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Showing posts with label Hardwere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hardwere. Show all posts

History of java

Is Software JAVA = Name Island in Indonesia?
Java is the first programming language that is not tied to a particular operating system. Applications written in Java will be able to run anywhere. This has eliminated problems that had made a headache for computer users, due to incompatibility between operating systems, versions, in applications and operating systems.
At first, SUN Microsystems, which is the home of Java, principally engaged in the development of the language used in electronic devices, in 1990. However, each product requires its own language. In other words, to control three devices, consumers must have three remote controls and understand how to use it for three devices. It is a challenge for Sun Microsystems to make it more advanced, which is the background of a new project called Java.
Finally in the spring of 1992, creates interactive handheld with no buttons, no keyboard, which has a width of 5inc LCD screen and is controlled with a touch of the hand. The gadget is called Star7 (* 7) with the ability for remote conrtol, audio player, radio, TV guide and various other entertainment. This product is manufactured using a programming language that they call with OAK, in front of the window because they work there is a large OAK trees. However, this product does not develop, because the chips used are very expensive to make and is very influential on the cost of production.

Betatapun good this product, the Green team has failed in its mission because these products may not be enjoyed by many. However, co-founder Bill Joy SUN saw an opportunity for the OAK language for use in the use of WEB in order to become more interactive and interesting. With a team that will be established under the name "The Live Oak" and was born with what we later know as the Java Applet.
When the name OAK want patented, it turns out that name has been used by other products (OAK Technology). So In January in 1995 the name officially changed to Java oak.
Why is this language called Java? What to do with an island in Indonesia called Java? In connection with this a lot of rumors circulating on the internet. including:At one point James was relaxing at a coffee shop and the name of the Java crossed fikirannya.Java name is taken from some people who are in the project were: James Gosling, Arthur Van Hoff, Andy Bechtolsheim.But somehow the name Java is not at all concerned about his Indonesian island of Java.
The true story of the Java Naming.Having been told by lawyers that the name of the OAK been used by another product, then held a meeting to determine what the proper name is used. This language is unbelievably unique, dynamic, mengasikan, revolutionary and has a very fast process, and then they wonder what the proper name is used that includes the essence of the word. One of them then shouted "its Java". Java in the English language as a means not only coffee, but Java has the meaning as Café has many kinds of coffee and everything was good. Just like the Java language that has many flavors that taste all these can be expressed with the word 'JAVA'

via : viva

advanced sniper weapons in the world

hello everyone, this morning I'll post again, after some previous post discusses the technology and others, today I will post pictures of snipers in the world's most sophisticated, well just go ahead

1. H&K G-3

[Image: sniper-canggih-unikboss-1.jpg]

This rifle is actually a normal assault rifle. But because it has features - features that exceed the usual assault rifles such as 7.62 x 51 mm caliber, magasennya only fit 20 rounds only and too heavy. In addition a further range of normal-caliber assault rifle 5.56 x 45 mm NATO and berakurasi topnotch then encouraged to try to pair the target spy telescope on it and the result is positive. G - 3 capable of hitting targets with a landslide of steel plate at a distance of 750 meters.


[Image: sniper-canggih-unikboss-2.jpg]

PSG - 1 is the replacement G - 3. Applying semi-automatic rifle is a sniper rifle squad mainstay German Army Special Forces today. With a capital of 7.62 caliber bullet x 51 mm NATO rifle could reach targets at a distance of 850 meters without difficulty. Ability is obtained thanks to the heavy barrel that was applied to the barrel. Heavy Barrel system can increase accuracy because the vibration in the barrel can be minimized.

3.SVD Dragunov

[Image: sniper-canggih-unikboss-3.jpg]

A feared sniper rifle U.S. troops in Afghanistan because the Taliban are hiding every sniper in the mountains - mountains Afgan hold. Dragunov sniper rifle is based on a Russian-made AK - 47. Only relatively sophisticated hentakannya anchoring system so that recoilnya smooth. Dragunov ahead in the points range and accuracy. Pelurung can hit targets at a distance of 950 meters. This capability is clearly beyond the ability of western sniper rifles. Capability can be achieved thanks to a larger caliber, namely 7.292 x 79 mm Warsaw.

4.L - 96 A -1 / AWP

[Image: sniper-canggih-unikboss-4.jpg]

This rifle is a sniper rifle mainstay of the Royal Army (British Army). Guns that have a price for mercy includes best-in-class rifle bolt action. These rifles have the ability to use 2 caliber. First caliber 7.62 x 51 mm NATO and the caliber Lapua Magnum. To replace the caliber by simply replacing the barrel and then rifle chambernya course of action is a direct hit targets 1100 meters away with Lapua Magnum caliber.

5.Remington 700

[Image: sniper-canggih-unikboss-5.jpg]

This is one of the best sniper rifle in the world. Developed from the success of the Winchester 70, Remington 700 on select again later when the U.S. need a new sniper, M24 Remington 700 models developed since 1962, when U.S. Marines Winchester refused requests for a replacement barrel. Charlos Hatchock including the user model 700. The photo above is a Winchester 70.

Name: Remington 700
Caliber: 7.62 x 51 mm
System: Bolt Action
Weight: 4.08 kg empty without telescope
Length: 1.662 mm
Barrel: 660 mm
Users: Marines

6.Steyr scout

[Image: sniper-canggih-unikboss-6.jpg]

Caliber: 7.62 x51mm NATO (.308 Winchester) and .243
Operation: Bolt action, rotating bolt
Rifle length: 1140 mm
Barrel length: 650mm
Weight empty: 3.9 kg (4.6 pounds with a telescope)
Magasen: fill in 5 or 10 rounds.

Steyr SSG rifle duck (ScharfShutzenGewer 69) developed and manufactured by the manufacturer Steyr-Daimler-Puch, Austria (Steyr Not Manlincher). Technically, SSG-69 operating system with bolt action, rotating bolt (6 lug) with input magasen. Rifle named SSG 69 (SSG-P1 AKA) pisir originally equipped with metal, and the modified version is not equipped pisir. In America it was coded M24 rifle used by the shooter and duck from the U.S. Army (later rivaled by the Remington Model 700).

Steyr SSG rifle duck is now offered in four models of the military version; SSG-PI, SSG-PII,-PIIK SSG and SSG-PIV. SSG-PI was originally developed as a counter-shooter rifle duck, and comes with a synthetic stock. Has a 660mm long barrel fitted with metallic sights and a standard telescope sight of NATO.

SSG-PII as the police version of the duck tactical rifle has a barrel over 26 ", SSG-PIIK has a barrel length of 20" (508mm). SSG-PIV in Europe called SSG SD has a barrel over 16 "(406mm) with additional flash hider (silencer firelight while spewing bullets) and can be fitted with silencers. All versions are equipped SSG butt of polymer materials.

adapted from kumpul

Want external hard drive 500 GB Western Digital Free?

Legal solutions provider working with Western Digital storage media hold a quiz for readers loyal Okezone. There are 5 external hard disk My Passport 500 GB, for 5 lucky readers.

Terms and Conditions Quiz

1. Participants are required to become a member of Fans Page Western Digital Indonesia, which can be click on this link.
2. Competition is only valid for new fans Fans Page Western Digital Indonesia; Not applicable for old fans who have followed similar programs that exist in the media or other forums.
3. Participants are required to follow the official Twitter account Okezone in @ okezonenews.
4. Participants must answer questions about Okezone site, which will appear from time to time in the timeline @ okezonenews
5. Each answer must be included with hashtag # kuisWD and # Legal

Period and Announcement of Winners

Period will run from 19 April 2011 to 10 May 2011, which is divided into 3 periods winner.

Announcement of the winners were divided into 3 phases, consisting
Phase 1: April 26, (1 winner)
Phase 2: May 3 (2 winners)
Phase 3: May 10 (2 Winners)

Decision of judges consisting of editors Legal is the decision final and inviolable

Quiz is a contest that does not charge at all. Beware of scams in the name of Okezone and Western Digital.

So, are you waiting for!
(tyo) okezone

Bulldozer AMD FX-Series will be Released On June 7, 2011?

Release date AMD processor-based architecture Zambezi Bulldozer reportedly been the target of discussion and debate in recent months. And following that, recently has emerged a slide show presentation that has been shown that the FX-series CPUs made ​​by AMD was first to be launched on June 7, 2011.

This slide itself reportedly obtained from a presentation by Gigabyte party some time ago that revealed details of the motherboard AM3 + besutannya and was posted online by the official website of ATI-Forum.

At the bottom of the picture, there is a note stating AMD FX-Series will be launched on June 7, 2011 during the Computex exhibition. And it's certainly faster than the previous HardwareLuxx information through which mentions that the processor will be launched on June 11, 2011.
While this may seem like a regular confirmation about the release date Zambezi, there are some things that are considered wrong with the slide information, which is providing Computex exhibition will end on June 4, 2011, and the date of this means that three days before the release date specified in document. In addition, all documents created seemed impressed with a rush. There is a collection of pieces of different images and there are also pictures with low resolution logo Gigabyte to make everything look a little more formal.

The name Zambezi was actually a code name used by AMD for high-performance desktop processor model based on the Bulldozer architecture that will come. This processor reportedly will carry between four to eight processing cores and memory support up to 8MB of Level 3 cache.

Initially, AMD plans to release only four SKUs and will feature two versions of Core Turbo technology, dual-channel 1866MHz integrated memory controller, and a multiplier that is open, since its presence as part of the Black Edition. This processor is built using a 32nm manufacturing process and is compatible with all motherboards AM3 + and AM3.


Memory Corsair Vengeance Cerulean Blue New DDR3 RAM

Memory Corsair Vengeance Cerulean Blue New DDR3 RAM. Corsair announced availability of the latest DDR3 memory Vengeance 2011 blue version. Cerulean Blue Vengeance Corsair DDR3 RAM is optimized for overclocking and compatibility, at an attractive price point.
Corsair Cerulean Blue Vengeance DDR3 RAM
Cerulean Blue Vengeance Corsair DDR3 RAM

2011 latest DDR3 memory RAM has heat spreaders Cerulean Blue anodized with 2 new generation Intel Core motherboard from ASUS, MSI, and Gigabyte. Striking blue color is share with Corsair Gaming Series power supply, allowing users to maintain a consistent color scheme throughout their systems.
Corsair Vengeance DDR3 Memory 2011
Corsair Vengeance DDR3 Memory 2011

Cerulean Blue Corsair DDR3 memory available in models 4GB, 8GB and 16GB. Unfortunately, no info about the price of Cerulean Blue Vengeance Corsair DDR3 RAM at this time. By Gadget terbaru 2011.

MRAM: Latest Technology Computer Memory, 10 Times Faster than RAM

Computer speed is always coveted by anyone. Various research efforts and continue tobe done to improve the ability of a computer. Some time ago the world's fastest supercomputers have been present to help the American military to do the calculation. Nowturn to a technology in the field of computer memory.

Previously you would have heard the term RAM (Ramdom Access Memory) to refer tocomputer memory. Memory RAM has various types ranging from EDO RAM, DDR1,DDR2 and a few other types.
But it turns out the RAM yet been sufficient to satisfy the human need for speeddemands. Therefore, the German physicist and engineer developed a new type of memory.
Memory is given the name of Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory (MRAM), this memory is not only faster than the RAM but also more energy efficient. The presence ofMRAM will likely enhance the development of mobile computing and storage level byinverting the direction of north-south pole magnetic field.
IBM and several other development company plans to use MRAM, this MRAM will playthe electrons to change the magnetic poles. It is also known as spin-torque MRAM(rotary torque MRAM) technology is currently being developed by the German physicistand engineer.
By building small pillars 165 nano-meter size, will result in the upper layer of the magnetic variable will result in an electric current flows from the bottom up and will rotate the electron. This magnetic field will change and just need a little time to change thismagnetic field. Then north and south poles will switch.
If you are confused by the process above, ought not be ignored as well that's okay. Or if you want to read the English version here.
To be sure, the speed of MRAM reach 10 times the speed of RAM. This speed can stillcontinue to be developed in the future.