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Showing posts with label Robotic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robotic. Show all posts

5 advanced robots this year (Humanoid)

hello all, this time I will post about technology today is very much in use by humans, especially in factories or large industrial, yes of course I mean the robot, the robot now has been very helpful man in many respects, well just go ahead , and which we will discuss this time of humanoid robot.
humnoid robot is one branch of the robot focuses its innovation on the shape and movements that resemble the original form of living being made ​​in the object of innovation.

development of robots that are increasingly sophisticated, increasingly make robots more like humans and animals.

here are some robots that are almost like the original object ..

1.Robot humanoid Jepang tipeHRP-4C

This robot is a humanoid robot designed "Beautiful" to the size of the robots you know. If the only glimpse you definitely will not be convinced by the subtle movement of human-like movements. This humanoid robot after going through several improvements from the previous one only able to move the upper body, and it was a little stiff. Now after some time improving the robot is able to dance, holding the microphone, adjust the movement of people (already programmed).

Engineers at the laboratory at Humboldt University, Berlin, creating a humanoid that can create their own language.

Produced by the design firm Frackenpohl Poulhelm and plastics company Bayer MaterialScience.

Myon is part of a project called Artifical Language Evoluton on Autonomous Robots (ALEAR).

The project is intended to make robots capable of managing independently rich conceptual framework so as to produce a communication system similar to human language. Myon designed with a high as a four-year old child weighing 15 kg. He also has 200 sensors and touch-screen panel that is embedded in the leather and reinforced by a polycarbonate.

Myon, Humanoid robot created by the Engineers at the laboratory at Humboldt University, Berlin.

neo, the soccer player

Good news for lovers of robotics. Aldebaran Nao humanoid robot made​​, France, will be open source projects. Source code for programming the robot in the near future may be freely accessible to everyone and modified as desired.


lovers of robots must be familiar with the hobby's lively play this ball, is known as a model of humanoid robots is quite comprehensive. Since Sony's Aibo robot dog to stop the project some time ago, the robotics community to choose a model Nao. For example in the activities of a robot soccer competition RoboCup Soccer is held regularly.

"With experience developing embedded systems for five years, we want to share middleware, core communication library, pengembangkan lintasplatform tools, and modules we made ​​essential to the researchers, developers, and new projects in dunai humanoid robot," said Bruno Maissonier , founder and CEO of Aldebaran in a press release reported by the site Spectrum, IEEE, lalu.Di Indonesia last week, the distribution of the robot Nao conducted via the World robotic Explorer in Menara Thamrin. That said, one robot priced around USD 300 juta.ada interested for a football team?

4. coquettish,HRP-4C

"Hello everyone, my cybernetic human HRP-4C," says fashionista futuristic, open its media debut at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology outside Tokyo. They will likely be the last words he heard before he was the inventor of choking the life from them. The face robot mode is a feature designed to suit the popular anime characters, such as a small nose and eyes dilate, he gave the manga-inspired face to go with his metallic body.

Standing at 158 cm tall and weighing in at 43 kilograms, the robot motion model using 42 on-board monitors to emulate the movement of real life fashion model, such as bending while vomiting out their lunch. While on the screen to the camera for his debut, HRP-4C able to flash a bright smile, strike poses and even her lips pouted. There is one mistake But what happens when a sound sensor HRP-4C's confession raised voice too much conflict during the demonstrations, led him to mix the facial expressions. Hey, at least he did not pull out the 9mm and started to ask for the location of one of John Conner.

So what's next? Well, the designers plan to showcase their robots on a fashion show in Tokyo on 23, and from there, who knows, but our expectation is that one lab technician will boning it on weekends. With a price tag of $ 3 million, just consider the most expensive escort, you will never pay.

5. robot maid

You are married and have a maid was certainly a hope to get a faithful housekeeper, not easily tired and under. There is an answer for this one needs is a ROBOT.
There's a new robot is sophisticated enough so that it can do some things that used to do domestic servants. Usually only berfungsu for a robot of sorts, but this time the robot is more sophisticated because one can wash glasses, dishes and cleaning floors with a vacuum cleaner.

This robot can learn to wash all kinds of household furniture, whether pot, cups, or dishes, because researchers at Tokyo University have devised a simulation video games and human motion capture for this robot. This robot also has been equipped with sensors to recognize its environment so it can move freely and do not miss waterproof gloves so that the robot is not broke hit the water only; D

Let's see the action the robot is in the following images:

adapted from kumpul berita

Robot sex in the future hotel

hello all, tonight I will post a strange thing after the previous robot girl with whom to date, is now again present a robot that can accompany your evening, of course, a robot boy who will accompany your dating event, well we just rushed,
What would a honeymoon without your spouse be like? Well, in the first place, it wouldn’t be a honeymoon anymore, given that your spouse’s absence beats the purpose completely. Up ahead, designers are busy envisioning hotels that enable virtual love-making, an idea that sounds completely creepy and weird to us. Using high-tech equipment, including skin electronics (electronic sex toys by the sound of it) and virtual lenses that project your partners image in real-time, this one could help you have a jolly-good time in your hotel room, alone! Well, we still prefer the good old way’s of going about honeymooning. We’d best stay away from these technologically-supported techniques of making love.

hopefully the image above into your inspiration and one day you have it and you could be a date in your spare time.
source : design

see more : Robot seks in China

Robot Seks in China

hello all, after my earlier post about robots in the hotels of the future, now I will post again about sex robot that recently appeared in china
A company in China launched a new sex robot. The surplus, a beautiful robot is claimed to be able to communicate and identify its owner.

Sex Love is who created the robot. With the ideal posture as high as 165.1 inches, the manufacturers apply a soft synthetic leather and muscles of the silicone gel is a metal frame strung with modern tech.

Love Sex manager, Li Jian
, said the robot costing £ 3,000 or about Rp41, 9 million were targeted high-paid executive men are too busy to have a real partner.

When deciding to buy, customers can select a face and figure robot cult. Robot selection will then be programmed to recognize its owner's face. Programmed at the same time determines the choice of language to converse with the owners.

Li Jian said the robot was equipped with a remote control for controlling the movement of long distance. By pressing one button on the remote, the robot can change its position, even thrilling one part of his body.

Menamcing curious claims its sophistication, this sex doll managed to create a crowd when attending an exhibition in Sex Culture Exhibition in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.

Sex robot offers an alternative for fans of puppet sex. The manufacturers claim, robot sex is more impressed than the realistic sex doll that has been widely circulated.

Robot sex free first went on sale in America in early 2010 ago. TrueCompanion, the manufacturer of the product menklaim which they named 'Roxxxy' as the world's first robot sex. Doll robot is designed specifically as a date.

The robot is equipped with artificial intelligence program to study things like preferred and non-users.

"He will be able to talk, listen, follow conversations, and feel the touch at once become your real friends," according to TrueCompanion statement on their website. "He can have an orgasm when you touch it."
sources : Viva
see more :

Robot sex in the future hotel

Ironi Suporter Amikom di Kontes Robot Nasional

Suporter Amikom di Kontes Robot Nasional ,sabtu 11 juni 2011
Sageru News(11/6)-Awalnya kami bangga dengan prestasi Tim Robotic Amikom Yogyakarta, kami belabelain mengorbankan waktu kuliah demi menjadi Suporter Tim Robotic Amikom pada Kontes Robotic Nasional di Graha Shaba Universitas Gajah Mada.
Kami diminta hadir jam 08.00 wib di Graha, sampai disana kita tidak menemukan seorangpun koordinator supporter dari kampus tercinta Amikom.
Satu jam kemudian setelah di telpon akhirnya kita ketemu dengan koordinator tim suporter Amikom ,yakni Rheza Aqmal, namun koordinator juga datang dengan tangan hampa,tanpa tiket dan tak ada hasil, semua hanya menambah ketidak pastian , sang koordinator seperti orang kebingungan menghubungi dosen-dosen yang ikut mengurusi Kontes Robot Nasional Ini .
Beberapa jam setelah lama menunggu akhirnya Pak Ferry yang jadi pembimbing Tim Robotic Amikom datang , namun apa??? Sama saja!!! , apa yang bias Pak ferry lakukan Orang dia Cuma pembimbing toh.
Kita semua Tim supporter Robotic Amikom kumpul bersama lagi , menunggu ketidak pastian, bosan….bosan menunggu ,akhirnya yang ditunggu-tunggu sudah datang yakni Ibu Yatmi bagian keuangan STMIK AMIKOM yang katanya mengurusi Tiket masuk Para suporter Tim Robotic Amikom..
Akhirnya kita lega, melihat ibu yatmi turun dari sebuah mobil yang sangat mewah…(menurut saya sih), ..wah….wah…wah…… apa kita bias masuk??? Eh ternyata sama saja..
Bu Yatmi malah nyuruh pak Ferry hubungi teman-temannya yang di UGM supaya kita bias masuk (emang bisa andalin modal pertemanan ya!!!) , mentang-mentang pak Ferry Alumni UGM, jadi bisa dimanfaatkan maksudnya??? Ohhh emang siapa???? Panitia????
Lama sudah Kontes dimulai, kemudian Terdengar teriakan dari dalam yaitu yel-yel dari supporter-suporter Tim Robotic , teriakan sangat terdengar lantang dari supporter Tim Robotic dari kampus-kampus lain dari seluruh Indonesia yang ikutan Kontes Robotic Indonesia Ini..
Saat Suporter Tim Robotic Amikom dipersilahkan memberikan dukungan atau yel-yel apa yang terdengar, teriakan??? Atau apa???? Semua hening, tidak ada suara sama sekali , teriakan hanya terdengar diluar saja yakni suara kita Tim supporter Robotic Amikom,… akh sangat Mengerikan..
Dan setelah Amikom selesai pamer kebolehan dari Robotnya, akhirnya kepastian-pun datang kepastian yang sesungguhnya , kepastian yang valid , kita tidak diperbolehkan masuk , karna tiket tidak ada, eh malah kita disuruh Nonton diluar di satu TV, ukuran 20 inch yang disaksikan Ratusan bahkan Ribuan Orang di depan Pintu masuk, eh kalo tahu begini mending kita tadi nonton di TV ONE,TVRI, toh disiarin kok tadi..
Nasibbbb……nasib…. Duduk……duduk… kata satpam, kita seperti nonton layar tancap yang diatur oleh satpam…hahahahah, oww iya satu hal tadi yang menggelitik hati saya ,disamping para Tim Suporter yang duduk menonton seperti anak kecil, saya melihat anak Amikom yang mengenakan kostum berbentuk Kotak yang di balut di badannya,.. yang bertugas sebagai penjamu tamu.. tapi kok aneh ya ,kok dia mau berpenampilan seperti itu,,.. pokonya gak bangatlah, memalukan, tragis dan kasihan… di bayar berapa sih???
Jam 12 sudah, kita duduk duduk tanpa arah..
Pak idris yang akhirnya datang sebagai Undangan dari Kontes ini melihat kita semua pada terlantar ,akhirnya juga tidak ikut masuk karna melihat anak-anaknya disini tidak bisa masuk ke Arena Kontes..
Hmmm….. Lapar..

Makanan diturunkan, segudang makanan dan minuman …. Kita supporter Robotic atau Suporter supporter makanan dan minuman kah???????
Penat sudah , bosan sudah berbincang-bincang dengan pak idris , akhirnya para supporter mau Balik, toh gak ada gunanya disini, kita hanya bagaikan sampah atau lebih tepatnya kaum Minoritas .. tuan rumah yang tinggal di Yogyakarta yang tidak bisa nonton kontes, eh malah dari kota lain bisa dapat, hal kecil yang disepelekan yang dilakukan oleh SIAPA….
Terakhir kita diajak Pak Idris berfoto bersama di Bawah Spanduk Kontes Robotic Nasional
sebagai bukti kalo kita ada untuk support dan.....ya itulah
sebelum kita bubar dan balik pak idris memberikan dua buah undangan untuk yang mau masuk , undangan sebenarnya diperuntukkan untuk mereka para petinggi di STMIK AMIKOM, agar kita bisa masuk, tapi hanya dua orang saja dan syaratnya kita harus ganti-ganti masuk….ehhh sama aja pak gak ada guna ,klo gak Ramai itu gak enak, tapi itu merupakan sikap diplomatis yang saya sukai dari Pak Idris..saya bangga dengan pemimpin seperti itu , walaupun gak jadi masuk kedalam Arena Kontes.
Entah siapa yang ingin disalahkan???
Apa UGM yang berperan sebagai Penyelenggara atau Tuan Rumah dari Kontes Robotic Indonesia atau Koordinator Suporter dari AMIKOM…

Pak idris hanya bisa bilang…
Buruknya Management Disini…

Entah Management Siapa.. !!!!!!
Intinya hanya satu ini Tidak terulang lagi tahun depan… Thanks .
Salam Sageru

Kontes Robotic Nasional, kontes Robot Nasional, Nasional Kontes Robotic, kontes robotic di UGM,kontes Robotic Amikom, Amikom,STMIK AMIKOM,STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta

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