Top 10 Incredible City Cliffs around the World

There are some amazing feats of architecture in our world – not just single beautiful buildings, but entire towns built on the tops of towering cliffs or carved into the sides of mountains. The first glimpse of towns like this can take your breath away. You could get that same thrill when looking out from one of these towns to the ocean or the earth far below. Here are some perfect examples of

Top 10 Fascinating Cave Dwellings in the World

Cave dwellings have been found in many regions of the world. These caves served as dwellings and as places of worship and were usually combined with surface structures. After the cave cities ceased to be inhabited, the surface structures fell into ruin and only the caves remained. Not all cave dwellings have been deserted however. In certain areas of northern China cave dwellings are still common

Top 12 Impressive Walled Cities in the World

Throughout history city walls were made as protection from the enemy. From very early history to modern times, they have been a near necessity for almost every city. The walled cities could only be entered through city gates which were often closed after a certain curfew each night. Today well preserved walls bring tourist from the whole world to wonder around these medieval walled cities.


Top 10 World Famous Walls

Walls have been built since ancient times, to mark borders, to keep enemies out or to keep people in. In more recent times walls have also been built to serve as memorials and structures of art. But no matter what purpose they surve, walls dominate the landscape wherever they stand.

10. Wall of Ston

The Walls of Ston are a series of defensive stone walls situated on the peninsula Peljesac in

Top 10 Most Famous Streets in the World

Although most cities have thousands of streets, one or two streets always become to be better known than any other. Whether it’s because of their shopping opportunities, center of nightlife, entertainment hub or their place in history, it’s the streets that travelers always visit. These famous streets, famous boulevards, famous avenues and famous roads gets their picture snapped most often and

Kebakaran di Gereja HKBP pangururan

Tidak terlalu lama kebahagian di gereja HKBP hilang setelah kejadian yang sangat menyedihkan yang terjadi di Gereja HKBP bolon kabupaten samosir, kecamatan pangururan, tepatnya di simpang 4 kota pangururan,.. kebakaran terjadi kira-kira pukul 10 pagi ,kamis 29 september 2011, berdasarkan informasi api berasal dari bagian belakang dari gereja, atau sering di sebut tempat Parhobasan, api disinyalir timbul akibat hubungan pendek arus listrik yang menimbulakan percikan api, api sangat cebat membesar akibat angin yang sangat kencang.
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