Unique Facts About the U.S. President

Here are the unique facts relating to the President of the United States are quoted from various sources:
The oldest president ever elected was Ronald Reagan (69 years) while the youngest president was Kennedy (43). But Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest president since he was only 42 when replacing William McKinley who was killed in 1901.
Before becoming president, Andrew Johnson was a seamstress, the 39th president Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer. Ronald Reagan, a former actor and Harry Truman was a draper.
James Polk, the 11th president, was the first president to be photographed, Theodore Roosevelt was the first president who drive to work, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the first president to ride an airplane. Andrew Jackson was the president who first boarded the train. Rutherford B. Hayes, president of the 19 th was the first president to use the phone and the phone number is 1. While Franklin D. Preside Roosevelt was the first television appearances.
The slain U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy. While the president who died because of illness are: William H. Harrison, Zackary Taylor, Warren G. Harding and Franklin D. Roosevelt. While the president has ever suffered an assassination attempt is Jackson, T. Roosevelt, F. Roosevelt, Truman, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, G. H. W. Bush, Clinton and G. W. Bush.
James Buchanan was the only U.S. president who never married. Five other presidents remarried after the death of his first wife, Reagan was the only divorced president. Six presidents had no children, while John Tyler had 15 children.
President Lincoln with the highest is 6 foot 4 inches while the shortest was James Madison with 5 feet 4 inches. While the 27th president William Howard Taft, earned the nickname "Big Bill," because he has a 6 foot 2 inches and weighs 330 pounds. (Ill: cosmos.com)


blocked Google+, Hackers Against

Google reportedly blocked a number of activists account hacker (hacktivist) belonging to members of the group Anonymous from Google +. Until now, not yet known how and how many belong to groups hacktivist Anonymous accounts were closed by Google.
However, the action was provoked Anonymous + Google create their own social networks. Anonymous AnonPlus was then created.
Not only that, Blogger also mentioned a number of actions the sensor and the elimination of a particular posting, made other social networks.On that page, look a picture resembling a character in the movie V for Vendetta. The film itself is adapted from a figure Guy Fawkes, which is known to be pionor revolutionaries against totalitarianism."Welcome to the revolution. (It's) a social networking site there is no fear of censorship, closure, or supervision. Life is what you have created, and we created," wrote the message on the page AnonPlus it.
"There will be no more oppression. There will be no more tyranny. We are people and we are Anonymous. We have arrived," continued the message on the site.

This site itself is still in version 0.1 Alpha. Not yet known what form social networking is made. Currently, there are new links page that connects to the forum's Anonymous.

However, the purpose of AnonPlus somewhat technically difficult to do. As quoted from page Techspot, characteristics of users of social networking is to divide (share) something after being given permission, usually, of course after knowing.
Blocking action on the social network itself back on after a Facebook note to Google + censorship. This occurs when a web developer named Michael Lee Johnson posting on a Facebook account, which promotes his + Google account.In a posting on Facebook, Michael asked the people to a Google account to add + to the Circle (Circle) them. "If you are lucky enough to have a Google account + add Michael Lee Johnson. An avid Internet, application developers, and Virtuoso technology," said a posting Johnson, as quoted by TechCrunch.


Flying Cars Ready for Action

Transition (dailymail)

Future traffic will probably be met with a car that can run alone or flying cars passing in the sky. After Google driver automatic car is considered to be road worthy, now turn the car flying a turn.

As quoted from FoxNews, Thursday (07/07/2011), U.S. institutions Department of Transportation grant, named Terrafuga Transition flying car for a test drive on public roads.

Transition is described more biased toward small plane with two seats. He can transform into a car and can be driven on the streets.

This car has a wing that can be folded automatically by pressing a button. This process takes place within a short time, about 30 seconds.

Various features are also intended to reassure drivers stay safe on the streets. For example, by the presence of airbags to reduce collisions when the accident occurred.

With a variety of strengths in the technology sector, predictable price is quite high. Ie USD 200 thousand, or in the range of billions of dollars.

Transition has been successfully tested several times. Dirapkan, sophisticated cars can already be mass produced in 2012


Google's Official 'Personal Driver' in Nevada

Google Car (ist))

Nevada - Google has successfully made a new step in the automotive world and mapping. After making an assessment with the government, the state of Nevada became the first American driver to implement automated technology-based Google.

Nevada government legislature ultimately decided Google's technology is legal. Two brands already using Google's technology is the Prius and Audi TT.

With these motorists could have run the vehicle manually or automatically. Hybrid car uses sensors and video cameras to detect traffic, including congestion, short path from point to point on the map.

Automatic control device to offer true Google has introduced since October 2010, but currently still in the process of refinement that this product can be used by the public.

Such a drive system is claimed to reduce the number of accidents caused by driver negligence. Through a video shown on YouTube, features offered are quite convincing and compelling.


Alasan Google Banned Free Domain

Beberapa waktu yang lalu seperti kita ketahui dunia blogger dikejutkan oleh surprse yang diberikan google yaitu di bannednya domain co.cc dari index google ( deindex ), tak berselang lama google juga memberlakukan hal yang sama dengan domain co.tv. Banyak sekali blogger bertanya-tanya apa sebenarnya alasan google melakukan hal ini? Dengan berbekal dengan pengalaman para blogger pun menerapkan asas praduga tak bersalah (kayaknya bersalah dan ikut andil banyak) dengan hubungannya blog yang berbau AGC menjadi salah satu faktornya. Akan tetapi semua itu juga masih menjadi pertanyaan besar dan menjadi kesimpangsiuran dalam benak saya dan para blogger di dunia ini yang telah menggunakan layanan free domain tersebut ataupun tidak.

Setelah melakukan pencarian alasan yang valid tentang hal ini, saya menemukan pernyataan dari matt cutts seorang karyawan google dan juga blogger di akun google plus nya, hal ini secara tidak langsung menjadi pernyataan google secara tidak resmi tentang menghilangnya index domain co.cc dan domain co.tv. Dalam postingannya tersebut matt cutts berbicara bahwa domain-domain tersebut ( co.cc dan co.tv ) disalah gunakan para webmaster untuk melakukan spam ( kita bisa contohkan blog AGC ).

Dan disisi lain google online security juga menerbitkan posting yang hampir senada dengan apa yang dikatakan matt cutts. Dalam posting tersebut google online security membeberkan bahwa para penyedia layanan sub domain menjadi pelecehan distributor malware dan antivirus palsu. Google online security juga mengklaim menemukan sekitar 50.000 domain malware dalam scanner malwarenya.

Akan tetapi dari alasan google tersebut (tidak resmi) yang di ungkapkan matt cutts dan dalam posting google online security menjadi kontroversial banyak pihak terutama para blogger yang telah menggunakan domain co.cc dan domain co.tv

Mereka berpendapat bahwa tidak seharusnya google membanned keseluruhan dari domain tersebut karena banyak juga yang tidak melanggar dari aturan-aturan google itu sendiri dan seharusnya google juga harus lebih selektif. Disisi lain yang menjadi sebuah kontroversi adalah mengapa google tebang pilih? karena dalam kenyataannya bukan hanya free domain tersebut yang disalah gunakan, akan tetapi masih banyak lagi domain-domain yang di salah gunakan salah satunya mereka berpendapat adalah layanan dari blogspot yang merupakan produk dari google itu sendiri, dengan alasan itulah banyak sekali blgger-blogger yang kontroversial dengan alasan secara tidak resmi google melalui matt cutts karyawannya.
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gedung-gedung Pencakar Langit

Sepertinya kali ini kita perlu berbangga sebagai orang Indonesia karena salah satu gedung dengan desain paling unik ada di negeri kita ini. Berikut ini postingan 10 gedung dengan desain struktur bangunan terunik di dunia yang diambil dari laporan tahunan Essential Architecure,berikut disimak gan

1. Aqua Tower USA

Berada disebelah timur Lakeshore Chicago Amerika Serikat, memiliki tinggi 250 meter dari tanah. Gedung ini memiliki desain yang sangat unik strukturnya.

2. Chicago Spire, USA
Bangunan ini akan menjadi gedung tertinggi di Amerika Serikat di akhir tahun 2010 ini. Gedung yang memiliki 150 lantai ini berbentuk sangat unik mirip dengan pencil, dibangun oleh Garrett Kelleher, sampai saat ini sudah 800 orang menginden untuk bisa tinggal di apartemen mewah ini.

3. Kantor Pusat CCTV (TV Nasional Cina)
Bertempat di pusat bisnis utama di Beijing sangat tepat dan strategis bagi orang yang akan mengunjunginya. Memiliki 54 lantai dan tinggi 234 meter (Dji Sam Soe) yang bila dijumlahkan menjadi bilangan 9 (angka yang dipercaya memiliki keberuntungan bagi banyak orang di Tiongkok. Lihatlah di gambar bagaimana desain gedung ini benar benar unik dan langka.

4. Regatta Hotel Jakarta, Indonesia

Bangunan hotel yang memiliki nuansa kelautan ini sangat unik terdiri dari beberapa buak gedung dan satu gedung utama yang didesain mirip mercusuar, begitu mengesankan bentuknya. Boleh bangga tuh ternyata salah satunya ada di negara kita.

5. Songjiang Hotel, Shanghai

Atkins telah berhasil memenangkan kompetisi internasional untuk mendesain resort hotel bintang lima, berlokasi di dekat kota Shanghai yaitu Songjian dengannuansa danau bekas tempat pertambangan yang sudah tidak digunakan lagi. Benar-benar sangat indah dan mengesankan untuk menikmati menginap di hotel ini.

6. Russia Tower, Moskow

diperkirakan selesai tahun 2012, dilengkapi parkir bawah tanah yang mampu menampung sejumlah 3. 680 mobil roda empat.

7. Penang Global City Centre, Malaysia,

Berada di pulau Penang Malaysia lebih dikenal dengan sebutan PGCC Complex
Penang global city malaysia, gedung unik dunia

8. Gazprom Headquarters, Russia

Berada di St Petersburg dengan bentuk mirip dengan jagung sehingga penduduk setempat menamai Corn on The Cob.
gazprom headquarters

9. Burj Khalifa Dubai, UAE
Yang baru saja diresmikan beberapa saat lalu dan merupakan bangunan dengan struktur tertinggi yang ada di dunia hingga saat ini.

10. Rumah Kediaman Antilia, India

Sangat cocok untuk tempat tinggal di daerah yang padat penduduk dan daerah yang harga jual tanah di daerah mahal.
residen antila