop to know the owner of thelaptop to leave the laptop without a safety net. Good again this application providesdata destruction facility if the laptop is really stolen or lost, which automatically deleteimportant data.
Other facilities include data recovery from a stolen laptop to drive an alarm that will tellthat the laptop hard disk problems. Alarm to warn users that the health of the laptop is in trouble because it is used in the long term even existed. There is even a facility to sendalerts via SMS and e-mail if the device is in an unsafe condition.
Specifications LAlarm Free Laptop Alarm
size | 967 Kb |
Type | Free |
Website |
Battery Care
Laptop battery controller applications that are still common. But the application tomonitor the durability and health laptop battery, maybe it is more you need. This application can monitor the battery information in detail to the resilience of the batteries used. Understandably, the battery was also the duration of endurance, so that if yourcontrol can determine the time when to replace batteries.
In addition, this application is also equipped with temperature monitors processor andhard disk. This facility gives a warning if there is a time temperature conditions thatallow a laptop innards become problematic. Automatic power switching facility plansalso available. Its function is to change the laptop directly to the input power by adjusting the energy source you use: plug wires or batteries. In Vista, this application will set theAero function automatically adjusts the laptop battery condition. When the battery isminimal Aero is automatically turned off.
Laptop battery controller applications that are still common. But the application tomonitor the durability and health laptop battery, maybe it is more you need. This application can monitor the battery information in detail to the resilience of the batteries used. Understandably, the battery was also the duration of endurance, so that if yourcontrol can determine the time when to replace batteries.
In addition, this application is also equipped with temperature monitors processor andhard disk. This facility gives a warning if there is a time temperature conditions thatallow a laptop innards become problematic. Automatic power switching facility plansalso available. Its function is to change the laptop directly to the input power by adjusting the energy source you use: plug wires or batteries. In Vista, this application will set theAero function automatically adjusts the laptop battery condition. When the battery isminimal Aero is automatically turned off.
Spesifikasi Battery Care
size | 1,2 MB |
type | free |
Website |
Your laptop can be a hotspot if the application is installed for free on this one. Yes,Connectify, unfortunately only compatible with Windows 7 can change the laptop into a Wi-Fi hotspots. Make sure the notebook connected to Internet, and Internet connectioncan be shared with your other devices such as PDAs, cell phones, or game console.
Devices that can be connected to set and you specify. Whatever type of Internet connection you use, either using a regular broadband networks or mobile broadband, this application can be used. Suitable for home use that requires the server hotspot onetime only or is not permanent. There is an encryption facility that not just anyone can go in and break the connection. The application is very simple and easy to manage so thatanyone can use it without a lot of setting
Your laptop can be a hotspot if the application is installed for free on this one. Yes,Connectify, unfortunately only compatible with Windows 7 can change the laptop into a Wi-Fi hotspots. Make sure the notebook connected to Internet, and Internet connectioncan be shared with your other devices such as PDAs, cell phones, or game console.
Devices that can be connected to set and you specify. Whatever type of Internet connection you use, either using a regular broadband networks or mobile broadband, this application can be used. Suitable for home use that requires the server hotspot onetime only or is not permanent. There is an encryption facility that not just anyone can go in and break the connection. The application is very simple and easy to manage so thatanyone can use it without a lot of setting
Spesifikasi Connectify
size | 1,09 MB |
type | free |
Website |
The data on your laptop should always backed up (back up). Understandably, because of its portability, the data in the hard disks tend to be more prone to damage thandesktop PCs. Of the applications that you can use to back up data online is SDExplorer.This application will backup your laptop data to your backup files Windows LiveSkyDrive (, where you can register for free and get 25GBbackup capacity free of charge.
This application will synchronize data automatically. If the laptop is gone, you can simplydownload the data from your account at Windows Live SkyDrive from a PC anywhere.Its consumer is very easy because this application will be integrated into the WindowsExplorer. SkyDrive service will be one folder or directory in Windows Explorer. When he wants to back up files manually then you live a drag-and-drop files into that directory.Easy and fast, but make sure the laptop is connected to the internet.
This application will synchronize data automatically. If the laptop is gone, you can simplydownload the data from your account at Windows Live SkyDrive from a PC anywhere.Its consumer is very easy because this application will be integrated into the WindowsExplorer. SkyDrive service will be one folder or directory in Windows Explorer. When he wants to back up files manually then you live a drag-and-drop files into that directory.Easy and fast, but make sure the laptop is connected to the internet.
Spesifikasi SDExplorer
size | 1,4 MB |
type | free |
Website |
Generally, laptops are equipped with Wi-Fi hotspots search applications and Wi-Fi. But with the affair to a high with WeFi hotspot would be much more Judah. This application is able to locate and direct mengoneksikan your laptop to a free hotspot around. This application has a community that will be to share a free hotspot locations worldwide.
He cried again through the application bertampilan like this Messenger you can chatwith friends who also WeFi users. This application makes a connection to the hotspotbecomes much easier because the database is quite complete. We suggest you jointhe community to log WeFi hotspot around you because the database to free hotspots inIndonesia, especially Jakarta, is still minimal compared to other countries. With so manydatabase makaakan WeFi enables users local. Do not worry, its use is very simple andconcise.
Generally, laptops are equipped with Wi-Fi hotspots search applications and Wi-Fi. But with the affair to a high with WeFi hotspot would be much more Judah. This application is able to locate and direct mengoneksikan your laptop to a free hotspot around. This application has a community that will be to share a free hotspot locations worldwide.
He cried again through the application bertampilan like this Messenger you can chatwith friends who also WeFi users. This application makes a connection to the hotspotbecomes much easier because the database is quite complete. We suggest you jointhe community to log WeFi hotspot around you because the database to free hotspots inIndonesia, especially Jakarta, is still minimal compared to other countries. With so manydatabase makaakan WeFi enables users local. Do not worry, its use is very simple andconcise.
Spesifikasi WeFi
size | 8,38 MB |
type | free |
Website |
Ease of laptops are easy to get into any computer network. Management to manage theconnection on a laptop can be done easily with Avanquest Connection Manager. Withthis, the laptop can go into a cable or wireless connection effectively and without fussset.
If you go to a LAN network in an office for example, then the application willlangsungbisa set the laptop to use the network and the peripherals that connect to the LAN. For wireless, there is a search facility hotspots around you. If found then you candirectly connect to these hotspots quickly and succinctly. This application will allow its consumer to store data for each network that has connected so that any time you do notwant to go back to a high need to set the network settings again.
If you go to a LAN network in an office for example, then the application willlangsungbisa set the laptop to use the network and the peripherals that connect to the LAN. For wireless, there is a search facility hotspots around you. If found then you candirectly connect to these hotspots quickly and succinctly. This application will allow its consumer to store data for each network that has connected so that any time you do notwant to go back to a high need to set the network settings again.
Spesifikasi Avanquest Connection Manager
size | 8,9 MB |
type | free & Shareware |
Website |
Magix PC Check & Tuning Free
Problems can not be predicted when the arrival. If at any time your laptop is in troubleand you want to check what caused a problem, use Magix PC Check & Tuning Free.This application provides functionality testing, maintenance, and acceleration forWindows XP, Vista, and 7. He was able to analyze the problem at once to get rid of yourlaptop.
This application is running in the background, so continue to monitor the condition of the system. If at any time the system slows down, the application is directly diagnose. fix theerror, and speed up its performance again. Facilities at this setting is easy. Suppose you want to speed up the system at start-up then you just do the "Optimize" menu"Unnecessary entries start system located". Furthermore, the application would throwand minimize non-essential applications and actively participate at start-ups. CleanInternet history even exists.
Problems can not be predicted when the arrival. If at any time your laptop is in troubleand you want to check what caused a problem, use Magix PC Check & Tuning Free.This application provides functionality testing, maintenance, and acceleration forWindows XP, Vista, and 7. He was able to analyze the problem at once to get rid of yourlaptop.
This application is running in the background, so continue to monitor the condition of the system. If at any time the system slows down, the application is directly diagnose. fix theerror, and speed up its performance again. Facilities at this setting is easy. Suppose you want to speed up the system at start-up then you just do the "Optimize" menu"Unnecessary entries start system located". Furthermore, the application would throwand minimize non-essential applications and actively participate at start-ups. CleanInternet history even exists.
Spesifikasi Magix PC Check & Tuning Free
size | 3,41 MB |
type | free |
Website |
This software will help you to access files and folders that are often used quickly without the need to use a mouse. You can set the keyboard quick keys to access files, folders,system action, to link the Internet. The software also provides a browser plugin forInternet Explorer and Firefox so that browsing can be done without much use of the mouse. , Ranging from changing the folder view, create new fodler, restrart, shut down,turn off the monitor, to empty the recycle bin. So very helpful for you that is notaccustomed to managing a laptop touchpad.
Supported System action was quite a lot, ranging from changing the folder view, createa new folder, restart, shut down, turn off the monitor, to empty the recycle bin. Facility toset the quick keys for special purposes and that you normally use. This application willbe helpful for you that is not accustomed to managing a laptop touchpad.Understandably not many laptop users who like using th
This software will help you to access files and folders that are often used quickly without the need to use a mouse. You can set the keyboard quick keys to access files, folders,system action, to link the Internet. The software also provides a browser plugin forInternet Explorer and Firefox so that browsing can be done without much use of the mouse. , Ranging from changing the folder view, create new fodler, restrart, shut down,turn off the monitor, to empty the recycle bin. So very helpful for you that is notaccustomed to managing a laptop touchpad.
Supported System action was quite a lot, ranging from changing the folder view, createa new folder, restart, shut down, turn off the monitor, to empty the recycle bin. Facility toset the quick keys for special purposes and that you normally use. This application willbe helpful for you that is not accustomed to managing a laptop touchpad.Understandably not many laptop users who like using th
Spesifikasi CoolKeys
size | 1,61 MB |
type | free |
Website |