Yes, this is the most important part for the beginner who just tried ubuntu 10:10, I havediscussed earlier reviews, downloads and how to install ubuntu. In this post I menocobadiscuss whatever we do if it is to install the OS Ubuntu is 10:10.
Desktop Ubuntu 10.10
Set Repository Ubuntu
Ubuntu Open Source Software (USC) is located on the line most bawag Aplicationsmenu. Edit - Software Sources. On the first tab (Ubuntu Software) tick all the optionsrepository. And on the second tab (Other Software) check the option "CanonicalPartners". This first step will make the latest version of Ubuntu has the software.
Check all the options in the Ubuntu Software tab
For users of the Ubuntu repository DVD 10:10 add the Ubuntu repository via theSoftware Center - Software Sources. Then on the Other tab Software click "AddVolume" and insert the Ubuntu repository DVD 10:10.
For users of the Ubuntu repository DVD 10:10 add the Ubuntu repository via theSoftware Center - Software Sources. Then on the Other tab Software click "AddVolume" and insert the Ubuntu repository DVD 10:10.
Set Visual Efek Ubuntu
Run visual effects. Previously installed first graphics card drivers via "System -Administration - Additional Drivers". Ubuntu usually has the ability to detect the graphicscard we have, but if not detected, please do the configuration manually (hardwareconfiguration tool). Please googling to find how to configure it manually for the driverswho did not / has not been detected by Ubuntu.
System - Appreance Preferences - Visual Effects to enable Compiz Fusion
Set Font Ubuntu
System - Appreance Preferences - Fonts to set the font size If the font was too large (size 11) we can turn it into a 9 or 10 or in accordance with ourwishes. The way is open through System - Appreance Preferences and select the tab"Fonts". Here we can also set the themes, backgrounds and visual effects. For thosewho have run the Step Two above, activate the visual effects here (on the Visual Effectstab). Set Search Engine Google Right click on the search box and select "add to search bar" By default, Ubuntu uses Google Custom Search Engine and not How toinstall Firefox add-ons "Add to Search Bar". Then visit (point the cursor)right click on the "Google search text area" then click "add to search bar". Give the name of the search engines, such as "Google of Indonesia. " Manage Search Engine Later in the Firefox search bar (left click), select "Manage Search Engines". If we wantto delete (remove) Ubuntu Google Custom Search. And to help us "Move Up" Add Applet Pada Gnome Panel |
Add to Panel
Add applet to the Gnome Panel, the way in Gnome Panel right-click and select "Add toPanel" there are many applets, and Ubuntu Waroeng favorite is the "Force Switch" anapplet that allows you to turn off any applications that are running by force.
Add favorite applets on top panel, for example, Google Chrome, Kill Switch
Add a favorite on the bottom panel applets, such as Gedit, Terminal, Synaptic
Add a favorite on the bottom panel applets, such as Gedit, Terminal, Synaptic
Instal Ubuntu Restricted Extras
For those who do not select the option to download and install additional applications(such as flash, java and codecs, multimedia codecs) then go to Software Center Ubuntuand Install Ubuntu Restricted Extras. Or run through the terminal "sudo apt-get installubuntu-restricted-extras"
Instal Medibuntu Repository
Medibuntu is a repository for Ubuntu applications which for one reason or another can not be incorporated into the main repository of Ubuntu, partly because the problem ofdifferences in legal systems Software Legality of each country. Open a terminal andcopy the command below (ctrl + c to copy and on the terminal press shift + ctrl + v topaste).
sudo wget-output-document = / etc / apt / sources.list.d / medibuntu.list $ (lsb_release-cs). list & & sudo apt-get -quietupdate & & sudo apt-get-yes-quiet to allow unauthenticated-install Medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update-quiet
sudo wget-output-document = / etc / apt / sources.list.d / medibuntu.list $ (lsb_release-cs). list & & sudo apt-get -quietupdate & & sudo apt-get-yes-quiet to allow unauthenticated-install Medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update-quiet
Also run the following command:
sudo apt-get –yes install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu
The first command to create applications in Ubuntu Medibuntu Software Center is forthe second command is useful to be able to "crash report" and report it to the Medibuntubugtracker.
Instal GetDeb n' PlayDeb
Insatall favourite aplication
Search and add applications that we need through the Ubuntu Software Center, or touse the Synaptic Package Manager (System - Administration - Synaptic PackageManager).
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