Application software

Application software is a subclass of computer software that uses computer skills directly and thoroughly to a task that the user wants to perform.
This should be compared with software systems that are involved in integrating a variety of computer capabilities, but typically do not directly apply them in the execution of tasks that benefit the user.
In this context the application refers to both software applications and implementation. A simple, if imperfect analogy in the world of hardware would be the relationship of an electric light bulb (an application) for electricity generation plants (the system).
The power plant produces only electricity, not itself of real use to be used for applications such as electric lights that do useful service for users. Typical examples of software applications word processing, spreadsheets and media players. Some applications are bundled together as a package are sometimes referred to as an application suite.
Some bundles together maybe a word processor, spreadsheet, and several other discrete applications.
Separate applications in a suite usually have a user interface that has some similarities making it easier for users to learn and use each application.
And often they may have some ability to interact with each other in ways beneficial to the user.
For example, spreadsheets may be embedded in a word processing document, despite being made in a separate spreadsheet application. User written software tailors systems to meet the specific needs of users.
User written software include spreadsheet templates, word processor macros, scientific simulations, graphics and animation scripts.
Even the kind of email filter software users.
Users create this software themselves and often overlook how important it is. In some types of embedded systems, software applications and operating system software can be divided into users, such as in the case of software used to control the VCR, DVD player or Microwave Oven.

What will come after the computer?

First we create the tools, then the wheels, engine, and now everyone uses and relies ona computer (whether desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet). What do you think willcome next? Will we continue to develop computers for the next several hundred years,or will something else better to go that make our lives easier?

we are already on the computer last. we have moved to an electronic world where, almost every item of mechanical equipment and by default have a computer in it.

The next generation of mechanical aids to telepathically connected to human cognition.Typing and talking too slow for the things we want to accomplish today. Also the devicedoes not, not even a pair of sunglasses on Daniel Suarez's Daemon and Freedom will be enough for Augmented Reality, we need a computer directly to the braintransmission in both directions.
We've been the last computer. We've moved to an electronic world where, almost everyitem of mechanical equipment and by default have a computer in it. The next generationof mechanical aids to telepathically connected to human cognition. Typing and talkingtoo slow for the things we want to accomplish today. Also the device does not, not evena pair of sunglasses on Daniel Suarez's Daemon and Freedom will be enough forAugmented Reality, we need a computer directly to the brain transmission in bothdirections. by "w3ace"

I think Terence McKenna answer this better than anyone so far ...
Here are a few paragraphs from one of his lectures is found here - You can also find audio lectures by searching for "Eros and the Eschaton"
"And what I have observed - and I think it is fair to give credit to the psychedelic experience to this - what I have observed the nature of which builds upon the previously established level of complexity This is a great general law of nature that you own. Senses will confirm to you, but never allowed into the canon of science What I mean by that is built based on the complexity of nature is as follows:. As the universe was born, in a state of dubious and controversial so-called Big Bang, it was initially just pure electron plasma. which The simplest that might be. There is no atoms, no molecules, no system is highly organized in any form exists. just pure plasma energy expansion. And as the universe cooled, the cooled enough, a new kind of phenomenon we say appears -.. , out of the situation As the universe cools, nuclei can be formed, and electrons can stay in orbit stable As the universe cooled further, the chemical bonds into the possibility of still later. hydrogen bonding, which is a weak bond, which is the basis of biology. So the age of the universe, it complexified. It is so obvious that it was never really challenged, but on the other side was never hugged as a general principle and reliable, either. Follow through with me. From the atomic system comes chemical systems. From the chemical system come covalent hydrogen bonds, carbon bond, which is a chemical compound or an organic prebiotic. Of the chemicals that come macrophysical system which we call the membrane, gel, complex transfer fee, something like this. This system is a prerequisite for life chemistry. Simple life, the life of prokaryotes, life naked DNA unnucleated marked primitive life on this planet. Of the life that comes eukaryotes, nucleated cells, and then colony cell complex. And then the specialization of cells, resulting in higher animals, leading to a social animal; toward the complex social system, which leads to technology, led to world-girdling culture of electronic-based information transfer-oriented as we are. (Someone said, "What's so progressive about the media is spreading darkness at the speed of light?". And the applause it can ... can.) Well, so This is very interesting: that it turns out, the way the universe works is the platform of the previous complexity is achieved - chemical, electrical, social, biological, anything. a new form of complexity can be built that cross ontological boundaries. In other words, what I mean with it is that biology is based on complex chemistry, but it's more complex than chemical. social system based on the organization of the living animal, and yet more than animal life. So this is a general law of the universe, ignored by science - that comes out of complexity comes greater complexity. We almost can say that the universe, nature, is a novelty-conserving engine or complexity-conserving. This makes the complexity, and sustain it. And use it as a basis for further complexity. "
Based on the train of thought, it is easy to see that we / humans (as the leading edge of biological / social evolution) will give birth to the next level of complexity (computer / network) that will give way to something more complex. I believe Twitter-like system is a crude precursor to the next level of interconnection / complexity.

by: "steepdecline"

Neural interfacing. The brain is the largest computer, and medical research has shown that by stimulating certain areas of the brain, patients will actually experience any of the sensory experience they will go through the normal senses.
Because the brain is the control center and shops as well as interpretation for all the sensory input through the senses, each and every feeling that we have in all the variations are many and experience, is the result of the brain.
Take for example odor, olfactory cells are the nerve cells involved with the sense of smell, and is located in the patch in nasal tissue that connect directly to the brain. When smell cells stimulate the olfactory nerve messages sent to a specific area of ​​the brain, the brain is stimulated and interoperates stimuli / messages as a specific odor with any degree abundant. During brain surgery on some patients later reported that they have a sense of smell of burnt toast and more. It is also common in some epilepsy and other brain seizures. Deep brain stimulation is the field of medical study that is promising in improving or repairing a brain function and disease problems.
In the future neural interface devices will be able to fix or help people with problems of brain function to normal or at least lead a better life.
Extension is that it can also lead to the discovery of how to actively enable the brain to interface with external devices and processes that will eventually replace the way computers and computational processes. Imagine a game where you actually have an immersion into the reality of the game and what happens in the game that happens in your brain and therefore the nervous system and senses.
Imagine this medical application.
Business and cognitive abilities and so on. source (s): ... ...

by: "island_druid"

In 2003, roboticist Rodney Brooks to give speech (see video link) about how robots will soon attack our lives. He made the interesting analogy between how the computer was originally intended for video games before they became what we see today and the same trend we see with the robot. Robots are now being sold as toys, simple design kit, and now we see them to be used in simple household chores. Next, we'll see them in every aspect of our lives.

Similar to how a computer to initiate a workers' revolution in a lot of jobs eliminated since they can be done by computer, we will see even more jobs eliminated by the robot. Handyman job will be a thing of the past. Robots will paint, do carpentry, building something (did they build things now), and will even cook. Finally, all the manual labor requirements will be satisfied by the robot.

Not too long after that, personal robots will begin to be bought by the family. This is a scene imagined in Isaac Asimov's "The Positronic Man" (which Hollywood turned into "The Bicentennial Man" in 1999) and by Asimov's Robot novels in all this.

Personal robots will be an extension of the computer. It will be able to do all the things a computer can do, except the only input that will be required is a verbal communication.Robots will be able to perform physical tasks, mixed with medium electronic calculations, to do something. Finally, the robot will find ways to make fun of art, music, and games.
People will initially be afraid of robots, even more than they fear computers. Several types of protocols, such as Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics will be constructed for each robot. Asimov's three laws are like:
1. The robot may not injure humans or, through inaction, allow humans to come into danger.
2. A robot must obey every command given to him by humans, unless the order would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Robots will eventually lead to economic crisis, because they will elminate so many jobs and professions. Humans, with even more free time, will not know what to do with themselves. A social crisis will result.
In the next few hundred years, unparalleled discovery and advances will be made by humans and robots working together. Robots will eventually begin to resemble humans.The relationship between humans and robots will form. Human population will eventually stop growing and can actually begin to shrink.
What happens after that will be up to science fiction writer ... source (s):

by: "justin_time"

The most absurd and without a doubt that will come after the computer is Artificial Intelligence. With continuous research in the neck break speed there is no doubt this discovery will soon follow and only time will tell.


"" It seems plausible that with technology we can, within fairly close, "said scifi legend Vernor Vinge," make (or become) creatures who surpass humans in every intellectual and creative dimension. The incident outside such events - like the singularity - are as unimaginable to us as opera is a flatworm. "

"The Singularity" is seen by some as the end point of our culture today, when ever-accelerating evolution of technology we finally catch up and change everything. Has been described as everything from the end of life all to the beginning of a utopian age, which may recognize as the endgames most other religious beliefs. "

-End quote-
source (s): ...

by: "

by: "edwardclint"

The answer given so far largely been for faster, smarter computers smaller. AI, Neural Interfacing, Robotics even just an extension of sophisticated computers. In my opinion, the computer was an invention like the wheel base. I think that we tend to be stuck on the computer for at least another hundred years, and because it is difficult to see what's next?
Why? Because whatever we think of as the next is all computer based. Ray Kurzweil says better than me, but basically the logical end to computing is having your body impregnated with millions of tiny computing engines that all talk to each interface, the other with the body and even talk to another machine in the body. We have a long way, a very long way, to go with the computer. One hundred years at least, if not two hundred.
Very cool, but your question is what comes next. What happens when a billion gigahertz computer with a thousand exabytes of memory comes embedded in your brain at birth, and we all think it's just about as boring as it rounded a roll on the ground?
I think what happened next is the mastery of space / time. With a fantastic, incredible computer assisted human intelligence (which like it or not, and will inevitably kill Artificial Intelligence), we will be able to cope with the subjects of previous generations never could find out. Wormholes, Time travel, FTL, even Re-arrange the stars and solar systems to suit our fancy - if that is possible we will know how to do it.
Whatever comes next, you can bet that it will be powered by a computer. Even more-so than the wheel, I think the computer (not a computer today but the computer from a hundred years from now) is perhaps our most important discoveries. But I think cavemen thought that the wheel well. source (s):

by: "dholowiski"

Komputers Present and Future

The development of today's computer so quickly and more easily used by many groups.After passing a series of long trips, in the present computer is more advanced than its predecessor. After the vacuum tube, and the discovery of the IC, so rapid development of computers. One obvious example that the development of computers so fast is a time when a leading company that Intel Corporation introduced the Intel processor pentium1 which was followed by pentium 2, pentium 3 and pentium 4. With the release of these processors can prove that indeed from time to time in the development of computers is very large. Pentium itself is the fifth-generation x86 architecture microprocessor made by Intel Corporation, whose designs created by Vinod Dham. Is the successor of the Pentium line of processors 486, and go on sale to the market first time on March 22, 1993. Real name (code) is a Pentium 80 586 or i586, to follow the naming of the previous generation.

Pentium is the first processor from Intel that use superscalar architecture, so even though the Pentium is a CISC processors are (Complex instruction set computing, or Complex Instruction Set Computer / computing complex set of instructions), can work like a Pentium processor RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing or the Simplified Instruction Set Computing), although at that time there has been no application capable mengutilisasinya.
Moreover, recently, Intel introduced the Intel dual-core processor, core2duo, and core2quad. This can attract people to switch to using computers in work, study, and others because everything can be easy.
Not only that act, but also Intel Apple and AMD is moving in hardware such as processors.

But now the computer has evolved, computers are no longer just a desktop but also has a notebook / laptops (portable computers) and PDAs (such as mobile phones).

Now, if we talk about the development of computer technology today, in this world there are some computers that not just any computer, but this is a super computer. Not everyone can have it because not only the cost to obtain it is very large but also because the super computer requires special care. There are some super computer in the world, namely in Japan, Germany, Britain, France, China, Korea, America, Columbia, etc. (to my knowledge:)).

IBM's super computer located in the U.S. in record-breaking claim as the world's fastest super computer. Super computers are made from components originally designed for video games. I was so fast, the computer is able to complete the 1026 quadrilion calculations per second. 1 quadrilion mean equal to 100,000,000,000,000 trillion and is above them.
Super computer has become the fastest after beating the previous record holder that is BlueGene / L owned Lawrenca Livermore Laboratory (in the U.S. as well). This new supercomputer named Roadrunner, once built with $ 133 million U.S. dollars, a super computer will be placed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and will be used to perform calculations and other military purposes.

So this Roadrunner extremnya speed, can be described as if the 6 billion people worldwide use the calculator out and do the calculations for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it will take 46 years to be able to perform an equivalent calculation can be done Roadrunner for 24 hours.

But now IBM has made a super new computer again. His name is Sequoia. This new supercomputer will have the ability to 20 petaflops per second. As an illustration, Roadrunner has a processing capacity of 1026 quadrilion flop persekon (approximately 1 Map Flop per second). Well, what about the Sequoia, of course, processing speed 20 times faster than on the road runner. Or if 6 billion people worldwide use the calculator out and do the calculations for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it will take 920 (46 × 20) years of age to perform an equivalent calculation can be done Sequoia for 24 hours.

In addition to doing calculations quickly, Sequoia also absorb tremendous energy that is equivalent to the energy needed to feed 200 million laptops.

Because the amount of energy absorbed, to the extent necessary to cool this Sequoia 96 Cooling Machine (like AC) sized to maintain a constant temperature optimum and super-sized computer requires 318 square-meter room as storage.

Super computers will be ready for launch (planned) in 2011 and will be submitted to the United States Department of Energy. Later the most powerful computer in the world (to date) will be used to simulate nuclear testing, to better predict weather or to oil exploration.

The race in the super computer technology will likely continue. After the runner's Road America to be the fastest in the World, now turn to Saudi Arabia that will build the fastest supercomputer in the Middle East. Super Computer is planned to be built on the cooperation of The King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST) and IBM. In the Middle East, this is a super computer will be the fastest, but the world will be ranked only sixth.

Well, now back to normal computer aja. Computers are often used by employees to work, students used computers to increase knowledge and do chores, and computers that use a lot of people to do many things:). Computers are widely used today is the kind of desktop and laptop / notebook.

Specifications on desktop computers today are very different from a desktop computer under the year 2000. Standard specification current computer is a computer with dual core processors such as dual-core, core 2 duo or core 2 quad speed clearly very different from old school computer (Ages first) when the year 1998 computer uses intel pentium 3 processor is great. So is the RAM (memory), are now using DDR2 clear this was better and faster than previous models such as DDR1, SDRAM, RDRAM, etc..Previously, using a VGA with 32 mb memory is already good but now it is not meet because the operating system and software currently does not support VGA with 32 mb memory except when still using the operating system and software that old. In terms of data transfer, this is now much easier because the computer currently supports data transfer using the USB (Universal Serial Bus).
USB is a serial bus standard for connecting devices, usually to a computer but is also used in other devices such as mobile phones and PDAs. USB is intended to eliminate the need for adding expansion cards into the PCI bus, and improve the ability of the plug-and-play by allowing the equipment added to the system without needing to reboot the computer. When installed on a USB device, he immediately recognized the computer system and processing the device drivers needed to run it.

USB can connect additional equipment such as computer mouse, keyboard, image scanner, digital cameras, printers, hard disk, and networking components. USB has become the standard for multimedia equipment such as image scanners and digital cameras. The latest version (through January 2005) USB is version 2.0. The most striking difference between new and old versions are a much improved transfer speeds.USB data transfer speed is divided into three, among others:
1. High speed data with clock frequency 480.00Mb / s data signaling and tolerance at ± 500ppm.
2. Full speed data with clock frequency 12.000Mb / s data signaling and tolerance at ± 0.25% or 2.500 ppm.
3. Low-speed data with clock frequency 1.50Mb / s and tolerance signaling data at ± 1.5% or 15.000 ppm.

But with each passing time and further development of technology, most people switch to using a laptop / notebook because it is more efficient. Especially with the proliferation of hotspots that allows laptop users to surf for free fun even though some are paid. This further proves the triumph of desktop personal computers (PCs) will soon be over. The signs would be the collapse of prestige products for this market control was seen at an international exhibition of electronic devices, held in Las Vegas earlier this year and various electronics exhibition in Indonesia. Mobility of people are now getting higher and they do not want constrained by their table again. On the other hand, the portable computer is called - has called the most rapid progress. Amazingly, these devices are also increasingly good at communicating, saving energy consumption, more beautiful shape, such as a desktop performance, longer battery life, and easily connected wirelessly anywhere and anytime.

Indeed, so rapid development of computers within a period of not so long since the invention of the IC. But today's computer technology could no longer use the cable? Very likely. For example, there are now a mouse and keyboard wareless sound / powered speakers that also can wirelessly connect to the computer. Even recently, ASUS a leading company located in Germany issued a wireless LCD monitor with a bunch of environmentally friendly energy consumption more efficient. Well, so it is not possible anymore if the cable will be abandoned and turned into wireless.

If it's wireless speak, is currently being warm the warmth of talks about a new product called the UMPC or Ultra Mobile PC.

That is a portable computer like a laptop but the difference lies in the screen that must be shifted before even opening it to let go. Intel was working furiously to develop devices that dream. Manufacturer of micro-processors from the United States had launched five sophisticated chip for laptops. One of them is known as Menlow. This processor will be the brains latest ultra mobile PC.

A number of corporations in other technology areas, such as Samsung, iRiver, Lenovo, LG, and Toshiba, also do not want to miss. Toshiba, for example, a portable computer showing a fairly thin-thick-notebook capable of running Windows Vista system.

There's more exciting in the world of technology, particularly the development of computers. Ever see the movie Iron Man? Well ... in the movie depicted by the stars when designing clothes robot using a computer. So is it real? The answer is, "definitely" will become a reality.

A little leak, now just a prototype computer Microsoft has made the future and is being perfected. This computer is called Microsoft Surface. In this technology, it is like we have a digital camera and a cell phone / mobile phone that already has the support wareless, well, after we photographed the object / person with a camera before, then we put the camera on a touch screen or a touchscreen that resembles a table. Once placed, then you will see images or objects that we face in the portrait before our screen without moving it. Then with this technology, the images can be enlarged, reduced, turned upside down by hand. And more exciting again. Put a cell phone was on the table. Drag the image monitored up to the phone. And immediately the image also has been moved to your memory card without us holding our mobile phone. Demonstration by Microsoft earlier this can also be viewed on Youtube site with url:


Not only that, Microsoft re-create a concept video that shows the role of technology in the world is starting 10 years from now that is precisely in the year 2019. Video titled "Microsoft's Future Vision Series: Microsoft's Vision 2019 Future Montage: Envisioning the Future HD"

This shows the world where the conversation between two people of different languages ​​can be very easy thanks to a wall that allows users to interact with anyone in the world regardless of language used. In this video also shows a world where software can make it easier to collaborate, share ideas and bring information to anywhere.

From this video, Microsoft seems to believe that the touch-screen technology will be the primary input device. The video also shows how news content in newspapers should be displayed.

When Microsoft envision the future, the results are never disappointing. That's because Microsoft has many talented employees and invest huge amounts of money. Here's a video that is shown by the Microsoft business division president Stephen Elop the Wharton Business Technology Conference,

So with this scene one actor in the movie "Iron Man" when designing a robot suit that could have been realized. And maybe that's the future of computers. Thus we can imagine the future world as it ....? But what about Indonesia? To be sure we and the generations peneruslah determinants.

Understanding Cloud Computing (part 2)

In the previous discussion, we have discussed enough detail about what is cloud computing. The discussion includes the definition, characteristics, until the excess cloudcomputing than traditional IT systems On-Premise (ie IT system built on self-owned datacenters).
To better understand cloud computing, this time we will discuss examples of CloudComputing and what kind of services there. From there, we will be able to decide which one may type on adoption in your organization or business in which we live.
A little refreshing memories, cloud computing is an IT architecture in which computing resources available as services that can be accessed via the Internet. Computing resources can be hardware (processor, memory, storage) and also software /applications. The word "Cloud" is itself a metaphor of the word "internet", becauseusually in the diagrams of IT, the Internet is often symbolized by the image Cloud.
Because the computing services are available to be accessed from the internet, then the physical location of the server-server computing resources it could be anywhere, not necessarily on-premise or in our own data centers. While there are several vendors whoprovide various types of cloud computing services and computing resources arephysically located in their data centers. We as customers consume enough computing resources via the Internet without knowing in detail the location and server computing resources that we use.
Here we will discuss one by one, the kind of Cloud Computing services that exist, as shown in Figure 1. We start from the so-called Software as a Service (SaaS) andPlatform as a Service (PaaS) and the last Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Software as a Service (SaaS)
As individual consumers, we are already familiar with cloud computing service through Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Google Search, Bing, or MSN Messenger. Another example of a fairly popular Google Docs or Microsoft Office Web Applications that are Internet-based document processing application.
In the world of business, we may be familiar with or Microsoft CRM is CRM application services. Here, companies do not need to setup the hardware and software CRM on your own server. Simply subscribe to or Microsoft CRM, we can use CRM applications anytime and from anywhere via the Internet. We do not need to invest in servers and applications. We also will always have the latest applications if there is an upgrade. In essence, we really only use these applications.Payments are usually made monthly, and according to the number of users of the application. In other words, pay as you go, pay per use, per seat.
Well, all these services, in which a software application is available and can be directly used by a user, including into the category of Software as a Service (SaaS). Simply put, we directly consume application services offered.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)
It often happens, an application software package that are unable to meet the needs of our business processes. Similarly, with SaaS, where the application is offered as a service does not match our business processes. Well, in this scenario, we can use this type of service called Platform as a Service (PaaS).
In PaaS, we create your own software applications that we want, including the required database schema. The scheme was then we put (deployed) on the servers owned by Jada PaaS providers. PaaS service provider itself to provide services such as platforms, from managing their servers are virtualized so that has become a cluster to provide the operating system on it. As a result, we as users only need to install an application that we make on it.
If we are the company's software makers, PaaS also provide another alternative.Instead of installing software on customer servers, we can install the software on a server owned by PaaS providers, and then sell it to consumers in the form of subscriptions. In other words, we create a SaaS.
In short, with PaaS, we build our own applications on top of the PaaS service. The example of PaaS providers vendor is Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
There are cases when the configuration provided by the PaaS provider does not comply with our wishes. We intend to use applications that require server configuration that is unique and can not be met by PaaS providers. For purposes like this, we can use cloudcomputing service type Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
In IaaS, service providers only provide computing resources such as processors, memory, and storage that is virtualized. However, service providers do not install the operating system and applications on it. Selection of the OS, applications, and other configurations are entirely in our control.
So, IaaS services can be seen as the process of migrating our servers from on-premiseto the data center millik this IaaS provider. The local cloud computing vendors averageIaaS model provides this, in the form of Virtual Private Server.

SaaS, PaaS & IaaS: Full and Responsibilities
Differences SaaS, PaaS and IaaS can be viewed from the side control or responsibilityundertaken by the vendor or service provider cloud customers. In figure 2, there is described stack (level) of networking computing technologies to increase by theApplication. There was also explained to the stack where a cloud service vendors to provide services, and start from levels where consumers begin to take control and take full responsibility on the stack above it.
Starting from the right, on SaaS, the entire stack is the responsibility of the service provider cloud. Consumers really only consume the application provided.
In PaaS, cloud service providers responsible for managing the Networking untilRuntime. Consumers have control and responsibility to make the application and its database schema.
In IaaS, Cloud service provider is responsible for Networking through Virtualization.Consumers have started to be responsible for Operating System and above.
For comparison, also shown in the image of traditional on-premise architecture (not acloud), aka all there in our data center. Here we are responsible for the entire stack,from networking to the Application.

In conclusion, with cloud computing consumers free themselves from the responsibilityto manage the stack computing resources.
Levels ranging from SaaS when we are truly free, PaaS when we still have to makeapplication, and IaaS where we also still be busy with the Operating System.
This differs with On-Premise where we have to take care of all their own.

(Norman Sasono *- Contributors)
The writer is vice president of the International Association of Software Architects(IASA) Indonesia Chapter. Currently working as an Architect Advisor at MicrosoftIndonesia.

Understanding Cloud Computing (Part 1)

Lately, cloud computing is a topic that has always been the talk of the world of Information Technology (IT).
Almost every day there's always news about cloud computing, both technologically and from a business aspect.
What exactly is Cloud Computing? Is it just mere "hype", or indeed something tangible?And what is the impact for all of us?

Cloud Computing Definition
When we talk about Cloud Computing, in fact are we talking about the same thing?
Many groups provide a definition of cloud computing with differences here and there.
Wikipedia defines cloud computing as "Internet-based computing, when many servers are used together to provide resources, software and data on computers or other devices when needed, just like the electricity grid."
Gartner defines it as "a way of computing as easy IT-based services developed and supple provided as a service to customers using Internet technologies."
Forester defines it as "standard of IT skills, such as software, application platform, or infrastructure, which is provided using Internet technology in a way self-service and pay-per-use."
Simply put, Cloud Computing can we imagine such a power grid. If we need the electricity, whether we should have its own power plant? Of course not. We live contact your service provider (in this case, PLN), plug in our homes with electricity, and we are now enjoying the service. We do a monthly payment based on usage.
If electricity could be like that, why can not computing services? For example, if a company requires application of CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Why do these companies have to buy a CRM application, buying server hardware, and then must have a dedicated IT team to keep the servers and applications?
This is where cloud computing play. Cloud computing service providers like Microsoft, has provided CRM application that can be used directly by the company earlier. They live contact your service provider (in this case, Microsoft), "connecting" with the service company (in this case, via the Internet), and live to use it. Payment? Simply get paid per month (or per year, depending on contract) according to usage. No more investment in the beginning to be done.
In order to more easily imagine, please refer to the illustration in Figure 1.

Characteristics of Cloud Computing
With the rise of talk about cloud computing, more and more companies are announcing that they provide cloud computing services.
It would be very confusing for our users to ensure that the service will we get is a cloud computing or not.
For simplicity's sake, of all the existing definition, can diintisarikan ideal that cloud computing is a service that has the following five characteristics.
1. On-Demand Self-Services
A cloud computing services must be utilized by the user through supermarkets and direct mechanisms available when needed. Intervention service providers is very minimal. So, if we now need a CRM application services (as per the example at the beginning), then we should be able to register for self-service and direct service is available immediately.
2. Broad Network Access
A cloud computing services must be accessible from anywhere, anytime, by any means, provided we connect to the network service. In the example above service CRM applications, as long as we connect to the Internet, I should be able to access those services, be it through a laptop, desktop, internet cafe, mobile phones, tablets, and other devices.
3. Resource Pooling
A cloud computing services should be available centrally and can share resources efficiently. Since cloud computing is shared by many customers, service providers must be able to efficiently share the load, so the system can be utilized optimally.
4. Rapid elasticity
A cloud computing services must be able to raise (or lower) capacity as required. For example, if employees in the office increases, then we should be able to add users to the CRM applications with ease. Likewise, if the employee is reduced. Or, if we put a news website in the network cloud computing, then the case for increasing the traffic because there is important news, then the capacity must be increased quickly.
5. Measured Service
A cloud computing services must be provided in a measurable, because it will be used in the payment process. Please remember that cloud computing services are paid according to usage, so it must be measured properly.

Excess Cloud Computing
Of all the explanations above, what exactly are the advantages of cloud computing, especially for the business world? Here are some of them.
Without Initial Investment
With cloud computing, we can use a service without a significant investment in the beginning.
This is very important for business, especially business beginners (the startup). Maybe in the beginning of the business, we just need a CRM service for 2 users. Then increased to 10 users.
Without the cloud computing model, then from the beginning we've had to buy hardware that is sufficient for many years to come. With cloud computing, we just pay according to what we need.
Changing CAPEX into OPEX
Just as the excess of the first, the second excess still over money.
Without cloud computing, hardware and software investment must be made at the beginning, so we have to make capital expenditures (Capital Expenditure, or CAPEX).Meanwhile, with cloud computing, we can make operational expenditure (Operational Expenditure, or OPEX).
So, exactly the same as the cost of other utilities such as electricity or telephone when we need to pay monthly according to usage. This will really help the company financially.

Developed flexible and Easy
By leveraging the Cloud Computing, we can take advantage of business IT needs.Consider Figure 2 below to see some scenarios business needs.
Use of IT in business is usually not flat course.
In the scenario of "predictable bursting", there is a period in which the use of IT to increase sharply. Simple example is the application Human Resource (HR) that at the end of the month is increasing its use for managing employees' salaries.
For scenario "Growing Fast", the business has grown substantially so that the IT capacity must also be followed.
Example scenario "Unpredictable bursting" is when a website gets visitors who surged news because there is interesting news.
Scenario "On and Off" is the use of IT that are not sustainable. For example, a tax reporting service, which is only used at certain times each year.

Without a cloud computing service, the four scenarios will require IT planning that is very inefficient, since IT investments must be made according to the highest capacity, although it may only occur at certain moments. This is done to prevent service failure occurs when the "peak time" is.
With cloud computing, because it is flexible and easy to develop (elastic and scalable), so capacity can be increased in times of need, with the use of appropriate usage fee.
Focus on Business, not IT
Using Cloud Computing, we can focus on the company's main business, and not involved in the management of IT. This can be done because IT management by service providers, and not by our own. For example, patching, security updates, hardware upgrades, software upgrades, maintenance, and others.
If we have a team of IT, then the team can focus on IT services specific to our business, while the general things are handled by the service provider.
Cloud computing is already present today, including in Indonesia. Thus, cloud computing is not a hype, but has become a reality in the IT world.
Not that we all have to switch the current directly as well: in fact, cloud computing is not for everyone. There is still the type of services that had to be done through on-premise, although there are also services that become very efficient if done with cloud computing.Several types of services can even be done simultaneously (hybrid) by combining these two types of implementation.
Therefore, look for providers who can provide the right advice and best for your needs.The success of the use of cloud computing will be largely determined by the ability of service providers in providing appropriate services and the best for the customer.

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(Norman Sasono *- Contributors)
The writer is vice president of the International Association of Software Architects(IASA) IndonesiaChapter. Currently working as an Architect Advisor at MicrosoftIndonesia.

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