Showing posts with label English post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English post. Show all posts

Red Light Districts (European Sex Centers)

The red light districts listed here provide a window of opportunity for the inquisitive - or lusty - mind to peek into that often veiled aspect of human nature. Depending on your personal attitude you may view touring these place as a misery watching or pleasure cruise. Whatever your mindset just remember that this kind of business draws in the shadier creatures so be careful and watch your steps

Top 15 Amazing Castles

Although designed and built for the prominent purpose of defense, today the castles seem like somewhat unrealistic constructions straight from the fairytale world. From solid strongholds to oriental fortresses and highly decorative palaces, the castles are our connection to the past, where legends mix with history and reality blends with a fairyland.

1. Hohenzollern Castle. Germany.


Top 11 Incredible Cliff Buildings

Buildings that we often encounter on the cliffs are castles, fortresses, lighthouses, monasteries... These buildings were built in inaccessible places for protection from enemies, for a good view of the water surface, beautiful views of the environment or other reasons. Exactly, these beautiful views, natural environment and often amazing architecture of buildings, attract many tourists in these

Top 10 Amazing Treetop Walkways in the World

Treetop walkways or canopy walkways are bridges between and in the canopy of a forest, mostly linked up with platforms inside or around the trees. Early walkways consisted of bridges between trees in the canopy of a forest; mostly linked up with platforms inside or around the trees. They were originally intended as access to the upper regions of ancient forests for scientists conducting canopy

4 kasus Gangguan Tidur yang Aneh

Seharusnya tidur menjadi momen untuk beristirahat dan pemulihan kondisi tubuh. Namun individu-individu di bawah ini malah 'tersiksa' karena tidur.

1. Kasus Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty sebenarnya dongeng tentang putri tidur yang jatuh tertidur karena racun nenek sihir, dan hanya bisa bangun oleh sebuah kecupan dari seorang pangeran.

Di dunia nyata, Louisa Ball dari Inggris bisa dibilang menjadi 'the real sleeping beauty'. Namun, ia tak akan terbangun karena pangeran. Karena, gangguan apa pun tak bisa membangunkannya. Kasusnya yang paling parah, Louisa pernah tertidur hingga 13 hari tanpa bangun.

Louisa mengalami gangguan tidur yang disebut Kleine-Levin Syndrome. Kasusnya di dunia diprediksi tak lebih dari 1000 orang. Penderita biasanya tetap hidup seperti orang normal, namun, pada suatu waktu bisa tidur berhari-hari hingga berminggu-minggu.

2. Narkolepsi

Gangguan tidur yang satu ini sudah sering kita dengar. Ya, narkolepsi adalah suatu kondisi saat penderitanya bisa tiba-tiba jatuh tertidur meski sedang melakukan aktivitas.

Orang yang menderita narkolepsi langsung masuk ke kondisi REM - yaitu kondisi dalam tidur saat menuju alam mimpi. Hasilnya, orang tersebut tidak bisa bangun secara normal. Ia tetap asik terlelap dalam tidurnya.

3. Cataplexy

Claire Scott dari Jersey, Channel Islands tidak boleh tertawa. Mengapa? Karena setiap ibu dua anak ini tertawa, maka ia akan langsung tertidur.

Pernah suatu ketika, anak gadisnya menceritakan lelucon yang ia buat di sekolah. Cla ire langsung tertawa terbahak-bahak karenanya. Apa yang terjadi kemudian? "Hal terakhir yang saya tahu, suami saya memindahkan saya dari lantai dapur."

Diprediksi, 5 dari 10.000 orang di dunia kemungkinan menderita cataplexy seperti yang dialami Claire.

4. Somnambulistic Eating

Anna Ryan tidak pernah tahu mengapa berat badannya bisa tiba-tiba bertambah 27 kg. Ia mulai menyadari dan memeriksa ke dokter setelah merasa lelah berkepanjangan (plus kekenyangan pastinya) setiap bangun tidur. Padahal, ia merasa kualitas tidur malamnya sudah bagus.

Setelah dokter Scott Eveloff memeriksa kondisinya, barulah diketahui kalau ia menderita NSRED (Nocturnal Sleep-Related Eating Disorder) atau disebut juga SRED (Sleep Related Eating Disorder). Yaitu suatu kondisi makan banyak saat tidur tanpa menyadarinya.

Penderita NSRED bisa menguras kulkas dan menghabiskan makanan walau masih dalam keadaan tidur nyenyak.

Selain NSRED, ada juga yang disebut NES (Night Eating Syndrome). Namun, penderita NES menyadari kalau sedang makan sehingga bisa bangun dari tidurnya dan merasa aneh, mengapa tiba-tiba ada makanan dalam mulutnya.

Top 15 Largest Animal

Our world is full of creatures big and small, short and tall. Below the list of 15 largest animals in the world, classified by various categories such as mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians etc. There’s an incredibly detailed list of some of the world’s largest organisms (including plants, fungi, bacteria, etc.) on Wikipedia, check it out if you enjoy lists as much as we do. For now, enjoy these

Amazing Strength of Trees


The Sun of Viganella, Italy

Viganella is a small village in Italy located right at the bottom of a deep valley, and surrounded by high mountains on all sides. This means that naturally, every year from mid-November to early February, the region has absolutely no sunlight. The return of the sun’s rays on the 2nd of February was celebrated with joy every single year for several centuries. That is, until December of 2006, when

Fantastic Earth from Above

Aerial photography can give us awesome perspectives, but when we zoom out and then observe the Big Blue Marble from high above, such as the breathtaking views of Earth from the ISS, it’s an eye-opening experience for most of us. Internationally, many countries have satellites and spacecrafts with their unblinking eyes focused on the Earth. These amazing photos offer us a unique window overlooking

World’s largest boob - Guinness record

There’re many girls are vexed about their small breast, but the large boob is inconvenient for someone. Brazilian 29-year-old Hershey set a new world record, her breasts reached 38KKK, setting up a new world record, reaching the world’s largest boob. Hershey was born in Brazil, currently residing in the United States, she is a singer and dancer, owning her own record company.

I think she may be

Na Pali Coast

The tropical beauty of Na Pali along the shore of Kauai, Hawaii, and the rugged coastline could give adventure seekers a case of spring fever all year round. Na Pali means “the Cliffs” and those characteristic sheer cliffs which drop 4,000 feet (1200 m) straight down into the ocean make much of Na Pali Coast inaccessible by car. Nā Pali Coast State Park has 6,175 acres and stretches for 16 rugged

King of Wasps

A new species of wasp discovered on the Indonesian island Sulawesi is two-and-a-half inches long, and has jaws so vast that its discoverer admits, 'I don't know how it can walk.'

Lynn Kimsey, professor of entomology at the University of California, Davis, says ‘Its jaws are so large that they wrap up either side of the head when closed. When the jaws are open they are actually longer than the

Top 10 Weird And Wonderful Oddities Of Nature

Nature is full of wonder and mystery – and, fortunately for us, bizarre facts! This is not our first bizarre facts list and will definitely not be the last of one of our most popular topics! I hope you enjoy the facts.

10. Miracle Mice

Weird Fact: A mouse can fit through a hole the size of a ballpoint pen
During the summer months, mice will generally live outside and remain contended there.

Snow Wall in Japan

The Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route is an international mountain sightseeing route some 90 kilometers (56 miles) long. The route goes across the 3,000-meter-high North Alpine mountains, the so-called “roof of Japan,” and connects Toyama and Shinano Omachi. You can enjoy the panorama by taking a train, highland bus, trolley bus, cable car, and ropeway. Since the lines opened in June 1971, the

Top 9 Rivers

There are hundreds of rivers in the world. Some are remarkable for their length or width, others are popular for their panorama or color... This is a list of rivers that are champions in their categories.

1. The Deepest River in the World - Congo River

The Congo River is a river in Africa, and is the deepest river in the world, with measured depths in excess of 230 m (750 ft). It is the

The Beauty of Antelope Canyon

The Navajo call it ‘the place where water runs through rocks’ and that is literally true. One of the most unearthly places on the planet, take a look at the astounding Antelope Canyon.

The peculiar formation of a slot canyon can make for an eerie experience and certainly the Antelope Canyon, on the lands of the LeChee people of the Navajo Nation is one of the stranger places you might

Top 10 Strange Fruits Around The World

Weird things exit both in nature and fiction all the time, such as the existence of weird toys, complicated strange accidents that shouldn’t have happened etc. When you get the chance to visit any tropical or exotic location around the world, you should also explore what the territory holds to its body, there are many places in the world that are home to some unusual fruits, as shall now be

Top 10 Modern Engineering Marvels

Mega structures are nowadays commonly seen almost everywhere in the world. Because of the advancement of technology and the improvement of machinery, tall sky scrapers and many other infrastructures are already made possible. Ten engineering marvels of engineers are as follows.

10. Danyang Kunshan Grand Bridge

The bridge was inaugurated on 30th of June in 2011. The Span of bridge is 260 feet

Top 10 Sexiest Weather Girls

They deliver such an important information, it’s a matter of life and death, you for example are going to work in the morning and you switch on your kitchen TV to get the weather update and there it is, you get ALL the necessary details and decals, a gust of wind can kill you on your way to work, thank the lord that the weather girl saved you from having a disaster. In short they are as important

Two Wonders of Bohol Island

1. Chocolate Hills
The Chocolate Hills are an unusual geological formation in Bohol,Philippines. According to the latest accurate survey done, there are 1,776 hills spread over an area of more than 50 square kilometres (20 sq mi). They are covered in green grass that turns brown during the dry season, hence the name.

Chocolate Hills, Philippines

During the dry season, the grass-covered